Snowy Switches

Yeahhhh, Very, Very Bad pun, I know, but I couldn't think of anything better. Anywho, for those of you that may remember, I put up a warstory a while ago that apparently sucked, so I ad to study up on some to see what a good warstory was.So, I believe I've had a rather decent match, with some good predictions on both ends possibly capable of Warstory-material.My oppeonent had a decent score(high 1100's maybe 1200) so I think he knew what he was doing.Finally, be aware that I'm a pretty big noob when it comes to competitive battles, so when I make several mistakes, please forgive me! But don't Worry, My opponent definitely did not seem like a noob in any way. I mean there were times he may have been able to make a slightly better move, but that doesn't mean he made outright bad moves, like I made.

My moves will be in Green, While my opponents are inBlue, And My commentary will be in Bold.


From Looking at his team, It's kinda hard to tell exactly what his strategy is. But since Crawdaunt and Rhyperior are there,Trick room may be an Option, but Chandelure can makes it rather hard to tell, as I use mine as a scarfed revenge killer/Fire absorber, But it can also use Trick Room. Chandelure isn't very fast though, so I don't know how well that works in the field...Nonetheless, 4 of them can easily destroy Abomasnow, So He isn't coming in First, I'll start out with Weavile, since it can put quite the dent into 4 of his Pokemon as well, although it's unlikely he'll lead with most of them... But we'll see.
Battle between Metadraxis and risenreturn started!

Tier: Wifi
Variation: +24, -8
Rule: Rated
Rule: Sleep Clause
Rule: Species Clause
Rule: Wifi Battle

risenreturn sent out Weavile!
Metadraxis sent out Bubba! (Reuniclus)
Weavile is exerting its Pressure!

Seems like Weavile was a somewhat good Choice, However,Most Reuniclus do carry Focus Blast, Which didn't occur to me while making this decision,and since my team is largely Ice, I don't think I can easily switch in any pokemon short of Reuniclus and Chandelure(Maybe Tentacruel), Which my opponent may see coming and take out with a super-effective Shadow-Ball(Or Psychic in case of Tentacruel), but Shadow Ball isn't on most Chandelure, are they?I'm sure there's a better move to put in place of Shadow Ball.Nonetheless, it unfortunately means I may already have to give up one of my pokemon in the first couple turns. Nonetheless, I go for Night Slash hoping my opponent either over-predicts and uses Shadow ball, which may not take out Weavile, so I can at least damage it well enough.


Start of turn 1
Metadraxis called Bubba back!
Metadraxis sent out Porygon2-D! (Porygon2)

The foe's Porygon2-D traced Weavile's Pressure!
The foe's Porygon2-D is exerting its Pressure!
Weavile used Night Slash!
The foe's Porygon2-D lost 20% of its health!
Weavile is hurt by its Life Orb!

I honestly did not expect that in the least. Considering That Reuniclus could severely damage/OHKO every pokemon on my team, It would seem that this is either some fancy Brilliant strategy, Or a non-Standard Reuniclus which doesn't Carry Focus Blast(I mean, it's possible, mine doesn't)However, since I rarely think too deeply at the beginning of a matchup, I make what I know is probably a mistake and go straight for the offensive.


Start of turn 2
Weavile used Low Kick!
It's super effective!
The foe's Porygon2-D lost 25% of its health!
Weavile is hurt by its Life Orb!

The foe's Porygon2-D used Trick Room!
The foe's Porygon2-D twisted the dimensions!

O boy, Trick Room... This could be trouble. Considering many of my pokemon rely on speed(Chandy and Weavile, for instance)I could be in serious trouble, Nothing I shouldn't be able to handle though, but considering he's nearly 200 points higher than me, he's most likely better than me also. But this is looking worse and worse for Weavile at every turn, so I had better Switch out, and since Poryggon2 can usually not do anything to Reuniclus(to the best of my recollection) So switching in Reuniclus seems like my best bet here. Nonetheless, I've already made some mistakes, so my opponent already has a pretty large advantage over me.


