Serious how do you get your fulfilment?

Lifting weights gives me fulfilment. It's my best stress relief.I love making gains and becoming more confident and healthy.

Volunteering at the food bank is also satisfying for me.
I honestly have no idea what keeps me going.

I don't feel fulfilled very often, for I don't have much to keep me fulfilled.
Just simply talking to people. Also, knowing that if I am talking to someone, that I am in someway mnaking their day better. The big one is helping people get through rough times in their lives. Of course, a combination of having a male body and the people who I feel comfortable and able to help being female, makes it just a wee bit hard for me to do this. But when I do, the feeling of seeing the person, even if it is only temporary, is one of the greatest rewards I could ever ask for, and make me feel like I am important in at least that person's life (maybe this sounds self-important, but whatever).
By feeling useful! ...Hard to explain what this means, but whenever I'm at work and I feel like I'm going above and beyond what's expected of me, then I suppose that would count as fulfillment. Just doing what I love to do (aka helping people whenever I can with things), is enough to bring fulfillment to me. n_n;
There was actually a Harvard study that started 75 years ago that asked this same question to alumni, and stayed with them to see how their answers changed over time.

The summary of the study is this, relationships drive satisfaction in life more than any other factor (money, power, success). Which is something that while Barney and friends have been preaching for years, people just seem to forget after a long period of time.

As for me, I'm sort of further evidence of this study. I work as a CNA in a nursing home and I see first hand the end results of what a lot of power and money gets you in the end. Practically nothing. My nursing home is pretty upscale and the people who live there generally pay out the ass to do so (upwards of $10k a month). Clearly these people all did something right in their lives to be able to afford to live there. But the percentage of them that actually have anything to live for still is split in half. And it's not just because of their age or deteriorating health. There are really two groups of residents at these facilities, the ones with visitors, and the ones without. The ones with regular, consistent visitors (family, friends, clergy) that come by are almost always pleasant and are just as eager to joke around and laugh about things as you or I would. But about half of them have visitors rarely, or not at all. These are usually the ones that are combative, their situational depression is worse, and their health actively deteriorates faster.

The study I linked to above shows a similar trend. The Harvard graduates all went on to varying successful careers and lifestyles, but universally what was determined was that love really is all that matters. A body withers away, and wealth becomes irrelevant when you get older, and all you really care about is who is going to laugh at your stupid jokes, or watch a sad movie with you, or listen to what you have to say, even if it hurts to hear it.

I suppose I derive fulfillment out of being that person for my residents, and the people I love. When I'm at school studying, eating right, or training on the mat, sure I'm doing it for my own enjoyment and betterment, but I also do it because I take pride in being the friend or family member that can be relied on, and I actively take care of myself so I can be there when I'm needed.

Also I like getting laid and playing Pokemon. Gotta have an outlet :D


Banned deucer.
I recently adopted a full-on hakuna matata philosophy of sorts and just completely smile and stay happy through everything. And it really is helpful ; even through some iffy stuff in the last couple weeks i've still been on top of the world.


Jojo Siwa enthusiast
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drinking without getting trashed is the best. I mean, I like getting trashed, but stopping at buzzed and just hanging out is the best feeling.


there like moonlight
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Feeling like people around you know you're here for a reason. After all, if we're not here to do something why be here at all? Everyone has something great inside themselves and everyone else needs to recognize that something. :)
Anything with good friends is just very fulfilling for me. Movies, moderate drinking, sleep over parties (lol), just anything really. Also, really positive/friendly people are the fucking shit. The kind who see you down the street and you mightn't know very well but give a big smile and wave instead of pretending not to notice.These people I love.

I also really enjoy eating pizza, eating in fancy restaurants, long walks (especially in lashing rain fsr), watching tv shows/movies with family, exploring new places, passing exams, having goals that you're working towards. The little things yo.

For me, that includes starting a proper gym schedule, even though I find the gym a little intimidating at times but also really rewarding. I also want to ask this guy out but I keep putting it off/haven't come out/what if he rejects and tells people/etc.
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Hmm, what makes me happy? I'd have to say art in general. I do multimedia drawing and music along with some fiber arts + writing. It's just where I feel most complete, whenever I'm upset it's usually what I'd go to.
One of the reasons why I choose art is probably because I'm a bit socially anxious to the point I have difficulty communicating to others. In a world where I'm silent, I have another place that I escape to and say what I want to say through colorful messages made by my heart and hands.
It's not just a hobby for me either; it's my passion. I really want to work with it in the future and not be stuck in an office doing something boring like computer engineering. Sadly, that's what my parents expect from me. They think I need to grow up and realize that art isn't something you can live off of. However, I get where they come from, but what they want is for me to take a safe route in life where I know I could have a steady pay and sustaining life. Is that really all there is to it though? It's true an artistic career is risky, but I actually really like that. I'd rather die/starve knowing that I tried to do something that I love, than hurt myself again because I couldn't take the stress of going day after day, always having to sacrifice time into something I don't want to do.
Also... along with my anxiety I suffer from depression a lot. I've cut on and off from 7th grade to recently, and drawing or writing helps me distract myself from that stuff. Sometimes I get really low to the point that I don't have the energy to vent out creativity, and instead I'd make incisions into my skin. At the moment I have a counselor for this, so things are getting better for me slowly. I still feel scared day after day.... And it sucks that I can't always stay in my own mental world where I don't have to worry about anything. That's something I have to accept though, I guess.
dont post in fucking neon colors
Aww... okay then. You didn't have to be profane about it but okie. :I
My urge to correct you with color theory on the difference between NEON and PASTEL is strong buuut I'd rather not fight or anything, soo I'll shut up now.
im colorblind dude, check your visual privilege before you make such insensitive remarks
Aww that sucks. D: I didn't actually mean to come off as insensitive, but it did to you so I should say sorry. It's hard to make sure you don't offend someone all the time but when you do and someone calls it out there's no sense in being a douche about it so. c: I leave you with a nice internet apology hug sir! o3o *internet hug*


