Smogon Premier League X - Week 1

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Welcome to the tenth iteration of SPL, SPL X. In this tournament, 10 teams containing the best players on Smogon (except for Mr.E) play against each other and duke it out every week, attempting to gather as many wins as they can to reach playoffs. Some of them will fail, while others will bloom. Whatever the case, the matches will be exciting, so without further ado, here are tournament rules and the matchups!


On Sportsmanship
Note the sportsmanship infraction may be used liberally this SPL, and any unsportsmanlike conduct on the forums, in discord, or in opposing SPL team servers (I won't infract for you being a dick in your own SPL team server unless the situation is so extreme I feel I absolutely have to make an exception (consider basically any masterclass interaction ever)), will be grounds for an infraction. We encourage you to play semi-aggressively, but don't be a Masterclass.

~ Aldaron

On Scheduling Matches
I'm sure plenty of you have come across activity drama while scheduling matches. I'm here to reduce the arbitrary element associated with some of these decisions. It is entirely your decision to adhere to these STRONG RECOMMENDATIONS, but note that if you choose not to, I'll most likely ignore any pleading from your end.


Once that week's thread is posted, you have up to 48 hours to contact your opponent ON HIS VM WALL and mention your timezone and exactly what dates, what time ranges you are available, and where you will battle. Note that the default accepted sim and server is the official server on Showdown/Smogon Tournament Server. You must provide at least 3 different time ranges at least 48 hours from the timestamp of your message, with at least 2 that are 24-hours apart from each other. The minimum and maximum length for 1 time range is 30 minutes, and the minimum difference between the 3 required time ranges is 3 hours. If you give 3 time ranges that stick with this policy, you can give any additional time ranges at any time you please.


Once your opponent has contacted you, you now have up until 72 hours after the week's thread has been posted (NOT after your opponent's message) to respond with times that are good for you. What this means is that if both of you spend the maximum time contacting and responding, you should have back and forth collaboration at a maximum of 72 hours after the round has been posted, with both parties given an additional 24 hours to prepare for the battle should it be scheduled as soon as required. If none of the opponent's proposed time ranges are good for you, you must respond with alternative time ranges.

The first opponent now has X hours to prepare for the battle (if the second opponent agreed to some time) or 24 hours to contact a TD if, for whatever reason, this second set of time ranges does not suit the first opponent. Note this should be an absolute last measure.

Once a time is agreed upon, please make a message on your opponent's VM wall between 10 minutes and 1 second before the agreed upon time and say you are ready to battle and then get to agreed upon location (regardless of whether or not your opponent sends you a response VM). Please protect yourself by making this message, as it makes decisions much easier. You will be required to wait for your opponent for the duration of the time range.

If neither of you contact each other before 48 hours after the thread has been posted, you're both opening yourself up to a potential no contest or substitution. If I look at the situation, I might just determine I'm going to no contest, or whatever based on however I'm feeling at that moment. Don't leave yourself and your team vulnerable to this.

Just because at anytime one of the responders does not respond within the given range does not give you automatic activity win credentials. If they don't contact at all on your VM wall up until 48 hours before the end of the round (note, I'm not going to take discord or sim messages as evidence due to how easily they can be if you want to protect yourself, stick to the VM messages), then you obviously have activity win justification. You WILL contact your opponent in a timely manner. However, if they do contact you at all after the suggested response time and before 48 hours before the end of the round, you are required to respond before 24 hours before the end of the round with 2 1-hour time ranges at least 1 hour apart before the end of the round. The opponent, since he did not stick to the proposed response schedule, WILL BE REQUIRED TO PLAY AT ONE OF YOUR NEWLY SUGGESTED TIMES, so you have the advantage here. This obviously puts a bit of an emphasis on the last 48 hours of each round (as is standard operating procedure for most of our official team tournaments anyway), so I will try my best to keep the last 48 hours of the round as close to the majority of the weekend for as much of the world as I can.

If you follow all of these guidelines, you will a.) most likely get your match done with minimal issue or b.) protect yourself and your team from an undue no contest or activity decision. Yes, I hate activity decisions in official tournaments. Yes, I will do my best to prevent activity decisions in the playoffs (the qualifying round is fair game however and I will have no problem issuing an activity call here), but don't push your luck.

Here is an example of how following this would work:

Week 1 thread is posted June 7, 2013 at 12:00 AM. Its deadline is June 14, 2013 at 11:59PM. User A and User B are matched up. User A contacts User B on his VM wall on June 7, at 9:00 PM (47 hours after the thread was posted, so ok), and gives 4 time ranges: June 10, from 7:00-7:30 PM (22 hours after the timestamp of his message, which is only ok so long as at minimum 3 of the other proposed time ranges adhere to the requirements), June 11, from 9:00-9:30 PM (48 hours after the timestamp of his message, which is ok), June 12, from 6:00-6:30 PM (69 hours after timestamp of his message, so ok, but only 21 hours after the earliest time range that is 48 hours after the timestamp), and June 12, from 9:00-9:30 PM (72 hours after the timestamp, so ok, and 24 hours after a legal time range and 3 hours after another legal time range). The June 11 and both June 12 time ranges satisfy the requirements, so User A can propose his first June 10 time range as well. User B responds on June 10, at 8:00 PM (23 hours after User A contacted him, so ok), and picks June 11, at 9:00 PM to battle, which is ok because it is 24 hours after his own response.