Start of turn 3
risenreturn called Weavile back!
risenreturn sent out Reuniclus!

The foe's Porygon2-D used Thunder!
A critical hit!
Reuniclus lost 230 HP! (54% of its health)

Reuniclus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Damn Crits. Reuniclus being pretty damaged by that still haves him keep tthe advantage, but also probably forces him to switch out. So I can use this to my advantage to get a free CM in. maybe giving me the ability to recover. Mainly Considering that If anyone bothered to read my team more In Depth, You'll realise that I have a very odd Moveset on mine(CM, Recover,Psyshock, HP Ground) Meaning I can also do nothing to Porygon2,short of Psyshock after several Calm minds, leading me to seriously hope he switches out To something I could have easily taken down.


Start of turn 4
Metadraxis called Porygon2-D back!
Metadraxis sent out Bubba! (Reuniclus)

Reuniclus used Calm Mind!
Reuniclus's Sp. Att. rose!
Reuniclus's Sp. Def. rose!

Reuniclus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Reuniclus coming in is bad for me. My reuniclus can do nothing to his except use CM, but neither can my opponent(Didn't know most carried Shadow Ball Yet, I'm new to Competitive battling...)So my best chance would be to CM again, Riiiiiiiigggghhhhhhhht?


Start of turn 5
The foe's Bubba used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective!
Reuniclus lost 206 HP! (49% of its health)

Reuniclus used Calm Mind!
Reuniclus's Sp. Att. rose!
Reuniclus's Sp. Def. rose!

Reuniclus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Uh oh, Shadow Ball, which I didn't know Most Reuniclus carry.(It's a learning system guys! I'll figure everything out soon enough) But Reuniclus is now damaged pretty severely, so I either have to switch out, or sacrifice him.But He's been one of my best teammates on my team since he started out, so I can't just give him up for a safe switch-in, especially considering He's slow enough to possibly outspeed others under Trick room and Do damage before he loses that last 5% of his HP. As such, My opponent is probably expecting me to sacrifice him, which means he'll shadow ball again, giving me a Safe switch-in to Tentacruel, and since Trick Room was started on Turn 2, it will end next turn, so I can not only switch in, but also set up at least one layer of Toxic Spikes! And from the looks of his team, it looks like he either has no plans to play any hazards down, or doesn't have any, meaning Tentacruel also has no reason to spin, so his only needed use is to use TS. So In comes Tentacruel!


Start of turn 6
risenreturn called Reuniclus back!
risenreturn sent out Tentacruel!

The foe's Bubba used Shadow Ball!
Tentacruel lost 110 HP! (31% of its health)

Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The twisted dimensions returned to normal!

It Seems my prediction was correct, Lucky Me. And Trick Room ended, so Tentacruel is practically guaranteed to go First, and can easily put a layer of Toxic Spikes down. And since Reuniclus is almost guaranteed to either use Psychic to OHKO me, or Trick Room, To OHKO me next turn. either way, I can lay down one layer of Toxic Spikes, Which is all I need to properly Work Glaceon's magic. And Again, Tentacruel really has no more use in this matchup, aside from laying it's Toxic Spikes, Which it can definitely do.

Start of turn 7
Tentacruel used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of Metadraxis's team!

The foe's Bubba used Trick Room!
The foe's Bubba twisted the dimensions!

Tentacruel restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

I Guess my opponent wanted to guarantee Trick Room comes up, which gives Tentacruel a very, Very short timespan on his consciousness. And Since Tentacruel is, as much as I hate to say it, pretty worthless in this battle, I can sacrifice him and safely switch someone in. I'm thinking it's finally time for Abomasnow to Set up Hail, and possibly take out Reuniclus with high accuracy Blizzards.And then there's always the Chance Attract will hax him over to hell and back.

Start of turn 8
The foe's Bubba used Psychic!
It's super effective!
Tentacruel lost 282 HP! (80% of its health)

Tentacruel fainted!

risenreturn sent out Abomasnow!

Abomasnow's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!

