Wii U

If you have at least a Mario or something, it's far more incentive than some kinda random fluffy ones.
That's true, Nintendo 64 was worth buying as soon as it was released because of Super Mario 64!

Nintendoland feels like a Wii Sport with Luigi instead of a creepy Mii.
Please let Pikmin and New Super Mario Bros be launch titles. I don't want to have to wait three months for a game to come out that warrants getting it like with the 3Ds (which now has a solid lineup btw). Hope they don't package Nintendoland with it.
So the vibe I'm getting is that people are not feeling justified in spending $299 for a console that they feel does not offer them anything special or unique or has that "must buy" factor, (i.e. Pokemon, Zelda, Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros, Mario Kart haha).

I can see what you guys are getting at, you don't feel like there is a compelling experience in there for you. I guess I'm the same, except Rayman Legends offers that drive for me to buy the console. As someone who thoroughly enjoyed Rayman Origins, Rayman Legends has huge appeal for me. Seriously, you guys should try it out if you have not already, especially if you're fans of the 2D side scrolling genre, or fans of platform in general. It's out for all the gaming platforms, and you can get it used for under $20. It's a really great game!
Anyways, I watched the 10 minutes of gameplay of Rayman Legends (which I can't find atm but this video from Ubisoft's E3 showing should suffice) and I was immediately hooked on the game and the potential for fun this console has. I was sitting there in my seat smiling and just thinking "that looks fun." And what makes it so is the added gamepad functionality that goes beyond just 5-player co-op. (You saw that musical level at the end!) I would buy a Wii U for any game that offers that kind of unique fun and proves how much potential the Wii U has to create great gaming experiences.
Rayman Legends will be the launch title for me, and I hope other people join the Rayman fan club!

Dsiak Mondala said:
As for Power I’m very enthusiasts, I hope it will be able to read games from past consoles like Wii do, I hope it will still read Game Cube discs, and I also hope it will read games from the next console, and I demand for it to read DvD, blue ray etc.
Sorry dude, but you're pretty out of the loop right now. Wii U is confirmed NOT to read Gamecube discs, support GCN controllers, or have DVD functionality. "The eyes of the future" need glasses.

Outlaw said:
I'm going to go ahead and say nope until a lot of new multiplatform games come out for it.

6 month old titles =/= 3rd party support.
I suppose you have a point. But this is how it always starts with new hardware. I'm confident many more 3rd party additions will be made to the Wii U gaming library as developers learn to work better with the hardware. As 2K Games said "it will take time for developers to see the beauty of the Wii U."
Also, in terms of falling under the categories of "new" and "multiplatform" we already have Rayman, Assassins Creed [whenever Ubi demos this game they do it on the Wii U], Deadpool, Aliens: Colonial Marines [Gearbox CEO says Wii U version is the best version of the game], Darksiders II, Black Ops 2 [was always going to be there but this will be COD proper], Injustice: Gods Among Us, Ghost Recon Online, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Project CARS [runs DX11 on Wii U, DX9 on PS360], Just Dance 4, Battlefield 4, Toki Tori 2, FIFA 13 and more.

So as you can see, it is coming, it will just take time. As time passes more and more devs will jump on with the Wii U.

Question is, when will U?


@ Thick Club
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Like the Wii before it, I'll buy it for a few key exclusives but, other than that, it'll inevitably gather dust while the PS4 caters to the lion's share of my gaming needs.

Prove me wrong, Nintendo.
Sorry dude, but you're pretty out of the loop right now. Wii U is confirmed NOT to read Gamecube discs, support GCN controllers, or have DVD functionality. "The eyes of the future" need glasses.

Really? Gamecube games I understand (Although I'm now expecting them to make us rebuy the games on the WiiU Virtual Console), but no DVD's? Seriously?

It was extremely annoying having to switch from my Wii to a DVD player every time I wanted to watch a movie in my room, I was so happy when I just got an Xbox and moved my Wii downstairs.


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Really? Gamecube games I understand (Although I'm now expecting them to make us rebuy the games on the WiiU Virtual Console), but no DVD's? Seriously?

