Team Fortress 2 - Join us at #lol


uses walther
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
i really like what valve is trying to do by nerfing some of the weapons that lean towards the more overcentralizing side in competitive and i'm especially glad they're taking community feedback on this update. one of the slated changes that really caught my eye was the vita saw revamp which although it seems pretty insane at first encourages a playstyle that's much better than that of the original. using the vita saw now becomes a game of balancing risk and reward where medics can benefit greatly from making dicier plays as opposed to the old vita saw which was just a competition of who could run the vita saw. i don't actually know whether a potential 60% uber retained upon death will be too much but there's definitely no arguing that it's reward enough for putting yourself out there.

i'm also glad valve is mitigating the catastrophic minigun damage and accuracy penalty to some degree and the rest of the nerfs seem pretty reasonable all around. i don't think any new weapons will be catapulted into the limelight by these nerfs since a good weapon that has been slightly neutered is still miles better than a bad weapon that sees no attention from valve, and since no significant buffs were slated in the blog post that's probably going to be the case. at least i don't have to worry about losing most of my health to an ambassador spy from halfway across the map anymore.


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is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Mantreads is a dumb joke item anyway, I don't particularly think it needs to be balanced in the first place.


uses walther
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
finally, a new tf2 update and not a moment too soon. my excitement is almost palpable. a lot of time obviously went into this update and it shows. not much to say rn other than that i really enjoyed the short and i'm loving the look of the new maps/taunts. can't wait for day 1 to start.


uses walther
is a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
now that the dust has finally settled I can safely call this update an unqualified success. All the new weapons are a blast to play with, some admittedly more than others and the much needed balance changes are a breath of fresh air (the dead ringer can burn). All that said though without the overhaul to matchmaking I and a lot of other players I'm sure were holding out for I'm not sure if I'll be returning to the game petmanently.
Good thing Valve did a very quick hotfix for this Update. Among other things, they fixed the exploit that let Heavies eventually have nigh-infinite health with the health-draining gloves (more relevantly the G.R.U.) and the Dalokohs Bar, as well as an annoying bug that the game always assumed you wanted to use a controller if you had one connected (forcing me to disconnect mine every time I opened the game)
Man, I can't play TF2 on anything but my three year old laptop right now that chugs whenever the dragon's fury even fires, but this update makes me wish I had a proper pc. Played a couple hours of it over the weekend and just sort of fell in love with tf2 again. It was very strange feeling muscle memory I'd developed back in 2009-2012 just kick right back in.
Not to poop on everyone's party here, but pyro is still broken. You can literally spin in circles and do almost the same amount of damage as head on direct crosshairs aiming.


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You don't make the competition better/more competitive/etc by banning the top team. You get better by playing against teams better than yourself. What all this does is give a better chance for other teams to win, less steam rolls, but at what point really?

To be honest, the skill gap only increases with people leaving the scene. And banning froyo does nothing to help this gap left behind but worsens it.
No, no, I'm willing to give this a shot. ESEA isn't banning the members of Froyotech, who are undoubtedly among the best players in the whole game, grouped together on one team. It's simply dissolving Froyotech, spreading its members around, which could conceivably eliminate the rampant gap of skill in American Competitive TF2, making games more competitive, and the meta more balanced. Players like Shade, Habib, and B4nny could make not just good players, but good teachers, raising the skill ceilings of all of these other teams.
Of course, I'm thinking positively, but at the very least, I'm glad that ESEA is trying something, and I'm looking forward to seeing how this season turns out, and what competitive TF2 will do to adapt in the future.
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is a Community Contributor Alumnus
The new maps are mostly cool. A new Playload, two KOTHs, and two of that weird collectathon mode that makes Cursed Cove suck. At least Monster Mash somehow makes it work.
I know I'm bumping an old thread here, but would anyone be interested in exchanging steam names and playing together some time? Even though I have 2500+ hours including a few seasons of comp, I still play TF2 on a somewhat regular basis. I honestly think that TF2 is the best video game ever made, but I will admit it is kind of annoying that I never have anyone to party up with in pubs so I'm usually forced to carry my team. It would be really nice to have someone who has a decent understanding of the game, and plays the objective on my team.

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