Abomasnow is able to come out damage-free, which ends up keeping his sash intact. Now, I can get some guaranteed damage in, or, I could pull out my secret weapon, and maybe get two or more free hits in! And considering My opponent also seems to have no plans in weather, I don't have to consistently bring abomasnow out, so I can unleash his weapon here and now!

Start of turn 9
The foe's Bubba used Focus Blast!
It's super effective!
Abomasnow lost 320 HP! (99% of its health)

Abomasnow hung on using its Focus Sash!

Abomasnow used Attract!
The foe's Bubba fell in love!

Hail continues to fall!

Ahhh, the wondrous under-estimation of attrract. do you think Whitney in GSC caused so many people so much trouble because of rollout? I don't think so. and besides, who wouldn't love this face?

Well, I wouldn't, but pokemon seem to have a very strange taste in women. But anyway, To those who aren't aware, Attract causes a 50% chance the opponents pokemon will be unable to attack each turn. yes,50% Chance, and in the PO world, nobody bothers to change their pokemon's genders, their always Male!(well, except in the few instances of pokemon that can only be female, like Miltank and Blissey)As such, Attract is a very useful, and very effective strategy. especially when My opponent doesn't switch out, not only because they underestimate the power of attract, they think it will be useless on a pokemon with one HP!Anyway, I feel this will give me a great oppurtunity to Get in a Blizzard or two, as in theory, I should get at least one in.So to all you doubters of the almighty attract, i ask you to watch the following!


Start of turn 10
The foe's Bubba is in love with Abomasnow!
The foe's Bubba is immobilized by love!

Abomasnow used Blizzard!
The foe's Bubba lost 47% of its health!

Hail continues to fall!

And that, my friends, is the underrated power of attract.Poor man's paralysis my ass.Nonetheless, it's only been one turn, of which I could've done without using attract the turn before, so it's really a matter of luck now. If Reuniclus is unable to attack again, then Attract did it's job, and I can possibly KO it. If Reuniclus does attack, then I just extended this battle for another turn.Nonetheless, from my Attract-using experiences, My opponent still won't switch out, because they have the chance to KO Abomasnow here, despite the 50% chance of not being able to attack.However, My opponent also knows it has a sash, so it can't switch in Rhyperior(He probably wouldn't anyway) or Crawdaunt in Fear of me expecting that and hitting with a possible OHKO-ing Energy Ball. And Chandelure is so frail it won't like a Blizzard or an energy ball, even if it resists it. But Gallade is a easily switchable pokemon, having enough bulk to not be severely damaged by blizzard or Energy Ball, and is then Able to take that final shot at abomasnow down. However, Gallade is more of a special sweeper, and if he switches to Gallade, I can switch to Chandy, which I believe should resist all of Gallade's attacks. So for my opponent, leaving Reuniclus in may very well be his best decision. So, because I don't want to overthink this, as it may cause me the match. So Blizzard is the move that should cause the most damage to Reuniclus, or whomever he switches into.


-Percentages are to rounded approx. to 10%



Start of turn 11
The foe's Bubba is in love with Abomasnow!
The foe's Bubba used Psychic!
Abomasnow lost 1 HP! (0% of its health)
Abomasnow fainted!

Hail continues to fall!
The twisted dimensions returned to normal!
risenreturn sent out Chandelure!

Damn, Looks like Attract didn't work out this battle. But it is incredibly useful, I Swear!Nonetheless, Abomasnow still damaged Reuniclus enough to give Chandelure an oppurtunity to KO it, thanks to Trick Room ending Meaning I can stop the brutal onslaught of Reuniclus.And Yes, since this battle, I have been looking everywhere for a decent Reuniclus counter. I have yet to find one.But, I can KO it with shadow Ball, at least, if my opponent doesn't predict this and swith to Porygon, which will in the end, screw up my entire attempt at a sweep.

Start of turn 12
Chandelure used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective!
The foe's Bubba lost 52% of its health!
The foe's Bubba fainted!

Hail continues to fall!
Chandelure is buffeted by the hail!
Metadraxis sent out Porygon2-D! (Porygon2)
The foe's Porygon2-D was poisoned!