You'll note I made most of my response ranges multiples of 24 hours, but also included 24 hours. This means I expect you to be able to check Smogon at least once a day. If that is not feasible, you put yourself at risk.

~ Aldaron

On Disconnecting and timing out drama
Ah, the big beefcake. I'm going to go ahead and put this out there: we reserve the right to judge any individual match on a case by case basis, regardless of assumed precedence set. If you don't like that, you are welcome to not play. Be aware of this.

That said, here is the main way we will probably handle DCs / timing out: If you lose a match because your timer hit 0, we will access the situation to determine if what took place was a true DC or a timeout. This is done by observing the state of the timer of the player that timed out. If it's above a certain threshold it'll be considered a DC, if it's below that threshold it'll be considered a timeout. If we determine that a DC happened the game will be recreated up to the point of disconnection. If we determine it to be a timeout, the player that timed out will receive a loss.

~ Luigi

Standard Tournament Rules


Congregation of the Classiest (7) vs Team Raiders (5)

SM OU: 1 True Lycan vs bro fist
SM OU: Finchinator vs Talah
SM UU: edi0n vs Pak
SM RU: Nat vs Cynara
SM NU: Garay oak vs SPACE FORCE meeps
SM DOU: EmbCPT vs Biosci
ORAS OU: baddummy vs Trosko
BW OU: ZoroDark vs SoulWind
DPP OU: Void vs roscoe
ADV OU: thelinearcurve vs Jirachee
GSC OU: Earthworm vs Cased
RBY OU: Bedschibaer vs Hipmonlee

Cryonicles (4) vs Wi-Fi Wolfpack (8)

SM OU: ABR vs Charmflash
SM UU: HT vs bugzinator
SM RU: Ajna vs Welli0u
SM NU: elodin vs Eternally
SM DOU: SMB vs Human
ORAS OU: Leru vs TDK
BW OU: obii vs Sergi
DPP OU: Malekith vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: Veteran In Love vs UD
GSC OU: k3nan vs Fear
RBY OU: Alexander. vs The Idiot Ninja

Alpha Ruiners (8) vs Stark Sharks (4)

SM OU: Empo vs Tamahome
SM OU: imsosorrylol vs Tricking
SM UU: Pearl vs Lycans
SM RU: RedEmption vs EviGaro
SM NU: LAX vs Teddeh
SM DOU: Croven vs fespy
ORAS OU: Hiye vs Znain
BW OU: Luigi vs Posho
DPP OU: Jimmy Turtwig vs ToF
ADV OU: eden's embrace vs Kevin Garrett
GSC OU: Lavos vs Conflict
RBY OU: FriendOfMrGolem120 vs Sceptross

Dragonspiral Tyrants (4) vs Circus Maximus Tigers (8)

SM OU: Poek vs Eternal Spirit
SM OU: Mana vs Sacri'
SM UU: Christo vs HarrisIsAwesome
SM RU: aim vs Pohjis
SM NU: ict vs Osh
SM DOU: emforbes vs MajorBowman
ORAS OU: blunder vs reiku
BW OU: We Three Kings vs dice
DPP OU: GaryTheGengar vs 6A9 Ace Matador
ADV OU: Gilbert arenas vs zf
GSC OU: sulcata vs d0nut
RBY OU: Heroic Troller vs Kaz-Gasai

Ever Grande BIGs (5) vs Indie Scooters (7)

SM OU: Sabella vs FMG
SM OU: Cdumas vs Lopunny Kicks
SM UU: Sage vs robjr
SM RU: KW vs Aeroblacktyl
SM NU: Kushalos vs Realistic Waters
SM DOU: Ezrael vs miltankmilk
ORAS OU: xray vs craing ;_;
BW OU: FLCL vs Ojama
DPP OU: soulgazer vs giara
ADV OU: Golden Sun vs dekzeh
GSC OU: choolio vs Century Express
RBY OU: Nails vs MetalGro$$
Deadline will be January 13th, 9:00 PM EST.
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SM OU: 1 True Lycan vs bro fist
SM OU: Finchinator vs Talah
SM UU: edi0n vs Pak
SM RU: Nat vs Cynara
SM NU: Garay oak vs SPACE FORCE meeps
SM DOU: EmbCPT vs Biosci
ORAS OU: baddummy vs Trosko
BW OU: ZoroDark vs SoulWind
DPP OU: Void vs roscoe
ADV OU: thelinearcurve vs Jirachee
GSC OU: Earthworm vs Cased
RBY OU: Bedschibaer vs Hipmonlee

