Now is your Chanse(y)! WiFI Tournament Series 2 Sign Ups!

I'd like to be in if possible. As for the proposal, I believe it's a neat idea. It gives an incentive to both parties to give their best and it maybe will help on building ties with other community members. However, I feel that it should be entirely optional to give something to the person you defeated: I'd love to give something I bred to a worthy opponent which whom I just had an intense and excellent match, as a kind of "thank you for the great game"; but I would feel hesitant to do so with someone who I just 6-0'd in 5 minutes. But overall, I like it.
I'm in ;)

Although It would make more sense to award the winner with a pokemon than the loser getting one. Makes me wish I'd of kept more spitbacks on more of my stuff =/.
Well that's definately the mentality I don't want for this. The point is to keep encouraging matches to be played. Winner is encouraged since they can do well and get Top Cut/bragging/prizes. Loser gets a Pokemon to make up a little in case they miss that. Person who goes 0-5 or 0-6 will still come out happy since they recieved 5 or 6 Pokes.

I also doubt this will hurt your business if that is what you're worried about. You Scruffy, would be able to give out something like your Jolly Chomp, loser won't be ale to complain and he will most likely alredy have the better redis one available. It's not that big a deal I don't think, and please don't take this the wrong way, it's just a simple discussion and the Pokes thingie is not final yet. Signing you up.

Mr. Happy - Well if it were optional, that would kind of defeat its purpose to act as an incentive for the people who lost to continue, and its specially significant for people who get 6-0'd. They'll be even more thankful (I hope) to recieve something after an embarrasment like that.
i'm down ^^ providing there's a spot.

And i like the loser-prize idea, it promotes a less competitive, more relaxed atmosphere and yet still doesnt compromise the competition's credibility.
"EDIT: The awarded Pokemon will HAVE to be in the winners current trade thread, and ANY complaining at all (including sarcastic remarks and what not) about the Pokemon you recieve WILL lead to an automatic DQ."

I'm a little confused on this. It says if the receiver of the pokemon complains in anyway, shape, or form, he/she gets DQ'd. but isn't the receiver the loser? Losers are already out of the tournament, so a DQ cant hurt them
I'll enter, assuming any spots are left.

Awarding the loser a prize doesn't seem like a bad idea, at least that way, everyone leaves this tournament happily. :]
This is not a single elimination tournament, it is run 'Swiss' style, so you're only out until the Top Cut is announced, although you don't have a chance to Top Cut with more than 2 losses, you still get to play for as many Rounds as there are, which will probably be 5 or 6 for this tournament, depending on attendance.
This is not a single elimination tournament, it is run 'Swiss' style, so you're only out until the Top Cut is announced, although you don't have a chance to Top Cut with more than 2 losses, you still get to play for as many Rounds as there are, which will probably be 5 or 6 for this tournament, depending on attendance.
oh I see. well in that case, I had better get ready :O

so judging by that statement, it seems that the top cut is announced after all teh rounds have been played. Is that correct?
Ok, I don't know if this is making me unable to join the tournament, but I don't really like the idea too much, because it is somewhat taking away the competitiveness and making it what adults try to do with kid's sports and saying "everyone is a winner." Maybe that just irritated me a ton when I was younger, but that is how I see it. However, I can see it helping if battles weren't being completed due to laziness/fear of losing, but I would guess that they didn't occur because of time issues, rather than that.

Despite this, I am completely fine in participating in this if the majority likes the idea.
I personnally love swiss. It give people a chance to come back even aftre losing their first few matches and it helps worse players get better by playing more and getting more experience. Also there is no clear top 8'er as well

That prize thing is really cool. I like how it give the losers a reason to play after they fall behind 0-4 or 0-3. It should also decrease if not completely eliminate the accurance of unfinished or un played matches

If its not obvious, I want to join again :p

Also where's Item clause?, it kept the battles interesting

I'd like to donate my moltres as a prize
Ok, I don't know if this is making me unable to join the tournament, but I don't really like the idea too much, because it is somewhat taking away the competitiveness and making it what adults try to do with kid's sports and saying "everyone is a winner." Maybe that just irritated me a ton when I was younger, but that is how I see it. However, I can see it helping if battles weren't being completed due to laziness/fear of losing, but I would guess that they didn't occur because of time issues, rather than that.

Despite this, I am completely fine in participating in this if the majority likes the idea.
One would think that, but time extensions were given, patience was used up, and IMO 1 week is plenty of time. I was the same as everyone, in college, busy with exams, etc. but I was able to make 1 hour aside to battle my opponent. It really is not hard IMO, but apaprently I do need to make sure there are incentives both ways: in winning and losing to get the battles done. And no disliking the idea does not mean you aren't qualified to play, and once I decide if I will implement this or not (Its not 100% sure it will be), I will be sure to let everyone know beforehand, in case anyone dislikes it so much that they want to drop out.

Tri-DarkSouls - I'll add you once you re-read the first post. And Item Clause is no longer there, by popular demand. I had alot of people saying they would've joined if it weren't for that.

Expert Evan

every battle has a smell!
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
While I'll probably not sign up this time, I may donate a few pokemon to be determined soon as prizes.
I wasn't at all complaining. I'd be more than happy to give out stuff that people haven't traded for (Impish Breloom, Brave Miltank, Rash/Modest Typhlosion) or stuff like that. I was merely expressing just a thought.
If there are any spots open, I would like to join. More into Doubles but this would give me an excuse to get more OU Pokemon ready :P

The Idea for giving others Pokemon is great, as it allows you to have more pokemon to use in other Tiers (UU, Doubles, Little Cup), but at the same time you may also get a pokemon you already have with the same set and possibly lower IVs if you already have an increadible one. Since it's not mandatory, only those that can clone or have time to breed something new will be able to give away a pokemon to the one that loses although most of the players here can. This is a good idea with some flaws, I would support it although I fear my pokemon may not be up to standards since I only breed for what I feel is necesarry. :P
Scruffy - Cool, thanks for that and I will definately take everyone's opinion into consideration.

Dalevl - Sure you can join, and it IS mandatory to give something out, if this does end up being implemented. And don't worry, you don't have to give out a super duper flawless Pokemon.

Ambitions - Reread the first post please.

Gegar Master - Yeah thats fine, but please reread the first post.
Ditto - Thanks, and you can choose who gets it.

Tri - Yes I did, I'm just doing other stuff atm but I'll update the entrants list in a minute.

Gengar Master - Still haven't read it fully. But I assume your question saying 'Do SR's count?' imply you are ok with the idea?

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