Why do people think Christianity is better than Islam?

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As an atheist, I don't really have an opinion on this matter, because I think both religions are equally useless. Every Christian or Muslim has their own interpretation of what their religion is, but how am I supposed to know what the definitive version is? Is real Christianity or real Islam about the guy who tells me I should follow arbitary rules to avoid getting thrown in a pit of fire for eternity or the guy who leans toward feel good new age supernaturalism? Liberalized religion is obviously preferable to fundamentalism on practical terms, but I'm not going to decide whether Pat Robertson or Martin Luther King is the real believer, because that presents a false dichotomy when the actual answer is secularism.

Having said that, I think mainstream Christianity in the industrialized world has been made to deemphasize some of the fire and brimstone of the past, whereas Islam in the Middle East still has greater reign to be illiberal. However, that has more to do with the progress of secularism than any inherent superiority in Christian beliefs.

(In after giant frothing Deck Knight rant)
Every religion ever has had sects that were/are responsible for some of the worst events in history, trying to compare (or judge) any of them as a whole over that is the most pointless kind of navel gazing.
Why do you, people? In the basics, the sources are same. In fact one is ~580 years more recent than the other. Aren't there any christian terrorists? Why don't people call the Jewish racist blindly? Isn't their book nearly as racist as Mein Führer?

I just wanna know.

I'm Muslim, I'm a Socialist, I'm a feminist (what the fuck are all these women doing up in the kitchen?), I support abortion, pre-marriage sex, usage of birth control pills and condoms. Are these thoughts actually against Quran?

Educate me Deck Knight.
As others have touched upon, it's mainly due to the country we live in, and the times we currently live in. America is a predominately Christian country, and people always seem to look down on those who arn't in the popular crowd. In addition to this, we currently have disputes with several countries in the Middle East, the people of which, for the most part are Islamic (forgive me if I'm wrong with this) Although the main dispute is with a terrorist group, this group openly flaunts it's religion to give credence to what it does.

Also remember that people like to generalize things. Its easier to take a whole group of people and label them the "enemy", rather then sort through tem all to find out for yourself.

But in all honesty this question can go either way. In the Middle East I'm sure that Muslims believe that their religion is superior to Christianity. And if the information I recieve from the news is correct (I know I should never trust it) there is hostility towards Christians and Jews in the Middle East.

What I would like to understand is how three religions (Christianity, Islam, and Christianity) with roots so closely linked to one another, ended up hating each other so much.
well, first up, i'm a christian, so take my answer how you may......

i dont know if there is a way to say that one religion is "better" than another. one religion might be true/correct while another may be false. but i guess that with anything the requires faith there is not necessarily any way to prove it. (until you die and discover that the weird alien sects were actually correct)

maybe people will not appreciate me saying it, but from what i have read in the quran, there are some pretty disturbing passages - mostly regarding commands to murder "infadels" who will not convert to islam, but also regarding the treatment of women; if a woman is caught in the act of adultery, she must be locked in her room and punished until the husband decides she has been punished enough (no mention is made of the man which she must have been caught in adultery with, although a similar passage says that a man caught in adultery must be rebuked - other passages say that the woman should be put to death). i dont have references for these (i'm writing off the top of my head), but they could be easily located later on and quoted if anyone wants them (i have a quran).

i dont really see how there is much room for feminism in a religion which requires women to be covered up, uneducated, unliberated, and even kept in the dark about some of the fundamentals of their religion.

having said all that, the problem with ALL religions is that they are made up of members all of whom are people. we all have our problems and failings, and there have certainly been many a "bad" christian. but before we say that a particular religion is bad, dont forget that there are bad politicians, bad musicians, bad pokemon battlers, bad fire fighters, so yeah.....

so, which religion is "better"? i think the question is ill-posed.
But in all honesty this question can go either way. In the Middle East I'm sure that Muslims believe that their religion is superior to Christianity. And if the information I recieve from the news is correct (I know I should never trust it) there is hostility towards Christians and Jews in the Middle East.
No we don't. Everyone can choose which religion they can believe to. We don't go to a futere church's place "with our pigs". I don't know, Turkish people seem weird. They a small bit racist towards white people. Arab's can wear whatever they want; but turban-wearing Turkish women is bad for us.

(I'm talking about West Turkey here, in East there are many extremists)
I think all religions are equally pointless and false.