@ Everstone
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cats, video games, and drinking water that's not too cold, nor hot/room temperature.. it's just the perfect kind of "cool" water, like drinking it after having it in the fridge for a specific amount of time (probably an hour). for some reason that gives me huge satisfaction, so in general satisfying my thirst gives me fulfillment.

Maybe talking to an intelligent person that's not retarded like most people around me, but that's about it I think. It's also worth noting that I felt some sort of fulfillment when I decided to drop religion and actually think and therefore believe that no god exists, and entering atheism. that gave me some fulfillment, especially in a society that's blindfolded by religion.

edit: oh oh, and also when I drank alcohol I felt huge fulfillment, although I didn't drink alcohol for about 9 months now and won't have another chance to drink until like beginning of next year, because of living in a close-minded country and whatnot.
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bad clarinet music
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
training on the mat? Jiu Jitsu, wrestling, yoga? none of the above?

sometimes i feel super great after having a positive interaction with someone, sometimes its after a tough workout, and sometimes i feel like shit. it can get pretty dark sometimes, even though my routine doesnt change much from day to day.
learning about things I enjoy: Having ADD I tend to hyper concentrate; if there is something I am enjoying I will focus on it semi-unwillingly and keep focusing until I'm done with whatever activity. Because of this I have a tendency to read full pages of info only to click a hyper link at the end of the page and have another full page to read. I once spent whole day (literally a whole day like ten hours) reading about Superfluids just because I found an article about them that interested me. When I feel like I've finished something and learnt something amazing from it I'm always super happy. (This is also why I actually enjoy doing exams and tests, I feel like it's a way to show off to myself what I have learned. I don't like the studying in-between however) did that sound cheesy? it was probably rather cheesy.
I dont think anyone could put it better. I have ADHD and I love just learning about stuff that interests me. Which explains why I have trouble studying for exams cos they are just that damn boring. I love basketball, and how strategic it is. So I spent like 3 days just watching breakdowns of plays and strategies cos I just wanted to know about them. Just having learned something else makes me so happy cos its something that interests me. I also gain a sense of fulfillment from sports. Athletics and Basketball are two things that I am almost addicted to, they just make me feel so content and happy, even if I dont win.
I enjoyed baiting people into arguments or too trigger a response, It was like playing a mental mind game with the other users where I could get tid bits of information. what I did was wrong and I got autolocked in the end. I hope it is up in a few months forums are not my thing.


Upper Decky Lip Mints
is a Contributor to Smogon
I enjoy working out and wrestling so yea its more of a physical thing.

Bad Ass

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Hmm, what makes me happy? I'd have to say art in general. I do multimedia drawing and music along with some fiber arts + writing. It's just where I feel most complete, whenever I'm upset it's usually what I'd go to.
One of the reasons why I choose art is probably because I'm a bit socially anxious to the point I have difficulty communicating to others. In a world where I'm silent, I have another place that I escape to and say what I want to say through colorful messages made by my heart and hands.
It's not just a hobby for me either; it's my passion. I really want to work with it in the future and not be stuck in an office doing something boring like computer engineering. Sadly, that's what my parents expect from me. They think I need to grow up and realize that art isn't something you can live off of. However, I get where they come from, but what they want is for me to take a safe route in life where I know I could have a steady pay and sustaining life. Is that really all there is to it though? It's true an artistic career is risky, but I actually really like that. I'd rather die/starve knowing that I tried to do something that I love, than hurt myself again because I couldn't take the stress of going day after day, always having to sacrifice time into something I don't want to do.
Also... along with my anxiety I suffer from depression a lot. I've cut on and off from 7th grade to recently, and drawing or writing helps me distract myself from that stuff. Sometimes I get really low to the point that I don't have the energy to vent out creativity, and instead I'd make incisions into my skin. At the moment I have a counselor for this, so things are getting better for me slowly. I still feel scared day after day.... And it sucks that I can't always stay in my own mental world where I don't have to worry about anything. That's something I have to accept though, I guess.
I looked at your new DA page and I think you are good at art! And I think that you should do whatever makes you the happiest in life. You owe gratitude towards your parents, but not your life. Maybe if you really want to pursue an art career, you could get some small freelance-y jobs doing art while you're in the school or job you don't like. Then, if you really like it as a career and have established a small reputation, you could go all in with no worries! Just a suggestion I thought of reading through your dilemma :)

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