Now is your Chanse(y)! WiFI Tournament Series 2 Sign Ups!

Sign me up, finally a tournament. I am fine with the battle for pokes thing. Reminds me of yugioh.
I think it shoud be something from the thread, or at least better. We could rate the pokes by how pefect it is. like a 31/25/31/x/25/31 poke would rate a 28.6. Maybe the prize should be high then 23.5 (random number)
@ DBR - I'm talking to pablo as we speak ass face so me > you lawl

I might give a prize, would a 1 point from flawless special horsea appeal to anyone?
I will sign up, but since my situation I'll not be sure to be ready for the deadline.
BTW, once again, I'll offer a prize :] for the winner
(but pablo, did I send the pkm to the last winner? I can't remenber xD)
justenough215 - Nah, I'm hoping the people in WiFi are a decent bunch and will give out decent stuff if this gets implemented, but again it wont be required to give out a flawless pokemon.

Mr GoodBar - I'm sure it would :D

TheSpinner - Thanks for editting and yeah you can change your team.

TheForgottenSoul - There is no limit to how many people can play in this :D.

negator - I wouldn't want to sign you up if you're unsure if you'll be able to complete matches. You have until Friday to decide. Thanks for fofering a prize again, and no you didn't give it last time, because the tournament wasn't completed. Bentendo1 and someone else I forgot never got their match completed, and SWChill was left hanging, waiting for a final opponents, so I consider him the winner. If you want to award the Salamence to him I'm sure he'd appreciatte it, but I wont force you since he's the 'technical' winner, not the true one, but he definately deserves it. And I can't sign you up until you give your opinion.

EVERYONE: I will edit the entrants lsit until tomorrow morning, cause I'm lazy and sleepy.
Betendo1 - Any complaining will lead to a direct DQ, and I will make sure everyone knows this by the first Round. And no I have no problem in you joining, I simply expect you to make an extra effort to complete your matches.
Ok, sounds good. Thanks. :D
I love you so much! :D
I'd like to join.

I don't like the idea of giving one of my Pokemon to someone who just lost to me (seems like it should be the other way around, though I'm not requesting that). If people aren't competent enough to get their matches done (without a good reason), they should simply be removed, and put on some sort of a tournament blacklist. If two people who were supposed to play each other don't contact each other, they should both be removed, no coin tossing necessary (though I'm not sure how that would work for a tournament setup). I just see it causing too many problems. While it will do something to incite people to complete their battles, there will be complaints about the Pokemon someone gets, disagreements among people about whether or not this should be done/if the person is just "sandbagging", etc.. It just replaces one problem with 10.
I wish i could join but i dunno how my wifi situation is going to be for ahile..-_-

Also, i couldnt find the topic for the 1st one, who ended up winning?

and Pablo, did you ever make a warstory of our battle?
I love you so much! :D
I'd like to join.

I don't like the idea of giving one of my Pokemon to someone who just lost to me (seems like it should be the other way around, though I'm not requesting that). If people aren't competent enough to get their matches done (without a good reason), they should simply be removed, and put on some sort of a tournament blacklist. If two people who were supposed to play each other don't contact each other, they should both be removed, no coin tossing necessary (though I'm not sure how that would work for a tournament setup). I just see it causing too many problems. While it will do something to incite people to complete their battles, there will be complaints about the Pokemon someone gets, disagreements among people about whether or not this should be done/if the person is just "sandbagging", etc.. It just replaces one problem with 10.
oh i must have mis-read that part of the consolation prizes. i agree with kamikaen i think the winner should be awarded something not the loser. it seems more fitting.
kami - I can definately see where you're coming from, which is why the loser doesn't get to choose.

You should see my profile and search for my previously open threads, and see the tourney threads. It really deteriorated so much, and every Round it got worse, to the point where the tournament didn't even get completed. And like I told guraboy (dunno if you read the previous posts of this thread), it's really hard to determine who was te more active.

Vivi - See my profile and the Threads I have started. It never got completed, up the Semi Finals. SWChill never got an opponent for the final, so he was the winner.

guraboy - Yeah, it seems more fitting to give a prize to the winner. But I think it encourages people who aren't doing so well alot more to keep playing and completing their matches becaus eof the possibility of either: doing well in the tournament or getting some decent Pokes.
oh, maybe thats why i couldnt find it when i searched 'Starl-y + final round'.

i just noticed your birthday is 5 days after mine =)
love the gift idea. and i so want in. i have learned so much since last time...I promise to win at least one battle this time or everyone gets combee. and if you want combee as a prize for a random drawing again im up for it.
Vivi - Cool :D. I love meeting people whose birthday is in May, but I've never met anyone with a birthday on the same day as mine.

bobdigsea - Yes to everything :D. Glad you're joining in and yeah, I hope you do alot better this time around :D.
At least now that this tournament is over the summer I'll have a much easier time getting my battles done than I did in the spring. Now I have all week, every week.

That reminds me, I'd better go find some new pokemon to use. My play style has changed drastically from a couple months ago, and what worked then doesn't work all that well now.
so just checking we can use more than just ou? and no item clause? cause i will be having so much bl fun if thats the case...sheddy sweeping ftw
sixonesix - Yeah I'm hoping the Summer will make things easier on all of us, and GL coming up with your team.

bobdigsea - The only rule is No Ubers, which means anything OU and below is welcome ;).
my first girl friends was the day after, my G-Pas is the day after hers..but no one is on mine either.

Also, If you dont mind id like to offer up a prize to the first place winner for any Pokemon they want from my thread, and a prize to whoever gets last place overall, to get whatever my worst Pokemon is (EV Wise, which is still trip flawless probally). That ok?


/me huggles
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
sixonesix - Yeah I'm hoping the Summer will make things easier on all of us, and GL coming up with your team.

bobdigsea - The only rule is No Ubers, which means anything OU and below is welcome ;).
Does that include Deoxys-S? Also, so you think you will need any help with anything?
kami - I can definately see where you're coming from, which is why the loser doesn't get to choose.

You should see my profile and search for my previously open threads, and see the tourney threads. It really deteriorated so much, and every Round it got worse, to the point where the tournament didn't even get completed. And like I told guraboy (dunno if you read the previous posts of this thread), it's really hard to determine who was te more active.
I understand that running a tournament is tough, I don't mean to put any pressure on you at all. Good luck with the rest!

Also, I love the Pokemon puns. :3
Vivi - I'd rather t went the other way, or rather have definite prizes as I'd hate to have Trophy Case conflicts and what not.

Ditto - Deoxys-S is allowed, and that is also mentioned in the first post. I could certainly use help in determining incomplete matches, as I certainly won't be giving time extensions this time around.

bobdigsea - All the rules are listed in the first post, if it's not there (like Item Clause) means it is permitted. There is no Item Clause this time around.

kami - Thanks :D. I'm hoping this time around it'll be easier. I'm hoping it was more the timing of the tournament than anything, that the matches weren't getting done. And thanks, I try with the puns lol.

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