It was extremely annoying having to switch from my Wii to a DVD player every time I wanted to watch a movie in my room, I was so happy when I just got an Xbox and moved my Wii downstairs.
Man you should've installed homebrew on your Wii
I'll only buy it if they actually release games we haven't seen before and deliver an online marketplace that's actually good.

Oh to hell with it, we're all going to buy one when Smash Bros. comes out anyways.
Like the Wii before it, I'll buy it for a few key exclusives but, other than that, it'll inevitably gather dust while the PS4 caters to the lion's share of my gaming needs.

Prove me wrong, Nintendo.
I think this is what ends up being the story. But, the PS4 means $400+ in console costs if you want it right away, probably.

The Knights of Wario Land said:
Oh to hell with it, we're all going to buy one when Smash Bros. comes out anyways.

Yet another reason I'm getting the Wii U is because I know I want to play games like that, and since the price isn't going to drop before Smash Bros or any other good exclusives come out ... may as well get it early to enjoy other games and early content!
I hate to rain on the parade (this is my opinion, don't like it, don't read it then), but the Wii U is a fine example of Nintendo completely running themselves into the ground. To me it looks like they will make the same mistakes with this system that they did with the Wii. Story time:

Okay so we all know that Nintendo makes excellent games. The actual hardware, though, is what's hurting them in the long-run. When the Wii first came out, it looked like the future of gaming, the coolest thing ever. Then at least 2 years or so after its release...the amount of high-quality games (from anyone but Nintendo) started to decline, and the Wii became flooded with casual, third-party crap, while the 360 was getting better games all the time. Why? It's because the Wii is such a bitch for developers to work with. They (the developers) are pressured to make sure there are motion controls being used, otherwise it's a game that could be on any other system. No one knows how to use Nintendo's hardware better than Nintendo, so the controls don't always work out. This could be avoided if they stuck to a good ol' fashioned game controller. Hell, even a masterpiece like Super Mario Galaxy 2 (BUY THIS IF YOU DON'T HAVE IT) was good without motion controls, and the spin could've just been relegated to a button press.
Second, the Wii is a dinosaur, technically speaking. It doesn't have a lot of memory like the 360, and most of its channels are frivolous add-ons that fail to increase the system's entertainment value (Hur dur who wants to become a "Mii Artisan"?). Heck, I took a tour of Blue Fang Studios with an Emagination camp, and they talked about making "World of Zoo" for the Wii. The lead guy pretty much ranted about how much of a pain it is to develop for the Wii because of how restricting the system is in terms of memory, and how tough it is to get motion controls just right. Why do you think the Xbox gets better games? It's because it has a simple controller and more memory, thus, big-name developers are attracted to it, and make games for it like the Batman Arkham games.

tl;dr ---> An overcomplicated controller will be a huge turn-off for good developers who would rather make games for another system. Nintendo is trying to take the industry to the next level when it doesn't need to go there, and the consumer base is just fine with a regular controller (or even an iPhone!). The WiiU will end up being another gimmick with inferior internet features when compared to other consoles.

EDIT: No, I'm not buying this as soon as the new Smash Bros. is officially announced. Brawl was a let down, and was only fun when I installed Brawl+ on it from the Homebrew Channel. I'll definitely wait to see how it fares in the long run before I buy it (because the day it comes out you know every major source will rate it a perfect score without even thinking about it).
Nintendo's hardware gimmicks have never made much of a difference to me- stopped using the 3ds' 3d after about a week, used a gamecube controller for every wii game possible, and I doubt I even have a DS stylus. Nintendo knows that their first party titles are the only reason they have business outside of casual gamers, and as long as their software quality stays good, I'll keep buying their gimmick systems.


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I'm a huge nintendo fan and overall I prefer Nintendo's 1st party games over every other system's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party games combined. Im overall pretty happy with Nintendo even though they are lacking in the hardware department. This is mostly because all my favourite games are from n64/snes and I really don't complain about today's graphics. I'll buy the wii u soon after the first price drop (if it happens within the first 2 years of release -_-) Hopefully they'll prove everyone wrong and deliver a revolutionary, well priced console.
EDIT: No, I'm not buying this as soon as the new Smash Bros. is officially announced. Brawl was a let down, and was only fun when I installed Brawl+ on it from the Homebrew Channel. I'll definitely wait to see how it fares in the long run before I buy it (because the day it comes out you know every major source will rate it a perfect score without even thinking about it).
You should try project M. It makes Brawl an amazingly fun and competitive game and you don't even need to alter you Wii in order for it to work.


its okay.
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I dunno, my Wii seems pretty fun to use still, since it's softmodded.

