World of Warcraft

Anyone else play a huntard? ;P
I've got a Forsaken Hunter sitting at 80; haven't touched him since Cata dropped, though :x

The problem is, I got him to 80 only a couple weeks before the expansion, so I didn't feel like gearing him up... and I gave his heirlooms to another alt already, so the poor guy is basically nekkid. If I'm gonna start leveling him again, I'm gonna have to donate him some stuff from the Auction House.
I mooched a little by creating a character on my cousin's account once and played for a few weeks, and it was pretty fun.

The thing is, I don't particularly want to spend so much money per month on the game, and I especially don't have the time :p
does anybody other than me play on a private server?
well, my friends recommended a BE pala as a starting char. any suggestions on how to play better?

Chill Murray

get well soon jacoby..
First of all, private servers are terrible. If you're going to get into the game at all, actually buy it. No point in doing crack laced with rat piss and possibly crystal meth when you could be doing pure, refined cocaine.

As far as a first character, a Hunter probably makes the best choice. It's relatively easy to play at early levels, you get a pet to help you kill things, and you also get CC early on, which can help you learn how to be a better team player.

Also, just got my 3rd 85, my druid (who is now Feral Tank MS). Feral Tanking is so much fun now that it's not "lolswipelol". After I get her geared up I'm gonna probably level my lock or DK next.
possibly dumb question, but are private servers free? I kind of wanted to start playing wow again, but the monthly fee has kept me away ~_~
They are free. They're also illegal. It's pirating, so yeah, probably shouldn't do it.

So this isn't just a one-liner, I have one 85, a Blood/Unholy DK. I still haven't started heroics yet because I fear the attitudes of randoms/my internet D/Cing at the worst possible time. So I'm just doing my dailies and playing my alts, waiting to go back home where my internet actually works properly.
World of Warcraft was such an epic game.

Though I don't play it anymore, I used to play it with Kazo last year on private server and it was one of the best MMORPG I've ever played.

I even played it using Stereoscopic 3D(Red/Blue 3D) which was alright, but they could have done better in 3D.

Game experience could have been much better had I had real 3D but I don't know.

Chill Murray

get well soon jacoby..
Flamestrike: As long as you aren't the same as 80% of DKs where you're fucktarded and don't know how to play your class (and as Blood I'm assuming you're in the good 20%) you'll be fine. One of the nice things about playing a tanking class is that your queues will be short enough that it doesn't matter as much if you get kicked due to impatient players.


Life Stream
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I feel like I'm part of a dying breed of people who have never touched this game in the least.
Anymore, WoW is just kinda boring.
PvP is too unbalance for any new players to have any fun and the grinding required to get any gear in Cataclysm is even worse than it was in Lich King.
I have two 85s but I haven't had the urge to play in a couple months.
Hehe, I played WoW during any free time I had, and now that the new Pokemon has come out, I haven't touched WoW in quite a while. XD

I agree that the grinding to get badges is annoying in Cataclysm, but in Lich King it was unbelievably easy to get gear...that made it boring for me. It'll get easier once they release the next patch, you can get item level 353's from the two new heroics. :)
(But I'm more excited about the mounts, honestly!)
as an Orc warr, i'm always torn between Fury and Arms. some say arms has more dps, fury has less dps than it, but from the way i see it, arms is dps, but fury is for pure damage on the spot. what do you guys think?


Makin' PK Love
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If you're at all competent, gear is not a problem to get... I play twice a week on Raid nights and I've got plenty of gear. Not to mention gear is hardly even a requirement if you have the aforementioned competency... you can do every bit of the raid content in avg 346 ilvl which you can get just by doing heroics + getting some of the faction rep gear (that you get from doing heroics)

My Paladin

I'm in almost full purps and I play on average 4 hours a week...

Colonel M

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Yeah I guess I can post here. I started playing... not quite a week ago. I have a Level 21 Human Paladin that's in Blacksmithing and Mining. I hate how I need Light Leather, so I decided I'd make a Skinner / Leatherworker Orc Hunter. Anyway, Paladin is a great class for starters too, at least from what I can see. The biggest advantage is you can tank whatever the fuck you want with Holy Light. You just have to watch out for enemies that constantly stun, though in later levels you can get heals that activate quicker.

Chill Murray

get well soon jacoby..
Holy shit, what a necro.

My guild's doing a lot better than it was, so I'm happier. I might have to make my "main" my Warlock, though, because the guild needs casters and we're up to our eyeballs in tanks.

Now that everyone has an idea of what's going on, I'm enjoying the new cata dungeons.
I used to play WoW and I just stuck with a Paladin. Pretty much what Colonel M said, but a Paladin can just take on so many monsters that it becomes a little too easy. With a Paladin you can take on like 6 enemies at a time and not even come close to reaching half of your health. If you go Protection that is.
Paladin is one class I like, but haven't leveled past 50. I'm more of a ranged person, I guess. And Colonel M, hunter is a really good starting class (and one of the best soloing classes), especially since you get an awesome pet to protect you from the start. :P
we do have a warcraft thread already, but it seems like we lost it in our own shattering. perhaps we can get a mod to move it back and maybe merge this one?

also i think tuesday is patch day, cant wait for my hunter to pew pew everything while running away.
So thaaat's what happened to it. I came back to bump it and see how Smogon was doing in Azeroth and found it was locked. ;[

In general though I miss WoW. I was doing pretty damn good with my Feral Druid. I got the top of the line PvP gear, ganked the hell out of my server and met a bunch of cool people in the process. Unfortunately since I've left my dorms I lost my internet and have no way of playing the game now. I really miss it at times. I mean I didn't do much recently except login, do Tol Barad dailies and gank but it went a long way. I wish I got a chance to private message some friends that I wouldn't be on for a while though. Far as some of them know I just logged off one day after a successful Tol Barad gank raid and never came back.
Diz gaem iz phun.

But really it is! Playing my Warrior in a DPS role with meddle and lesm, and I don't think anyone else from smogon anymore. We're set to start raiding tomorrow after a long hiatus/guild rebuilding period. Anyone looking for a new home? :P

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