SM OU: ABR vs Charmflash
SM UU: HT vs bugzinator
SM RU: Ajna vs Welli0u
SM NU: elodin vs Eternally
SM DOU: SMB vs Human
ORAS OU: Leru vs TDK
BW OU: obii vs Sergi
DPP OU: Malekith vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: Veteran In Love vs UD
GSC OU: k3nan vs Fear
RBY OU: Alexander. vs The Idiot Ninja

SM OU: Empo vs Tricking
SM OU: imsosorrylol vs Tamahome
SM UU: Pearl vs Lycans
SM RU: RedEmption vs EviGaro
SM NU: LAX vs Teddeh
SM DOU: Croven vs fespy
ORAS OU: Hiye vs Znain
BW OU: Luigi vs Posho
DPP OU: Jimmy Turtwig vs ToF
ADV OU: eden's embrace vs Kevin Garrett
GSC OU: Lavos vs Conflict
RBY OU: FriendOfMrGolem120 vs Sceptross

SM OU: Poek vs Eternal Spirit
SM OU: Mana vs Sacri'
SM UU: Christo vs HarrisIsAwesome
SM RU: aim vs Pohjis
SM NU: ict vs Osh
SM DOU: emforbes vs MajorBowman
ORAS OU: blunder vs reiku
BW OU: We Three Kings vs dice
DPP OU: GaryTheGengar vs 6A9 Ace Matador
ADV OU: Gilbert arenas vs zf
GSC OU: sulcata vs d0nut
RBY OU: Heroic Troller vs Kaz-Gasai

SM OU: Sabella vs FMG
SM OU: Cdumas vs Lopunny Kicks
SM UU: Sage vs robjr
SM RU: KW vs Aeroblacktyl
SM NU: Kushalos vs Realistic Waters
SM DOU: Ezrael vs miltankmilk
ORAS OU: xray vs craing ;_;
BW OU: FLCL vs Ojama
DPP OU: soulgazer vs giara
ADV OU: Golden Sun vs dekzeh
GSC OU: choolio vs Century Express
RBY OU: Nails vs Metalgross
oras predicts
ORAS OU: baddummy vs Trosko: i think Trosko's the better player overall, but rick has some great ideas in ORAS OU. his wcop games were all amazing, and i'm a big fan of his builds and methodical playstyle. this is a hard one to call ultimately due to trosko not really being too known as an ORAS main and rick being out since WCoP. rick's a friend so i'm hella biased here sue me.

ORAS OU: Leru vs TDK: upset, but not a crazy upset because Leru is beginning to cement himself as an all around top tier player. honestly, from what i've seen, i think Leru is a better player than TDK as far as raw playing ability goes. TDK is THE builder and one of the ORAS goats, but Leru's got the OTHER builder and another one of the ORAS goats backing him in ABR. it's really important to note that both ABR and TDK have been making similar new meta chansey bro type teams lately, which is why i think the builder advantage that you'd normally see with someone other than blunder or ABR or whoever vs. TDK become minimal. this is honestly the highlight no matter what though.

ORAS OU: Hiye vs Znain: maybe i spoke too soon with the last one, cause this one is also a treat. both players i'm a big fan of, but Hiye has been snowballing into a titan of a player lately, whereas Znain sat WCoP out. i prefer the ideas Znain brings to the table though, honestly, but Hiye is just such a fantastic player and definitely an ORAS goat. think it's gonna be hard for anyone from this pool not named blunder or TDK to take Hiye on tbh, but Znain has proven he can bring it sometimes.

ORAS OU: blunder vs reiku: honestly don't know much about reiku. blunder's just the best player in the ORAS pool, and he has a fantastic grasp on and love for the meta. predicting him to win as a safe pick.

ORAS OU: xray vs craing ;_;: this one will be wild. ben gay was always up there as one of my favorite ORAS OU players, but i'm not sure if he still has it. xray has gone from good to great over the last year, and between him and Sabella, there's no shortage of surprising ORAS ideas on the BIGS. sadly, ben's ideas are on a different, almost unreasonable level that the BIGS might not be able to compete with. i think these 2 are similar in playing ability in 2019, and this one will end up coming down to who brings what. in that battle, however, i lean a bit towards ben. i have a feeling this will be a tight one though.
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Congregation of the Classiest (6) vs Team Raiders (6)

