Spanish Qualifier- Madrid, June 19th, 2010 - WON BY KEFKA

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Yeah, I won this. I will upload a video of the final match after I get some sleep. (Unless someone does it first).
CaptainFalcon got the 3-4th place. A critical hit in the semifinals against ruben screwed him. He ended up losing by 4 hp or something like that.

I got horribly haxed in the first round, the same as at lyon's qualifier, where i lost in 2nd round...

Quick Claw + criticals destroyed me in both tournaments. Neither of my opponents knew what were they doing... At lyon, i lost against Salamence/Slaking/Milotic/Mewtwo and here i lost against Heracross/Salamence/Giratina/Mewtwo with horribly bad movesets, ivs, evs, etc... :(

But yeah, i met Last Requiem who was haxed in lyon and Madrid too (1st round in both) and we talked about this wasn't our year... xD I'm glad i met you and i hope to see you again.

Pherhaps i'll write a warstory or pherahps no, i don't know it by know... but in case i don't write it, i'd like to thank to everybody that helped me (Neku, CaptainFalcon, Kefka, Andoni and all our VGC Team, Sheik, JosePablo, Skarm, and all my friends in real life or in forums & family that have been supporting me in this advendure). I hope don't forget you, if so, let me know.
Hey cool, looking forward to seeing mi amigo Rube at the worlds. I'll have to brush up on my Spanish... :D
I can ensure that n Spain had much higher level than in France O,O
I Lol'd at that. I cannot bear such nationalist self satisfaction toward a tournament in which luck plays a looot bigger part than talent or whatever skill you may have.
My french friend lost in round 3 in Lyon, against Albert, a spanish guy. How ? A critical hit with Shadow Force on my friend's full health Kyogre.

I'll finish with this: don't mix up skill with luck ;).
I'll finish with this: don't mix up skill with luck ;).
Well, i aggre with you with this part, but not with the following

I Lol'd at that. I cannot bear such nationalist self satisfaction toward a tournament in which luck plays a looot bigger part than talent or whatever skill you may have.
I understand why you are so pissed for what happened to your friend, but there were much more level in this qualifier than in lyon's one. There are a lot high-level battlers in Spain (OU) and a good amount of them are moving to VGC style too. In France there aren't this amount of good players, and you can't deny it. There are some, but not that much.
Whoa Kefka used the same guys I used in San Mateo, guess great minds think alike :). Congrats nice comeback after losing Khan so early.
Well, Flash, you're absolutely right. But when I hear "level" I suspect the one using this word to qualify the entire crowd participating, ignoring the good players that came from far away to participate ^^.
There were very good french players at Lyon. Hax then made the difference. At least, the winner was a frenchy ! lol
Wanna take a guess whose leads Rube used? :P

Anyway, congrats but guys, especially the Spanish here, stop shit-talking. The only thing Pokemon is about is goddam luck. There is nothing that prevents you from getting terribly haxed. Ask last_requiem. Ask flash. Ask metang with, ask all the other damn people who have put an enourmous effort in this for nothing.
Also, there were Germans in Lyon this year but none of us got as much luck as Rube and other finalists did but I can ensure you that we are at least even with you
I didn't attend the tournament but a friend of mine told me it was badly organised. They pited you against your friends, for example.

At least at first they didn't hack check, they just tested if the game was running. Someone managed to get a Mewtwo with Explosion and someone had another Mewtwo with Dark Pulse. My friends told me that the Prof. Oak who was making the checks was not using the special DS but a normal DS, he was only checking if the game was able to run.

BTW, RubeNCB92 didn't you place second in France too? I thought there was a rule that you couldn't win two different tournments. Also, why kanghaskan?
Well it was a great tournament with great level of a shame though critical of Rubén was the best fight I had congratulations to the winners ;)
Wanna take a guess whose leads Rube used? :P

Anyway, congrats but guys, especially the Spanish here, stop shit-talking. The only thing Pokemon is about is goddam luck. There is nothing that prevents you from getting terribly haxed. Ask last_requiem. Ask flash. Ask metang with, ask all the other damn people who have put an enourmous effort in this for nothing.
Also, there were Germans in Lyon this year but none of us got as much luck as Rube and other finalists did but I can ensure you that we are at least even with you
I agree with you 100%. I couldn't expain it better. btw I didn't recognise you at lyon because i thougth you wouldn't be there. It'd have been cool to chat with you and the other german guys, but yeah, i hope it happens next year. At least i met Last Requiem in Madrid (If you are reading this and you have my match recorded, please, don't upload it, i don't wan't to punish myself even more).


It was a friend of him who got 2nd place at lyon.
I agree with you 100%. I couldn't expain it better. btw I didn't recognise you at lyon because i thougth you wouldn't be there. It'd have been cool to chat with you and the other german guys, but yeah, i hope it happens next year. At least i met Last Requiem in Madrid (If you are reading this and you have my match recorded, please, don't upload it, i don't wan't to punish myself even more).
for sure. ;)
we didn't know that we would be going until only a day before and then it was to late to post it on smogon/skarmbliss
I think I don't have your match recorded. From Madrid I only have 3 or 4 matches from round 3 and thanks to Burger King only having one person serving that enormous line, I only have one semifinal and the final.

As for hax, I can't actually blame nothing. Last year I got incredibly lucky at London starting first round when a Dark Void from a level 1 Smeargle missed both my Pokémon. And then, as everyone there saw, my top 16 battle was won due to a double protect, again, against a MOLF team. I could have won that battle without the need of the double protect, but due to my inexperience, I had to resort to luck, and it went in my favour. Of course, I wasn't all that satisfied facing two MOLF teams when my anti-MOLF team was on the bench, but I thought that team wouldn't be that popular, and went with my other team. Luck let me pass through to top 8.

This year, in Birmingham I fell for a painly obvious Destiny Bond trick. I think I could have won if his Gallade hadn't critical hitted my Lapras with Leaf Blade, but you can't be always sure of this stuff. In Lyon I discovered that I was extremely unprepared for Smeargle. It didn't help that my Pokémon sleeped every turn until they fainted (I think my Dialga slept the entire 4 turns), but maybe I wouldn't have won anyway. In Madrid, if my Metagross had hit with his Meteor Mash and hadn't gotten burned, maybe I wouldn't have lost. Maybe I would. Who knows :P ?

In the end, I don't know if I got unlucky this year, or just got begginer's luck last year.

Luck will always be a problem in single elimination. Of couse, since this is an anual tournament, there is always next year, and I assume that good players will consistently place higher. I wasn't angry that I lost, and got to meet many players. Hope to see you all next year. Maybe I won't be going to as many qualifiers as this year, but we'll see :P .

And I think I'll be making a warstory. Not many battles to warstory, so it might be small :P ...

EDIT: And congratulations to the winners. Hope you fare well in Hawaii :) .
Last_requiem when you could go all the battles of lyon and Spain please?

Well in this tournament I had quite lucky because in lyon in the Top 8 with a critical haxearon me at the worst time
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