But Islam is clearly the most "threatening" religion right now. No other religion (that has such a large following) is trying so hard to actively take over the world. The thing is, European countries are allowing Muslims to basically do whatever they want in the name of political correctness (they don't want to "offend" anyone). At this rate, the Muslims will eventually get elected "democratically" into public office and put Sharia Law into effect. Does anyone want that?

Religion is the biggest road block to world peace. If we're ever going to have world peace we need to get rid of taboo that says you can't criticize religious beliefs. If a religious belief is cruel, unjust, oppressive, and mysogynistic, expose it for the BS it is.
If we're ever going to have world peace we need to get rid of taboo that says you can't criticize religious beliefs.
i think that is a very important point shipship. christians have lived for decades with people criticising/mocking it (you only have to look at the first few t-shirts you see each day and you'll probably find something lol). but here in australia at the moment, you can pretty much get locked up for saying you think a certain religion is violent, even if you are simply quoting a sermon delivered by a certain leader of said religion.

people here have been saying they think religion is rubbish, and its important to have the right to say what you think. just like its important to have the right to say if you believe something too. but yeah, when it starts to become oppressive, violent, hateful, then thats going too far.


Have a nice day
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At this rate, the Muslims will eventually get elected "democratically" into public office and put Sharia Law into effect. Does anyone want that?
Obviously they do if they are going to get democratically elected.

As for world peace, they religious conflicts are a symptom not the cause (not that there is a cause, but if there were, it wouldnt be religion). Poor people turn to religion because the scientific facts of their world suck.

Criticising religious beliefs are only going to inflame the problems.

Have a nice day.
No other religion (that has such a large following) is trying so hard to actively take over the world. The thing is, European countries are allowing Muslims to basically do whatever they want in the name of political correctness (they don't want to "offend" anyone). At this rate, the Muslims will eventually get elected "democratically" into public office and put Sharia Law into effect. Does anyone want that?
The first sentence made my day. And the Sharia Law isn't a part of real Islam. Islam actually lets people believe whatever religion they want to.

There really needs to be less "isms" in the world. If you want to drop one, I suggest Socialism. Socialists make Islamists (who are not Muslims) look like school girls. It is a vile religion where the state is God, and God compels you to do what The Party tells you. if the Party kills your family, it is OK, because eventually utopia and deliverance is coming. Got to crack a few skulls before you get to utopia, you see. Hope and Change, you see. Ignore the blood, the right inmates just haven't run the asylum yet.

What do you suggest instead of Socialism? Imperialism? Capitalism? If a whole country acts as one for one goal, there's nothing that can stop them (look: how Turkey was founded)


The problem with Islam is it is like Protestantism. You have a million different teachers teaching a million different things. The more radical sects of Islam, like the Wahabbists, believe that blowing up other Muslims, Christians, the kuffar(non Muslims), and basically everyone who doesn't practice their brand of Islam is a legitimate interpretation of jihad, or holy war.

A million teachers coming from a single book is better imho than ten teachers using many books which tell different stuff about same things.


As far as modern femisnism akuchi?

Femininity and traditional feminine leanings considered inherently bad
Innate gender differences are purposefully ignored
Prostitution and pornography portrayed as positive
Family portrayed as bad, secondary to career/money
Killing children in your own womb considered a sacred right
Unrelenting hatred of males
Unrelenting hatred of Christianity
Constant victim mentality (I am woman, hear me whimper about a man's world while proclaiming my very breath is an accomplishment!)

Please, modern feminism is a crock. A whore is a whore, and feminism is a whore. Feminists are all just a bunch of shorter, weaker, louder, more annoying male wannabes. Real men, conservative and liberal alike, laugh at feminists. They are a bunch of silly, angry little harpies, who simply haven't gotten the smacking they deserve because men are too busy laughing at them to do it.

Real men defend women's rights. Mehmet Akif Ersoy, who was a real Muslim, also did it.


And yes akuchi, when you want to act like the annoying little man, you should expect a punch to the jaw. That's what a man would get for that kind of crap. Don't you want to be treated like a man? Oh, but not the nasty, mean, reality inducing parts, like the dangerous jobs, shit hours, the constant insults by stupid feminist harpies, the expectation that you will either work or die whether you are sick or not whether you have family obligations or not. Feminists want all the perks of being a man with none of the shit. They are spoiled brats. Equal Pay Day is in April, Equal Death Day (the day where female deaths from work equal the male deaths from the last year) is in late November.