SM OU: 1 True Lycan vs bro fist
SM OU: Finchinator vs Talah
SM UU: edi0n vs Pak
SM RU: Nat vs Cynara
SM NU: Garay oak vs SPACE FORCE meeps
SM DOU: EmbCPT vs Biosci
ORAS OU: baddummy vs Trosko
BW OU: ZoroDark vs SoulWind
DPP OU: Void vs roscoe
ADV OU: thelinearcurve vs Jirachee
GSC OU: Earthworm vs Cased
RBY OU: Bedschibaer vs Hipmonlee

Cryonicles (7) vs Wi-Fi Wolfpack (5)

SM OU: ABR vs Charmflash
SM UU: HT vs bugzinator
SM RU: Ajna vs Welli0u
SM NU: elodin vs Eternally
SM DOU: SMB vs Human
ORAS OU: Leru vs TDK
BW OU: obii vs Sergi
DPP OU: Malekith vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: Veteran In Love vs UD
GSC OU: k3nan vs Fear
RBY OU: Alexander. vs The Idiot Ninja

Alpha Ruiners (7) vs Stark Sharks (5)

SM OU: Empo vs Tamahome
SM OU: imsosorrylol vs Tricking
SM UU: Pearl vs Lycans
SM RU: RedEmption vs EviGaro
SM NU: LAX vs Teddeh
SM DOU: Croven vs fespy
ORAS OU: Hiye vs Znain
BW OU: Luigi vs Posho
DPP OU: Jimmy Turtwig vs ToF
ADV OU: eden's embrace vs Kevin Garrett
GSC OU: Lavos vs Conflict
RBY OU: FriendOfMrGolem120 vs Sceptross

Ever Grande BIGs (7) vs Indie Scooters (5)

SM OU: Sabella vs FMG
SM OU: Cdumas vs Lopunny Kicks
SM UU: Sage vs robjr
SM RU: KW vs Aeroblacktyl
SM NU: Kushalos vs Realistic Waters
SM DOU: Ezrael vs miltankmilk
ORAS OU: xray vs craing ;_;
BW OU: FLCL vs Ojama
DPP OU: soulgazer vs giara
ADV OU: Golden Sun vs dekzeh
GSC OU: choolio vs Century Express
RBY OU: Nails vs MetalGro$$
SM OU: 1 True Lycan vs bro fist
SM OU: Finchinator vs Talah
SM UU: edi0n vs Pak - Im looking forward to this one
SM RU: Nat vs Cynara - girls fighting omg
SM NU: Garay oak vs SPACE FORCE meeps
SM DOU: EmbCPT vs Biosci
ORAS OU: baddummy vs Trosko - I had literally never heard anything about this guy before the auction but then someone showed me that wcop replay lmao im dead this guy is INSANELY hot
BW OU: ZoroDark vs SoulWind
DPP OU: Void vs roscoe
ADV OU: thelinearcurve vs Jirachee
GSC OU: Earthworm vs Cased
RBY OU: Bedschibaer vs Hipmonlee

SM OU: ABR vs Charmflash
SM OU: BHARATH_THEBEST vs Kickasser - fire matchup
SM UU: HT vs bugzinator
SM RU: Ajna vs Welli0u
SM NU: elodin vs Eternally
SM DOU: SMB vs Human
ORAS OU: Leru vs TDK
BW OU: obii vs Sergi
DPP OU: Malekith vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: Veteran In Love vs UD
GSC OU: k3nan vs Fear
RBY OU: Alexander. vs The Idiot Ninja

SM OU: Empo vs Tricking - BAgs of hax in this one lmao
SM OU: imsosorrylol vs Tamahome - I wasnt gonna say anything but well whatever, M Dragon I hope you die for stealing him wtf WHO PAYS THE STELLAR AMOUNT OF 29 FUCKING K FOR SM OU TAMAHOME? THE RETARDED MARIANO OFC LOOOOL. im done, thank you.
SM UU: Pearl vs Lycans - another hot uu matchup omg
SM RU: RedEmption vs EviGaro - EviGaro well done friend I hope you do well in your debut, you deserve it n_n
SM NU: LAX vs Teddeh
SM DOU: Croven vs fespy - fuck you tards I fucking believe in this guy to win, he's fucking goat mariano always knows what hes doing LOOOL inb4 he'll INT af as everyone expects and will prove mariano is stupid once again. alas.
ORAS OU: Hiye vs Znain
BW OU: Luigi vs Posho - Doesnt matter who wins tbh, the real loser here is the community for having to deal with this matchup. delete already pls.
DPP OU: Jimmy Turtwig vs ToF
ADV OU: eden's embrace vs Kevin Garrett
GSC OU: Lavos vs Conflict - hype
RBY OU: FriendOfMrGolem120 vs Sceptross - vai amigo

SM OU: Poek vs Eternal Spirit
SM OU: Mana vs Sacri'
SM UU: Christo vs HarrisIsAwesome
SM RU: aim vs Pohjis
SM NU: ict vs Osh
SM DOU: emforbes vs MajorBowman
ORAS OU: blunder vs reiku
BW OU: We Three Kings vs dice
DPP OU: GaryTheGengar vs 6A9 Ace Matador
ADV OU: Gilbert arenas vs zf
GSC OU: sulcata vs d0nut
RBY OU: Heroic Troller vs Kaz-Gasai