I'll probably buy it when the new Smash Bros. is out. Or when they found a way to softmod it.
Just some cool articles for you guys, before I reply to anything:

^Wii U's hardware is not lacking yet at least, as it looks the best of any system.

^Also, in case you missed this, Project CARS Wii U functionality.

I get the feeling a lot of devs are just going to port multiplatform Xbox360 games to the Wii U... but that's a good thing, afterall, most multiplatform games on the PS3 are also direct 360 ports because apparently the 360 is "easy to work with." Just a note, doesn't really matter. We cry for multiplatform, we cry for uniqueness, gamers are a tough crowd.
My Criteria:

1) Does it have Mario? [YES]

2) Does it have a real controller? [YES]

3) Is it backwards compatible? [YES]

^hahaha yup

So, since both Black and White Wii U colours have been announced, what colour do those of you who are buying prefer?

As much as I like the sleekness and "cool" factor of the black Wii U, I think I'm going to get the white for more of a classic feel :) Maybe it's just me but white I think would just feel more right :)
I wonder what the launch price is going to be, but I'm guessing $250-300. I bet Nintendo will at least release the New Super Mario Bros. title and Pikmin 3 at release, or they will be looking at another slow start like the 3DS, which had a very lacking release line-up if you ask me. Also, I don't think I will get a Wii U right away, but wait for a price drop and the release of some more AAA-titles, like a new Zelda or Smash Bros.

Speaking of Zelda, I still need to get Skyward Sword. :/
Also, I don't think I will get a Wii U right away, but wait for a price drop and the release of some more AAA-titles, like a new Zelda or Smash Bros.
I'm not criticizing you here, just that this quote reminded me that I'm pretty sure there will be no price drop any time soon after launch. If Nintendo is going to do this thing right, they're going to price it cheap, below profit, then keep the price steady. Then, as their console keeps getting more profitable, when the next PS360s come out they will have to sell those at waaaay below profit to get sales against a $250 Wii U.


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I'll buy this when there is a Mario game, Pikmin game, and Zelda game.

These are probably the only three titles I will buy.

I think I have 4 Wii games.

I have about 25 360 games.

I will probably end up with about 25 "720" games, as well.

I wish nintendo would get out of the hardware business and release on other platforms. That would save me so much money.
Rayman Legends is a Wii U exclusive!

And the box art it pretty awesome.

Some people are saying that Rayman Legends will be a timed exclusive (i.e. released for other platforms later). I could easily see that happening from a business standpoint. However, they will have to release alternate box art for the PS360 versions, as Legends box art prominently features Murphy and Barbara, two stated Wii U exclusive playable characters.
I'm not criticizing you here, just that this quote reminded me that I'm pretty sure there will be no price drop any time soon after launch. If Nintendo is going to do this thing right, they're going to price it cheap, below profit, then keep the price steady. Then, as their console keeps getting more profitable, when the next PS360s come out they will have to sell those at waaaay below profit to get sales against a $250 Wii U.
You are right, but I'm hoping that it will have a quick drop in price, much like the 3DS. Not saying it will happen, but one can hope. And I still have my PS3 and 'old' Wii to keep me busy for the time being (especially once Borderlands 2 comes out).

Regarding games, ZombiU looks pretty cool. I think the most important thing to do for Nintendo is make sure that there will be enough good titles out to justify buying it in, say, 6 months after release. I can't imagine they hare hoping for a similar start as the 3DS went through.
I'm not criticizing you here, just that this quote reminded me that I'm pretty sure there will be no price drop any time soon after launch. If Nintendo is going to do this thing right, they're going to price it cheap, below profit, then keep the price steady. Then, as their console keeps getting more profitable, when the next PS360s come out they will have to sell those at waaaay below profit to get sales against a $250 Wii U.
I think that's a good idea for Nintendo too. Since they figure the cost of R&D, marketing, production, etc. into the cost, their profits increase with each one they sell.

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