The foe's Porygon2-D traced Chandelure's Flash Fire!

Well, He didn't Switch out, but I guess he overpredicted, expecting me to expect him to switch into Porygon, so he kept Reuniclus in, if not to Take a dive, and since most sets are Choiced(I think) He can have his Porygon Trace Flash Fire, so whether I go with Fire Blast or Shadow Ball, He perfectly walls me either way. Damn good strategy, looking back on it. And it worked fairly well. May have worked better if He just switched out Reuniclus instead of sacrificing im, but whatever, it's better for me:) Anyway, My Chandy is Choiced, so I am required to switch out, And I may as well switch into the one pokemon on my team with a Fighting Move, Weavile, while he is given a free turn to re-set up Trick room.

Start of turn 13
risenreturn called Chandelure back!
risenreturn sent out Weavile!

Weavile is exerting its Pressure!
The foe's Porygon2-D used Trick Room!
The foe's Porygon2-D twisted the dimensions!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Porygon2-D is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's Porygon2-D is hurt by poison!

Looking at it now, Porygon2 is actually pretty beaten down(about 30%HP(Well, It looked like less during the actual match)) because of Poison and Hail, and I can possibly take it out before it can do any damage by using Ice Shard, Where Porygon could use Focus Blast Or Flamethrower(Have absolutely no idea what Porygon2 learns...)To OHKO him, So I might as well do as much damage as possible before maybe fainting.

Start of turn 14
Weavile used Ice Shard!
The foe's Porygon2-D lost 11% of its health!
Weavile is hurt by its Life Orb!

The foe's Porygon2-D used Thunder!
Weavile lost 117 HP! (41% of its health)

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Porygon2-D is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's Porygon2-D is hurt by poison!

Well, It seems that Porygon2 doesn't have good variety in terms of attacking moves, using Thunder there, but it did Put Weavile in critical condition(20%HP, and at Weavile's defenses, it probably couldn't survive a tackle)But Porygon2 is even worse(5%) I'm also rather sure Porygonn2 can learn recover, so I need to Go for Ice Shard again, otherwise t can either recover, then Thunder/some other attacking move and take on my next pokemon at around 50% health, or use Thunder, KOing my Weavile before it can properly attack. Nonetheless, Porygon2 has like 6HP left, so Ice shard is obviously the way to go, but still...


Start of turn 15
Weavile used Ice Shard!
The foe's Porygon2-D lost 5% of its health!

The foe's Porygon2-D fainted!
Weavile is hurt by its Life Orb!

Hail continues to fall!
Metadraxis sent out Candelurio! (Chandelure)
The foe's Candelurio was poisoned!

Now I'm stuck in a corner. Chandy is out, and while I might be able to OHKO with Night Slash, Trick Room is still up, and Weavile can't take a hit from Chandelure anyway.Anyway, I'm assuming Chandelure's moveset is somewhere around Flamethrower/TR/Energy Ball/Shadow Ball or something close. so I can either switch out, or sacrifice my weavile, which I don't neccesarily want to do because, like Reuniclus, I feel he will come back and do something great later in the matchup(Reuniclus hasn't panned out yet, but I'm sure he will) sO I look over my options. Only Abomasnow and Tentacruel have fainted so far, so I can switch in Glaceon, Who will easily succumb to a flamethrower, Reuniclus, who will die to whatever whatever move it comes in on, and Chandelure, who may absorb an incoming Fire attack, which can be very likely, depending on how much my opponent likes seeing "It's Super-Effective" on the screen. So, my best choice is to switch to my Chandelure and absorb the inevitable Fire attack

Start of turn 16
risenreturn called Weavile back!
risenreturn sent out Chandelure!

The foe's Candelurio used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective!
Chandelure lost 245 HP! (93% of its health)
Chandelure fainted!

The foe's Candelurio is hurt by its Life Orb!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Candelurio is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's Candelurio is hurt by poison!
risenreturn sent out Glaceon!