SM OU: Sabella vs FMG
SM OU: Cdumas vs Lopunny Kicks
SM UU: Sage vs robjr
SM RU: KW vs Aeroblacktyl
SM NU: Kushalos vs Realistic Waters - Kush is good for sure, but RW is really impressive when he plays at his ceiling mode, so I really expect an intense and solid season from him.
SM DOU: Ezrael vs miltankmilk
ORAS OU: xray vs craing ;_; - oras highlight of the week along blunder vs reiku imo, I personally rank ben gay pretty high in anything he touches and xray has made his name in this gen throughout the last years so yeah, nice one.
BW OU: FLCL vs Ojama
DPP OU: soulgazer vs giara
ADV OU: Golden Sun vs dekzeh
GSC OU: choolio vs Century Express
RBY OU: Nails vs MetalGro$$


is a Tiering Contributor
Congregation of the Classiest (7) vs Team Raiders (5)

SM OU: 1 True Lycan vs bro fist
SM OU: Finchinator vs Talah
SM UU: edi0n vs Pak
SM RU: Nat vs Cynara
SM NU: Garay oak vs SPACE FORCE meeps
SM DOU: EmbCPT vs Biosci
ORAS OU: baddummy vs Trosko
BW OU: ZoroDark vs SoulWind
DPP OU: Void vs roscoe
ADV OU: thelinearcurve vs Jirachee
GSC OU: Earthworm vs Cased
RBY OU: Bedschibaer vs Hipmonlee

Cryonicles (10) vs Wi-Fi Wolfpack (2)

SM OU: ABR vs Charmflash
SM UU: HT vs bugzinator
SM RU: Ajna vs Welli0u
SM NU: elodin vs Eternally
SM DOU: SMB vs Human
ORAS OU: Leru vs TDK
BW OU: obii vs Sergi
DPP OU: Malekith vs DeepBlueC
ADV OU: Veteran In Love vs UD
GSC OU: k3nan vs Fear
RBY OU: Alexander. vs The Idiot Ninja

Alpha Ruiners (8) vs Stark Sharks (3)

SM OU: Empo vs Tamahome
SM OU: imsosorrylol vs Tricking
SM UU: Pearl vs Lycans
SM RU: RedEmption vs EviGaro
SM NU: LAX vs Teddeh
SM DOU: Croven vs fespy
ORAS OU: Hiye vs Znain
BW OU: Luigi vs Posho
DPP OU: Jimmy Turtwig vs ToF
ADV OU: eden's embrace vs Kevin Garrett
GSC OU: Lavos vs Conflict
RBY OU: FriendOfMrGolem120 vs Sceptross
I’m bored so:

1 True Lycan 40:60 bro fist

Hard to bet against bro fist. He’s arguably the very best OU player in the entire poll so seeing bro fist lose would honestly be quite an upset. 1 True Lycan is a solid player though, and had an impressive performance in Snake Draft II so I can still see such upset happening.

Finchinator 55:45 Talah

While i have plenty of respect to both of these players and am rooting for both, I think Finchinator has the slight edge here. Finch had a BIG pricetag this year and that was surely for a good reason, especially after such a strong STour run. Talah, on the other hand, is a dark horse, who I have a feeling will do surprisingly well this SPL, but Finchinator is still a powerful contender so I’ll have to give him the edge on this one.


ABR 70:30 Charmflash

Charmflash might also be a bit of a sleeper pick, but this match is clearly on ABR’s favor. Current OUTL also happens to arguably the most consistent OU player so I find it very likely that he will take the win this time around.

BHARATH_THEBEST 40:60 Kickasser

While BTB had a pretty impressive SPL last time around, I believe he hasn’t taken part in many tournaments since, so I think Kickasser has quite the advantage here, coming off massive results in Snake Draft and OLT. That being said I wouldn’t be surprised if BTB won this one either, both are strong players and this looks like a promising match.


Empo 55:45 Tamahome

While Tamahome is an excellent player and his success has been translating pretty well to the current gen OU, Empo is still an amazing player and I believe he has the edge in this matchup. Though as a Brazillian myself I’d love to be surprised and see Tamahome take the win. Regardless, it will surely be an interesting match.

imsosorrylol 40:60 Tricking

Tricking is, overall, a very powerful OU player so I feel like he has the advantage on this matchup. That being said, I’m not overlooking sorry and I believe he has the chance to cause some upsets and get some results, but Tricking is a very consistent and experienced player, so he has the edge here.