Know your place akuchi (yes, I do dare say that). You aren't a man, you never will be, and you will never comprehend what it is like to be a man. You get to live in your world of fantasy as the big britches biatch and never have to suffer for it. I don't give a shit if you call me "sexist." You think slaughtering children in an organ designed for nurturing them is a great advancement for women. That is truly, truly backward, and the original feminists, the one's who gave women the right to vote, knew that too.

Also akuchi, you don't know anything about the Bible. You accept any criticism of it as Gospel, no matter how ridiculous on its face. The Bible condones rape? I'd ask you why you were so ignorant of Christianity, but then I remember you're a feminist. Willful ignorance of reality comes with the territory.

Thinking like that, Jews are superior to Christians; they can come anyday and claim all your land, property and your life and you can't do anything about it. That's what their book says and you must obey even though you don't choose to obey it; as in akuchi's case.

I personally prefer to avoid believing things that support inequality
Another thing I fully support and would die fighting for it.

I don't know.
I think Islam is vilified - and yes, it's repressive towards women.. because it is being practiced by authoritarian, misogynist regimes.
The Bible is absolutely no better, condoning rape and all that jazz.

Christians in America [a lot of them] are no better towards women.
i don't think i can ever convince you that something isn't sexist, but muslim women, according to true muslims are actually PROTECTED not oppressed. i don't think people realize that the scarf was traditionally made to protect the women who had husbands preaching different things and were targeted because of it.

islam is a great religion, it's a very evolved religion. i don't think there's any other religion like it that preaches unity, kindness and even stuff like personal hygiene the way islam does.
I don't really get all the moderates who defend religion with stuff like "real Muslims don't do this" or "real Christians don't do that." EVERYONE claims their version of religion is the correct one.

The fundamentalists are the ones who are closest to playing it "by the book."

I don't think there's any other religion like it that preaches unity, kindness and even stuff like personal hygiene the way islam does.
Like what? No buttsecks?

I'd come back with a well thought out rebuttal of your points but

ahaha fuck me sideways, you're insane

i don't think i can ever convince you that something isn't sexist, but muslim women, according to true muslims are actually PROTECTED not oppressed. i don't think people realize that the scarf was traditionally made to protect the women who had husbands preaching different things and were targeted because of it.

islam is a great religion, it's a very evolved religion. i don't think there's any other religion like it that preaches unity, kindness and even stuff like personal hygiene the way islam does.
I should clarify here - I'm not saying Islam is inherently sexist any more than Christianity is inherently sexist, I'm saying it's used as justification to carry out appalling acts of hatred against women in certain parts of the world. I'm not slagging off Islam at all - I'm talking about the fuckwits who use it as justification for their own misogyny, etc [take suicide bombers for example].

I don't find sexism where it isn't ;) I do see a lot of sexism that other people miss.
As far as modern femisnism akuchi?

do you even know what modern feminism is? modern [third-wave] feminism is not one single, cohesive movement; but you've evidently not a clue about that. BRA BURNING BITCHES, amirite?
[you'll note that was second-wave feminism and whether a bra was actually burnt is a point of contention.]
Femininity and traditional feminine leanings considered inherently bad
no, they're not?
well, okay. it depends what you mean by traditional feminine leanings, here. it's about choice and thought; we prefer that you'd look at what you're doing with your life and think about why you're doing it. for example, marriage; it's an inherently patriarchal institution [and there's no question about that] and all we'd say is if you do wish to get married think about why you're doing it. think about why you want your father to give you away at the ceremony, and why you're going to take his name [if you do; I personally won't if I get married], and.. yeah. it's not rocket science.
I ramble. I'm dwelling on my potential wedding now and it's pretty cool.
Innate gender differences are purposefully ignored
ahh, so *that's* why I can't piss standing up. thanks for letting me know, I was having a bit of trouble working it out..
Prostitution and pornography portrayed as positive
erm, no it's not. radical feminism will never approve of them. liberal feminism would contend that women who do it out of choice and not genuine economic need can do so.. but that's very much a minority of feminist thought.
genuine economic need? why don't we just give people a decent minimum wage and a better welfare sysOH SHIT SOCIALISM
Family portrayed as bad, secondary to career/money
I think you'll have to look at your own misogyny here. Why should the career come first for men, and not for women? why should men be allowed to go off and have jobs whilst women are stuck in the kitchen?
the solution; socialized childcare [zomg NO SOCIALISM]
Killing children in your own womb considered a sacred right
I think you've been warned about debating abortion before. Suffice to say yes, it damn well is.
Unrelenting hatred of males
this is something feminism has always been accused of, and I'm not sure why. sure, Solanas hated men, but since when was she a spokesperson for the feminist movement?
I don't have an unrelenting hatred of males. I have an unrelenting hatred of the way males think it is okay to treat women - why should I have to walk down the street and be reminded that I am constantly subject to male approval?
I dislike the patriarchy, not men; and there's a stackload of evidence to prove that the patriarchy hurts men too [just look at the suicide rates amongst teenage boys, who are socialised into these traditional gender roles you seem so fond of and told that they must not cry and asking for help makes you look weak.
Unrelenting hatred of Christianity
now you're getting really weird.
there are christian feminists. Quite how they reconcile the bible's more misogynistic verses with feminism I'm unsure, but more power to them.
Constant victim mentality (I am woman, hear me whimper about a man's world while proclaiming my very breath is an accomplishment!)
Erm. No.
*bangs head against wall* It is a man's world. Why should trying to level out the playing field be regarded as such a terrible thing? Because you don't want to lose your privilege?

