OM Analyses Reservation Index

Just a note that for LGPE OU analyses, we have received permission from C&C leadership to combine Moves and Set Details into a single section due to the lack of set detail material (mostly just natures). Keep in this in mind as you post your WIPs. Also remember that analyses should be in bullet points until they've received 2 QC checks.


Nice lgpe is up! Reserving Zapdos.
Nvm saw that it was high priority mb. Can I do Chansey instead?
You can do either :toast: (but I am assuming you want Zapdos)

Noting here that all high priority analyses for LGPE are able to be reserved by any member, badged or non-badged, but you must get QC approval. Low priority analyses can be reserved by anyone without formal approval.


formerly STABLE
May I reserve for a 1v1 Whimsicott analysis? I have used all the whimsicott viable sets and I have gotten to pretty high elo using only whimsicott so I should be good for the role.

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