Poek 40:60 Eternal Spirit

Maybe I’m being affected by Brazillian bias, but Eternal Spirit is a really strong and consistent OU player, and assumably quite hard to prepare against. That being said Poek is also an outstanding OUer so I could see this one going the Tyrants’ way.

Mana 40:60 Sacri'

Sacri’ made a smooth transiton to OU with solid results whereas Mana hasn’t joined a single official tournament in 2018, I believe, so I’m giving the edge to the Tigers once again. However Mana is still an excellent player, so only the future will tell the outcome of this one. Yet another interesting match.


Sabella 65:35 FMG

While Sabella wasn’t quite in his peak at 2018, he is still a great OU player and FMG, despite being a strong player, still has a lot to prove in a setting like that of SPL. So the edge goes to Sabella here, in my opinion.

Cdumas 60:40 Lopunny Kicks

And last but not least, this matchup has two great OUers so it will likely be a highlight match. But I’ll give Cdumas the edge here, the frenchman boasts an impressive WCoP result, and I believe he has yet to go negative in a tournament setting. However, Lopunny Kicks had a premier Snake Draft run so he still has plenty of chance here, I feel.​
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formerly TDK
is a Tournament Director Alumnusis a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Four-Time Past WCoP Champion
Congregation of the Classiest (5) vs Team Raiders (7)

SM OU: 1 True Lycan vs bro fist | "Vro Fist the Punisher of Plays" returns to his natural habitat of SM OU. While he is unassisted by his former East teammates ABR and myself, he should still be able to come up with a solid team and pummel this monotype main into the ground. All jokes aside, 1 True Lycan seems to be a promising player who is on the upswing according to both the jerk and the anti-jerk, a very positive sign indeed. Nonetheless, it's hard to predict him to win against one of the best players in the game.
SM OU: Finchinator vs Talah | The cornerstone of the BIGS Classiest faces off against a complete random to start the tour. With our friend Ragnarock's unfortunate demise, Finchinator has consolidated his throne as Smogon's #1 tryhard. His determination and battling experience should allow him to prevail against whoever tf this is.
SM UU: edi0n vs Pak | Pak "rebounded" from a tour where some say he was heavily carried by Pearl and achieved great things in Snake 2. His opponent is seemingly a wannabe elodin, albeit one who won the UU Open. It's still hard to see him winning against Pak here.
SM RU: Nat vs Cynara | One of the best players in the tier faces off against an Ubers main people expect to do very poorly in this tour. Not very hard to see the outcome here.
SM NU: Garay oak vs SPACE FORCE meeps | meeps somehow wins games despite making some questionable plays more often than not. His opponent was the only one ranked below him in the Power Rankings, so I'll favor meeps' upside here.
SM DOU: EmbCPT vs Biosci | This is a very close game, as the new guard takes on a reliable and very solid player who puts up good records at will. Edu has been pretty impressive in his showings, so I'll favor him 51/49 in this one.
ORAS OU: baddummy vs Trosko | People seem to have high hopes for baddummy. However, it's hard to predict him to beat Trosko, a very solid builder who knows what it takes to win. No choice but to favor the experience here.
BW OU: ZoroDark vs SoulWind | SoulWind is coming off a phenomenal SPL campaign, and also did very well in the latest Smogon Tour as he always seems to do. It's hard to predict anyone to win against the obvious steal of draft in his home territory.
DPP OU: Void vs roscoe | Void got the better of roscoe in their last meeting, and is obviously a very solid DPP player. However, I will once again pick the man with BKC's support to win in the thinking gen, as with a neutral matchup, roscoe should be good enough to make the plays necessary to come out on top. 5
ADV OU: thelinearcurve vs Jirachee | I've never really been impressed while watching Phil play. While he does have BKC's support once again, I find it hard to believe that he will be able to take down the best player in the field in his first game.
GSC OU: Earthworm vs Cased | I have very high hopes for this one. Both of these players are very solid, and I know Case will be dying to make a strong impression on his first game in SPL since SG choked on an icicle. Earthworm really needs no introduction, as a man with almost limitless experience and success. I'll take Case to pull the "upset" in his first game back, with some solid innovation that will prove the difference in this game between two very good players.
RBY OU: Bedschibaer vs Hipmonlee | Beds has proven to be a very solid RBY player; he unfortunately did not play that many games last year due to Finchinator's incompetent drafting, but he seems to have the starter's spot on lock for this tournament. His opponent is a relic of the 1900s, who some say participated in World War 1. This is an easy choice.