Please, modern feminism is a crock. A whore is a whore, and feminism is a whore.
Nice abusive, unsubstantiated statement there using gender-specific pejoratives. And there's no need for feminism why?
Feminists are all just a bunch of shorter, weaker, louder, more annoying male wannabes.
Feminists are women who want to be treated as equal in society. It'd be nice to be judged, on, say, my academic achievements rather than my rack, but hey. Just look at the Olympics; women in skintight clothing, pages after pages of women's tits, asses, and legs with asinine comments - and very little mention made of their athletic prowess.

oh shit I'm shorter than men I should give up now
Real men, conservative and liberal alike, laugh at feminists. They are a bunch of silly, angry little harpies, who simply haven't gotten the smacking they deserve because men are too busy laughing at them to do it.
Real men.
Are you a real man?
I feel kinda sick at this point

Look at Bill Clinton. He singlehandedly set the feminist movement back at least a decade because all the harpies lined up behind him. Bill knew that at the end of the day, they were weak, loose, easy women who needed womanizers like Bill around to occasionally throw them a bone. They wanted the license that he took. They wanted to be Bill Clinton, simultaneously a whore free of responsibility and the most powerful person in the free world.

And yes akuchi, when you want to act like the annoying little man, you should expect a punch to the jaw.
And you could expect one back.
That's what a man would get for that kind of crap. Don't you want to be treated like a man?
I don't think that anyone should be subject to violence. It's genius how you on the one hand talk about 'the rights of the unborn' but then you seem to expect them to get shat on from birth.
Oh, but not the nasty, mean, reality inducing parts, like the dangerous jobs, shit hours, the constant insults by stupid feminist harpies, the expectation that you will either work or die whether you are sick or not whether you have family obligations or not.
Who's the whiny little bitch now?
Since when don't women take dangerous jobs with shit hours?
Look at all the men in positions of power relative to the women in positions of power. Women are paid less than men for the same job.
Women are more likely to have lower-paid jobs overall because we've got to fit work around a family, life, and cleaning up after our asinine partners/husbands - because cleaning is woman's work, right?
I've an answer to this; anarchocommunism!
[my marxist feminist dialectic may bring all the boys to the yard but my anarchafeminist dialectic pleases me more at present.]
Feminists want all the perks of being a man with none of the shit. They are spoiled brats. Equal Pay Day is in April, Equal Death Day (the day where female deaths from work equal the male deaths from the last year) is in late November.
I found a grand total of one result on Google for equal death day, so I'm sorta guessing you made that one up.

Know your place akuchi (yes, I do dare say that). You aren't a man, you never will be, and you will never comprehend what it is like to be a man. You get to live in your world of fantasy as the big britches biatch and never have to suffer for it.
I don't? Okay. Thanks for letting me know. Because, like, rape isn't a factor, and walking down the street and being harassed for my gender, that's not a factor either. The fact I might be able to get pregnant and if you had your way would have no control over my body - nope, that doesn't matter. The fact that I will be expected to be primary caregiver to any child I may have, and still be expected to keep house and have a job - a job in which I'll be paid less for a man who does the same.