I should have definitely seen that coming. And in my spur of noobishness, I bring in Glaceon, while Reuniclus is the infinitely better option, considering it can most likely OHKO with HP Ground.But the real point is, with my nooby move, I've put myself at a severe disadvantage by letting one of my top pokemon take a fall, which means from now on, I'm unable to absorb incoming fire/fighting moves-from anything- In the end, It doesn't really matter, I get a chance to show off Glaceon's greatness, albeit earlier than I wanted to. I also run a very different Glaceon from the standard(at least the gen 4 standard) as it is more of a Stallrein kinda thing, except it's glaceon because I love Glaceon and Hate Walrein with a fire stronger than the Sun.(Seriously, It is one of my most hated pokemon ever)Nonetheless, after bringing her in, I realised my mistake, but now cannot switch Reuniclus back in. So I need to use her to stall out Trick room in order to switch in reuniclus on The Turn Chandy will use trick room. Feel free to read ahead the next 3 or so turns as I sow off Glaceon''s stalling greatness.


Start of turn 17
Glaceon used Protect!
Glaceon protected itself!

The foe's Candelurio used Flamethrower!
Glaceon protected itself!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Candelurio is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's Candelurio is hurt by poison!
The twisted dimensions returned to normal!

My mistake, it turns out it was on it's last trick room turn. Thank god because I don't think Glaceon would have enough HP left over to make a substitute after a flamethrower, if it was even alive. Anyway, I hope thanks to Protect, My opponent can set up trick room while he assumes I sub, so I can safely switch to Reuniclus, outspeed him under Trick room, and KO him with HP Ground. But, he could see This coming, and KO me with Shadow Ball, leaving me with Glaceon and Weavile, both seriously weak to fire moves, and leading to my defeat. Sometimes though, You know you've just gotta go with your gut on things like this.

Start of turn 18
risenreturn called Glaceon back!
risenreturn sent out Reuniclus!

The foe's Candelurio used Trick Room!
The foe's Candelurio twisted the dimensions!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Candelurio is buffeted by the hail!

Reuniclus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Candelurio is hurt by poison!

YES! My prediction was correct. This essentially guarantees that his Chandelure goes down, unless Chandelure can learn a priority move of some kind, which I don't think he can. He could always switch, but He knows I have CM, which means I probably have recover, meaning I could Recover, then back at 60-70% HP, I could severely damage whatever He switches in. SO, For him, I really Don't believe switching is the best option. So, He can try to out-predict me by going with shadow ball while I recover, which could very well KO me.However, I can predict he will expect I will predict he will switch, so he'll stay in, and I can KO with HP Ground. But, then again, he could predict that I'm predicting that he'll overpredict, costing him Chandelure, so he could switch to some that would reduce the move I would most likely use(Shadow Ball, according to him, he doesn't know I have HP Ground) so he could switch to something that resists it and then KO reuniclus. However thinking so deeply into this started to give me a headache about 1/2way through, so I went with the simple approach, and HP Grounded him.


Start of turn 19
Reuniclus used Hidden Power!
It's super effective!
The foe's Candelurio lost 34% of its health!
The foe's Candelurio fainted!

Hail continues to fall!
Reuniclus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Metadraxis sent out Crawdaunt!
The foe's Crawdaunt was poisoned!

Yay for Overprediction! my opponent must have expected a recover/CM and would have followed up with a Shadow Ball. I'm not sure if that was his thought, but if it were me, I would have tried to Save Chandy, as it could OHKO two of my team. the last two of my team no less. doesn't matter, It's good for me nonetheless.And since CrawDaunt is still most likely faster than Reuniclus, I can safely Recover and possibly endure a hit, and stall out trick room with recover


Start of turn 20
[COLOR=green"]Reuniclus used Recover!
Reuniclus regained health![/COLOR]

The foe's Crawdaunt used Crunch!
It's super effective!
Reuniclus lost 324 HP! (77% of its health)
Reuniclus fainted!

The foe's Crawdaunt is hurt by its Life Orb!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Crawdaunt is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's Crawdaunt is hurt by poison!
risenreturn sent out Weavile!

Weavile is exerting its Pressure!