Cryonicles (6) vs Wi-Fi Wolfpack (6)

SM OU: ABR vs Charmflash | ABR will be a favorite against anyone he plays, except maybe bro fist. Charmflash disgraced himself as a MonoSnake manager and is hated by the majority of the site. His battling skill is also very questionable. Easy decision here.
SM OU: BHARATH_THEBEST vs Kickasser | This game's very close, but I think kickasser's a slightly better player. Small edge here.
SM UU: HT vs bugzinator | I think bugzinator's definitely a better player, and I trust 49 and myself to come up with a solid matchup to take the win here.
SM RU: Ajna vs Welli0u | Welli0u proved himself as a solid player by taking down SoulWind in Smogon Tour. While he definitely has very good team support, it's hard to predict anyone to win against Ajna.
SM NU: elodin vs Eternally | elodin's solid but Eternally's probably slightly better. Should be a close one, though.
SM DOU: SMB vs Human | idk how much human has played lately, so while he used to be good, hard to predict him to win in a stacked doubles field. #thecrustrule (kind of)
ORAS OU: Leru vs TDK | Leru was definitely overpriced. He had a solid Snake showing, while I definitely did not. However, I'll trust myself to rebound in this tour and definitely think I can win this one.
BW OU: obii vs Sergi | obi is another player who was definitely overpriced. Paying over 10k for obi seems absolutely insane. However, I don't really know much about this other dude so I'm gonna have to assume he's bad. obi having ABR's support doesn't hurt either.
DPP OU: Malekith vs DeepBlueC | I don't think Malekith is crust yet and I think he's probably better than this guy. In a tier full of variance and complete nonsense, getting Malekith for cheap seems like a good deal.
ADV OU: Veteran In Love vs UD | You've got to be kidding me, bro LOL There's a 100% chance that #1 crust-hater teal6 flip flops on VIL by the end of the season. Easy win for UD here. #thecrustrule
GSC OU: k3nan vs Fear | Fear is definitely not as good as last year's record showed. He seems to be very lucky, and if his luck returns to normal levels, he could be due for some major regression. However, he is definitely better than k3nan.
RBY OU: Alexander. vs The Idiot Ninja | TIN seemed to have gone a bit insane after the last SPL. Alexander is definitely one of the best RBYers on the site, and has proven to be a solid battler in other tiers as well.

Alpha Ruiners (6) vs Stark Sharks (5)

SM OU: Empo vs Tricking | Tricking seems to be a divisive figure in the Pokemon community. Some people like M Dragon think he's phenomenal, while others observe his timer rarely display the "270 seconds" message and label him a clicker. Empo to me as probably rated a bit too high in the Power Rankings, but I still think he's a better player than Tricking.
SM OU: imsosorrylol vs Tamahome | I still don't really understand why the Sharks spent 8 billion on Tamahome to play SM OU but here we are. He's definitely a better player than sorry, who has yet to display anything in official tournaments that makes me think he was worth picking up. The only item of accomplishment on his resume is BKC having the faith to pick in him in Round 7 of Snake 1, but considering BKC's affinity for seemingly terrible players such as george182, this probably spells more harm than good.
SM UU: Pearl vs Lycans | Pearl will pretty much be favored every week in this tour. Lycans seems relatively inconsistent in SPL, so I think the Grand Slam Champion has a solid edge here.
SM RU: RedEmption vs EviGaro | I don't really think Redemption is good from what I saw in Snake. EviGaro has been hyped immensely, and her price soared above 10k based on recent performance. While I am not that high on her, I will give her a solid edge in this game.
SM NU: LAX vs Teddeh | I've always thought Teddeh was a pretty solid player tbh. He always seems to do very well in SPL. LAX will be favored in many other games, but it's hard to favor him against the #1 player in the field.
SM DOU: Croven vs fespy | I've heard of Croven. I haven't heard of the other guy. Moving on.
ORAS OU: Hiye vs Znain | Hiye rebounded from a World Cup where he made arguably the worst play of all time in the finals with a strong Snake showing. I don't really think Znain is that good based on what I've seen, so big edge to Hiye too Fiye here.
BW OU: Luigi vs Posho | Posho seems to have acquired the Marshall Law sickness, where one loses all their skill after winning Smogon Tour. If there's ever a spot for him to get back on his feet, it's here.
DPP OU: Jimmy Turtwig vs ToF | Jimmy being ranked 2nd in the DPP Power Rankings in all honesty just tells me how stupid the variance in this tier is and how relatively poor the playerbase is. However, by the #crustrule ToF cannot be favored here.
ADV OU: eden's embrace vs Kevin Garrett | I don't really know who eden's embrace is, honestly, and KG while on the Sharks seems to always deliver solid performances.
GSC OU: Lavos vs Conflict | This game should be amazing. I'm definitely way higher on Conflict than most people, but it's hard to favor anyone against Lavos, who has proven to be the best GSCer on the site (except maybe BKC).
RBY OU: FriendOfMrGolem120 vs Sceptross | Very rarely do you get an SPL game that I will not predict, but here we are. 2 randoms going at it in the nonsense madhouse of RBY. See you next week.