[intermission; lol who the fuck seriously says biatch - and why am I arguing with them]

There's a pretty simple answer to this. Men do half the housework too - but cleaning is what girls do, right? Back to the imaginary kid. If I have a boy, he'll be bought castles and guns to play with, told that if he cries he shouldn't be such a 'girl', told to go out and be boisterous and, well, 'boyish.' If I have a girl, she'll be given dresses and tea sets and expected to sit down quietly in the corner and be quiet and passive and 'girly'. Are these the gender roles you were referring to?

I don't give a shit if you call me "sexist." You think slaughtering children in an organ designed for nurturing them is a great advancement for women.
You know I can't even argue with this on you since the topic has been banned, but whatever, it's irrelevant.
It's funny how you've completely ignored all these crazy Biblical rules that tell men what to do with their cocks, though.
That is truly, truly backward, and the original feminists, the one's who gave women the right to vote, knew that too.
Oh, those whiny little harpyesque bitches. Complaining all the time. Ruining men's lives. What were we doing trying to get the vote in the first place? Shit me. That's where it all went wrong!

Also akuchi, you don't know anything about the Bible. You accept any criticism of it as Gospel, no matter how ridiculous on its face. The Bible condones rape?

(Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NLT)

If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.

According to your precious Christianity, were I to be a virgin [why is virginity so highly prized in women, but not men?] and I to be raped, as long as he paid my dad off it'd be cool.
Sounds like the worst engagement party ever to me, but hey!

I'd ask you why you were so ignorant of Christianity, but then I remember you're a feminist. Willful ignorance of reality comes with the territory.

I am choking on the irony. Seriously.
yeah okay so I couldn't resist arguing back but
seriously lol.
Why do you, people? In the basics, the sources are same. In fact one is ~580 years more recent than the other. Aren't there any christian terrorists? Why don't people call the Jewish racist blindly? Isn't their book nearly as racist as Mein Kampf?

I just wanna know.

I'm Muslim, I'm a Socialist, I'm a feminist (what the fuck are all these women doing up in the kitchen?), I support abortion, pre-marriage sex, usage of birth control pills and condoms. Are these thoughts actually against Quran?

Educate me Deck Knight.
*shrug* Cause it's fun? Cause people are idiots? *Is a Christian*

By the way, the muslim ads on the top of this page are hilarious. In the good way.
What I want to know is where in the Bible does it condone (sp) rape? (This is directed at whoever said that)

My one thought on Islam: the first follower of Islam was a woman. Yes, a woman. Muhammad lived in the tribal town of Mecca, a town full of paegan religions and importance of material possession. How would a belief of monotheism and "spiritual" importance go over well? It would not have if it wasn't for his wife Khadija. After Muhammad was revealed to by Gabriel, his wife was the first one to a) comfort him, b) believe in him, and c) follow him.

If not for a woman there would be no Islam, yet they treat women very poorly (some do)
Where god says, time and time again; 'the women are yours as the spoils of war' and where it's explicitly stated that if a man rapes a woman he can buy her as his bride, because he has 'dishonoured' her, you're saying it's not condoning rape? Lot 'the righteous' offered his daughters to be gang-raped by a crowd of men.
So.. yeah.
This is coming from an agnostic, but with Christian and Jewish families.
The biggest problem is people need to take their religious books with a pinch of salt. They were all written thousands of years ago. Times were obviously very different then. So the first things to ignore in religious books should be the things that are exactly the same as the times that they were written, then you can better interpret the books message. Each person interprets the books in their own way. But if people are told what the books says without reading it, it becomes like chinese whispers. Where the message is distorted with every retelling. If people read the religious books before commenting on what they said it would be different. For example I believe relating to women wearing headscarves in Islam, the Qur'an actually tells women to dress modestly, if people choose to interpret it as wearing headscarves that is their choice. I also find it ironic that Christianty, Islam, and Judaism all have exactly the same God. They all pray to this God, and many live their lives around worshipping him, or her, assuming God does exist. These religions are just 3 ways of doing the same thing. Personally I believe if we were all to be religious we should all be Buddhist, no mixed messages there.
Well, I don't really think people like christains better than muslims. Watch TV sometime, christians get made fun of all the time.

And you can say christians killed people long ago, etc etc etc. I don't care. I've never killed anybody. I don't care if you disagree with me, and I'm not racist. You can believe what you want. It's not a contest to see which religion is the best... we'll all find out the right religion when you die anyways.

But yeah, I could say all muslims are terrorists, but we all know thats not true. I'm sure you (the OP) don't hate north americans or try and kill us. There's a few wackos in every group that ruin it for everybody -_-
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