Yeah, I didn't know Crawdaunt had a base 120 Attack before this, so I noobed out yet again by keeping Reuniclus in. I knew Crawdaunt had a reason to be there. I just always thought Crawdaunt was just average across the board, not incredibly powerful like that. And this is where My opponents advantage increases.While quickly looking online, I realise Crawdaunt can learn both Brick Break and Superpower, and with Trick room still up for another turn or two, I need to stall it out. and that unfortunately means......
*Cue sad music*
I have a sacrifice Weavile.
A very sad day, but from this, I can not only do slight damage with Ice Shard, so Glaceon can stall for slightly less time, but also cause another turn of trick room to go down the toilet.So Weavile will do his Team well inreturn for not being sacrificed earlier. see, I knew he would have a use later too!


-Percentages are to rounded approx. to 10%



Start of turn 21
Weavile used Ice Shard!
It's not very effective...
The foe's Crawdaunt lost 14% of its health!

Weavile is hurt by its Life Orb!

The foe's Crawdaunt used Waterfall!
Weavile lost 24 HP! (8% of its health)
Weavile fainted!

The foe's Crawdaunt is hurt by its Life Orb!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Crawdaunt is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's Crawdaunt is hurt by poison!
risenreturn sent out Glaceon!

[Pro]Zaii^^[XeNo] is watching the battle.

Yay again for random spectators! don't worry though, he won't be there long.Also, Going back and counting, Trick Room will only be in effect one more turn! and as you know form the recent events with Chandelure, That means I am guaranteed to stall his Crawdaunt into a cold Grave.*Insert Evil Laugh*

Start of turn 22
Glaceon used Protect!
Glaceon protected itself!

The foe's Crawdaunt used Superpower!
Glaceon protected itself!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Crawdaunt is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's Crawdaunt is hurt by poison!
The twisted dimensions returned to normal!

If you would like to know why Glaceon would Fail in Trick room, it is because of Crawdaunt having superpower, actually. If you haven't seen a Stallrein/stalleon/Stallstoise(been experimenting with a rain Dish-Leftover Blastoise as well) you will know that they mainly spam Protect and Substitute to avoid damage until the opponent dies from Hail/whatever status is inflicted on them at the present time(Poison or Burn)In Trick Room, Crawdaunt would outspeed Glaceon, and possibly OHKO with a superpower. And if You didn't know, I'm running out of things to write, as I just explained how a stallrein/eon/stoise works. don't fear, as the next several turns are Glaceon stalling the pokemon to death, you really don't have to read them, you can just go to the last turn if you'd like.


Start of turn 23
Glaceon used Substitute!
Glaceon made a substitute!

The foe's Crawdaunt used Superpower!
It's super effective!
Glaceon's substitute faded!

The foe's Crawdaunt's Attack fell!
The foe's Crawdaunt's Defense fell!
The foe's Crawdaunt is hurt by its Life Orb!

Hail continues to fall!
Glaceon's Ice Body heals it!
The foe's Crawdaunt is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's Crawdaunt fainted!
Glaceon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Metadraxis sent out Gallade!
The foe's Gallade was poisoned!

[Pro]Zaii^^[XeNo] stopped watching the battle.

Told you he wouldn't be around long.

Start of turn 24
Glaceon used Substitute!
Glaceon made a substitute!

The foe's Gallade used Trick Room!
The foe's Gallade twisted the dimensions!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Gallade is buffeted by the hail!
Glaceon's Ice Body heals it!
The foe's Gallade is hurt by poison!
Glaceon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

But in This case, Glaceon can still succeed in Trick Room as it's already set up it's sub, it doesn't need to worry about a possible attack KOing it. Remeber kids Learning Is Good!

Start of turn 25
Glaceon used Protect!
Glaceon protected itself!

The foe's Gallade used Close Combat!
Glaceon protected itself!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Gallade is buffeted by the hail!
Glaceon's Ice Body heals it!
The foe's Gallade is hurt by poison!
Glaceon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 26
The foe's Gallade used Close Combat!
It's super effective!