Dragonspiral Tyrants (8) vs Circus Maximus Tigers (4)

SM OU: Poek vs Eternal Spirit | Gama seems to overperform his skill level from what I've seen. He's still solid but Poek to me at his peak is an amazing player. Banking on him returning to form here.
SM OU: Mana vs Sacri' | Mana hasn't played a team tour in a long time, so it's hard to favor him here against a relatively competent player.
SM UU: Christo vs HarrisIsAwesome | Christo will have the team support, and he has proven that he can make great strides in UU. Harris definitely has upside, but I can't favor him here.
SM RU: aim vs Pohjis | Pohjis is the new king of semi-irrelevant tournaments, as he gobbled up two of the available ribbons on this site. I'm a bit lower on him than most people probably, and I think Joey's aggressive playstyle will work phenomenally in this tier. Small edge here.
SM NU: ict vs Osh | I'm also probably a bit higher on Leon than other people. I don't really think Osh is that impressive from the games that I've seen either.
SM DOU: emforbes vs MajorBowman | Bushtush emforbes returns to action after a dominant year where he almost won the World Championships. MajorBowman seems to be going downhill based on his past tour, but I still have faith in him. Nonetheless, it's hard to favor him against such a solid battler.
ORAS OU: blunder vs reiku | A rematch of the SPL 7 finals. blunder returns to action once again, salivating at the opportunity of improving his dogshit team tour record. reiku is definitely a solid player in ORAS, but blunder is on of the best ever in this tier.
BW OU: We Three Kings vs dice | dice is very solid at BW, and has taken down some big name players over the years. I'd favor him vs. most people in this pool and W3K is no exception.
DPP OU: GaryTheGengar vs 6A9 Ace Matador | Gary came back in Snake and displayed some solid battling prowess in Ubers. He faces non-robot am in his return to SPL, a crust player who was formerly good. As per the #crustrule, Gary will be favored here since he did better in a more recent tournament.
ADV OU: Gilbert arenas vs zf | I must have really missed the point where marcop went from Finchinator lackey to solid ADVer. Apparently, I was completely out of the loop. Nevertheless, zf had some solid ADV showings in WCOP and should win this game.
GSC OU: sulcata vs d0nut | sulcata probably overperformed his skill level last tournament. d0nut is a solid player with more official experience and I think he'll take this one.
RBY OU: Heroic Troller vs Kaz-Gasai | I don't really understand how the #1 RBYer in the Power Rankings didn't play that much in official tournaments last year, but here we are. I haven't heard of his opponent, but apparently he's good on that old gen site the tourbanned players play on.

Ever Grande BIGs (8) vs Indie Scooters (3)

SM OU: Sabella vs FMG | Sabella was way overpriced last SPL. Still, he's shown more promise than FMG probably, so have to give him an edge.
SM OU: Cdumas vs Lopunny Kicks | Cdumas is another divisive player. Some people think he's as good as ABR, while others bash his battling skil, or lack thereof. Either way, he should definitely be favored here.
SM UU: Sage vs robjr | After going WAY TOO EARLY in Snake, robjr returns to the tournamnt scene. Sage is getting the "prove you're not garbage without Pearl treatment," so the TCG Gamer will be favored here.
SM RU: KW vs Aeroblacktyl | KW is ANOTHER very divisive player. Some think he can do great things while others think he just closes his eyes and blindly clicks buttons. MoP was solid enough in Snake in a limited sample size, but I need to see more before not applying the #crustrule
SM NU: Kushalos vs Realistic Waters | RW seems to be a solid player that's hyped in many tours. However, the chef is on another level. He's very good at getting matchup with innovative techs, and this week should be no different.
SM DOU: Ezrael vs miltankmilk | This is another game I will not be predicting due to lack of knowledge about the players or the tier.
ORAS OU: xray vs craing ;_; | I don't really think xray is that amazing, but he has shown he has some real talent in ORAS. ben gay is one of those people that is better as a builder than as a battler. The fact that he possibly avoided his Snake Finals game due to nerves also lowers my opinion a bit.
BW OU: FLCL vs Ojama | I'm not really sure how you end a draft with FLCL somehow in BW, but here we are. He's a solid player, obviously, but the KINGPIN is on a different level.
DPP OU: soulgazer vs giara | ....LMFAO ARE U SERIOUS giara dpp oh my god LOL wow. not even gonna say anything. SG's way better.
ADV OU: Golden Sun vs dekzeh | battle of the crust? I guess? I've always thought dekzeh was always slightly better, so giving him a small edge.
GSC OU: choolio vs Century Express | I definitely would have bought MrE for 3k instead of Century Express for 15k or however much he was. choolio had his ups and downs last year but he's a more proven commodity.
RBY OU: Nails vs Metalgross | This one's kind of hard. Nails, as a VGC main, is a bit of an enigma nowadays. Meanwhile, Metalgross to me is like a 3-6 player. I know Nails definitely has knowledge in this tour, so gonna bank on him winning this one.
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