PicaandPiku's art studio

This is where I draw stuff and you see it! All I have is MS Paint, so don't flame me about it! I'd get Photoshop or something if I was able to buy it myself (which I can't right now).

First, I'm going to post the older graphics.


"What if Jirachi turned evil for some reason?" and, "What if Jirachi had a dark side?" That was what I asked myself when I made this. Well, not really, since I used this character in some stuff before, but hey, I still like it.:heart:


It looks like an avatar, but I really didn't intend to make it one (yes, that means it's not for sale!). I just drew this one day when I was bored out of my skull.

That one christmas picture

I put it in link form instead since the picture wouldn't show up right. Anyway, I drew this in celebration of Christmas! What would an art gallery be without a picture for Christmas?

My Spiritomb's characature

This is just a quick drawing of my Spiritomb. Yes, I'm fully aware of its base being a cake instead of some rock. That's what makes it fun!

Halloween graphic

It's a day when everyone will try to scare the... heck out of you and bomb your house with eggs, shaving cream, and toilet paper! And candy! You get free candy if you have the serious balls to go out in a kind of rediculous costume and walk up to random people's houses.

Super Pica Galaxy!

Sweet Arceus, this picture was hard to draw! When you draw something on a broken computer like my mom's laptop, then you know you're going to have a hard time drawing things on there. I'm actually very happy about the way this picture turned out, nonetheless.

I updated the art gallery with my Halloween graphic. It's not even close to Halloween yet, but I'm assuming none of you saw the picture yet. I'm happy about the way it turned out, since it did take a while.

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