Glaceon's substitute faded!
The foe's Gallade's Defense fell!
The foe's Gallade's Sp. Def. fell!
The foe's Gallade is hurt by its Life Orb!

Glaceon used Substitute!
Glaceon made a substitute!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Gallade is buffeted by the hail!
Glaceon's Ice Body heals it!
The foe's Gallade is hurt by poison!
Glaceon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 27
Glaceon used Protect!
Glaceon protected itself!

The foe's Gallade used Close Combat!
Glaceon protected itself!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Gallade is buffeted by the hail!
Glaceon's Ice Body heals it!
The foe's Gallade is hurt by poison!
Glaceon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 28
The foe's Gallade used Close Combat!
It's super effective!
Glaceon's substitute faded!

The foe's Gallade's Defense fell!
The foe's Gallade's Sp. Def. fell!
The foe's Gallade is hurt by its Life Orb!

Glaceon used Substitute!
Glaceon made a substitute!

Hail continues to fall!
The foe's Gallade is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's Gallade fainted!
Glaceon's Ice Body heals it!
Glaceon restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The twisted dimensions returned to normal!
Metadraxis sent out Ringo! (Rhyperior)
The foe's Ringo was poisoned!

(Had to take out the last pic due to image constraints, sorry)

Here, I get a little Bored of stalling, and decide to outright OHKO it with Blizzard because, ya know, Glaceon has great Sp.Attack on top of Defenses too.(Suck on That Walrein!)
Start of turn 29
Glaceon used Blizzard!
It's super effective!
The Foe's Ringo Fainted!

Risenreturn Wins!


Stalling out Trick room twice, as well as stalling out 3 of my opponents pokemon to death

Honourable Mentions:
Opponents Reuniclus: For severely damaging the majority of my team
Opponents Chandelure:For taking out several of my pokemon
Abomasnow:For setting up Hail, which ultimately led to my victory
Tentacruel:For setting up TS, which ultimately led to my victory
My Opponents Prediction Skills: Keeping my opponent at an advantage throughout most of the match, as well as taking out chandelure before his time.

DISHonourable Mentions:
My Noobish Tactics: for doing nothing but bad things over my battle

Well, That's my warstory, let me know if I missed anything!
Not bad but not great either. As you said there were some misplays, but this story was a definitely better than your last. And you used glaceon which is awesome.
Also I couldn't get the pictures to load.
Haven't quite read the whole thing yet, but in the first few turns, switching from Reuniclus to PG2 wasn't a mistake, as you outspeed and deal 80.68% - 95.35% (I hope I calc'd right) with LO Jolly Night Slash before it can TR or Focus Miss or anything, assuming the standard OTR variant.

Also, a lot of people DO change their 'mon's genders to female to deter the occasional Attract, but you're on the PO server and it might be different there idk.

(Props for using Glaceon btw)
Well first of all, most TR Reuniclus carry Shadow Ball. It's Trick Room, Psychic/Psyshock, HP Fighting/Focus Blast, and Shadow Ball. Also, at the beginning, the reason your opponent switched out Reuniclus is not some "fancy Brilliant strategy," but because Weavile outspeeds and KOs with Night Slash. Also, Attract is just a terrible move. It relies on the opponent carrying all male Pokemon, and its just a worse Confusion. Confusion is also 50% immobilize, except the Pokemon actually damages itself. Also, work on punctuation and grammar, if you're going to write a Warstory. And what's the point of HP Ground, just wondering. HP Fighting/Focus blast gives better coverage for Reuniclus.
Well first of all, most TR Reuniclus carry Shadow Ball. It's Trick Room, Psychic/Psyshock, HP Fighting/Focus Blast, and Shadow Ball. Also, at the beginning, the reason your opponent switched out Reuniclus is not some "fancy Brilliant strategy," but because Weavile outspeeds and KOs with Night Slash. Also, Attract is just a terrible move. It relies on the opponent carrying all male Pokemon, and its just a worse Confusion. Confusion is also 50% immobilize, except the Pokemon actually damages itself. Also, work on punctuation and grammar, if you're going to write a Warstory. And what's the point of HP Ground, just wondering. HP Fighting/Focus blast gives better coverage for Reuniclus.
Well,It probably wasn't some fancy strategy, I know, but I'm very new to competitive battling, so I didn't really know how much a LO night slash did. But that much damage was much more than I expected out of it

And HP Ground is on Reuniclus is to help cover my Teams gigantic Rock,Steel, and Fire weakness.

And to AmerocanLights, while that may be true about some people changing the genders for the occasional attract, I have yet to face one, but it's always possible to encounter one.
Just noting that confusion is only a 25% chance to backfire. Also, the warstory was not bad, but there are a couple things you should work on. First, get a really good battle to write about, this one had a lot of misplays. That will come with experience, don't worry. Read some analyses, keep battling, and you'll get better every match. Two, you're grammar was bad in some places, I suggest getting someone to proofread it next time before posting. All in all, I hope to see more warstories from you in the future. Also, Hail teams= +1.
HP Fighting and focus blast already destroys rock and steel types and psychic stab already hits fire types very hard. Also, attract kinda ruined the warstory for me... 5/10


Banned deucer.
Well,It probably wasn't some fancy strategy, I know, but I'm very new to competitive battling, so I didn't really know how much a LO night slash did. But that much damage was much more than I expected out of it

And HP Ground is on Reuniclus is to help cover my Teams gigantic Rock,Steel, and Fire weakness.

And to AmerocanLights, while that may be true about some people changing the genders for the occasional attract, I have yet to face one, but it's always possible to encounter one.
The problem with that is you'll only catch out noobs, who you should be able to beat anyways. A good player will generally change a few genders(My team is always half/half). Not only that, but gambling your weather pokemon on a half chance is a terrible idea-half the time you lose abomasnow, they bring in their own weather, and you just basically killed your glaceon, as well as any other weather-specific pokemon.

And while we're at it, why is this a hail team? Only glaceon benefits from hail, and while i can see that you want to pull off a glaceon sweep, that's not a terribly reliable strategy. At least pack someone else like kyuremu that can spam blizzards, or even a stallrein to go alongside it.
HP Ground could be useful against stuff like Jirachi and sun teams in general i guess, considering the weakness of his teams.
I used to love abusing Attract back in 3rd Gen, but then I got to Flannery in-game. -_-

That said, the self-depricating stuff is kind of annoying. You may not be a master, but seeing (WARNING: NOOB MOVE ALERT) just fills me with disdain. You're warstory is still okay, but stall isn't that much fun to read. :/ I'll give this a 6.5/10.
That said, the self-depricating stuff is kind of annoying. You may not be a master, but seeing (WARNING: NOOB MOVE ALERT) just fills me with disdain.
This right here has kept me from liking many otherwise applause-worthy stories. A certain part of a warstory is its larger-than-lifeness, so why not romanticize the parts that, literally, were just dumb mistakes? The warstory is not supposed to be a documentation of dry events--that's a log.

Now, obviously you knew that commentary was important, but you were too willing to spend it saying what you didn't know rather than what you did. Flat-out lying isn't cool, but you don't have to include every mistake that the audience doesn't want to see anyway. I think you have potential, but you need to wait until you are a good enough player to get really high-quality battles so that rather than displaying your flaws you can showcase your strengths naturally and easily. One way to tell this is to save a battle you really enjoyed, wait a few days, and look at it again to see if it's worthy of being a warstory. You can even write some up if you have the time without putting them up on the internet. Good luck!
Glaceon killing Gallade, Crawdaunt, AND Rhyperior was pretty sweet. The only misplay I see is that your opponent shouldve switched in Crawdaunt on Reuniclus for Chandy's survival.
Another tip, dont try to overdo your noobiness, whether its for sympathy or for bragging about how a noob could win a game or whatever. It makes all of us feel pretty bad...
I have a feeling that this warstory would be much better with HP percentages and proper capitalization and less run-on sentences. Otherwise, while not the best battle, your comments explain your though processes, which really helps make a warstory good.

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