Official Halo 3 Thread

how do you get clips onto your computer? I have video editting software (final cut pro) but I can't get the clips off bungie, only screenshots.
By recording it with a capture card.

You can also go to and use their feature called "Grab" where you put the clip on your H3 File Share and then a person will go onto your account and capture the clip for you. This is decent just for showing some quick stuff, but there is usually no reticule and a time bar so it isn't something you would use for a whole video.


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ah, haven't read this thread in a while. so i'll give an update on how i'm doing in halo 3.

i recently purchased a 22 inch lcd tv (the size used in actual mlg) because i need a tv for college. also, i'm into mlg more than i ever was into pokemon, so this was really a purchase for the sake of having the same size tv as mlg.

needless to say, i've been godawful on it. despite what you might hear, going from an analog 38+ inch tv to this one is completely different. some of you guys might remember seph, well he's into this game more than myself and even plans on placing top 32 at meadowlands. anyway, when i was a 45 in mlg before this purchase, adam said that i had a pretty ridiculous sniper for an mlg 45. even though i've been playing on this tv for two months, my br/sniper is pretty poopy. it's incredibly different with the small lag inherent with hd tvs. i'm a 40 in mlg now, it's pretty pathetic.

ranting aside, i absolutely love this game and cannot wait until i become even better at it. the best part is that there is always improving. rekt, what is your gamertag? and i'd assume you're high 40s in mlg?
Roy: Rekt's GT is "Wombattttttttt" and his current MLG rank is 45.

Now on to the real reason I posted, do you want to play some MLG with me now that you're closer to my rank (currently 32 ._.)? (directed at Roy) I could use a good teammate and it would help you get used to your new TV against lesser opponents. In the past I was always much worse than you but now I think I could be of some use. If you don't want to that's fine but I really enjoy playing Halo as well and it is frustrating sometimes when I lose a lot of games in a row. Skill aside, it would also be more fun to play with someone I know than with some randys.
I can easily get some MLG customs together whenever I get on and I can send you an invite. The kids will most likely be better than you, but it will help you get better for sure.
I can easily get some MLG customs together whenever I get on and I can send you an invite. The kids will most likely be better than you, but it will help you get better for sure.
Yeah, that'd be great. I just want to play the game and have fun, and it's pretty hard for me to get customs together with people anywhere even close to my skill level (most of the people on my list are people I know in RL, so they are either way better or way worse than me).
ah, haven't read this thread in a while. so i'll give an update on how i'm doing in halo 3.

i recently purchased a 22 inch lcd tv (the size used in actual mlg) because i need a tv for college. also, i'm into mlg more than i ever was into pokemon, so this was really a purchase for the sake of having the same size tv as mlg.

needless to say, i've been godawful on it. despite what you might hear, going from an analog 38+ inch tv to this one is completely different. some of you guys might remember seph, well he's into this game more than myself and even plans on placing top 32 at meadowlands. anyway, when i was a 45 in mlg before this purchase, adam said that i had a pretty ridiculous sniper for an mlg 45. even though i've been playing on this tv for two months, my br/sniper is pretty poopy. it's incredibly different with the small lag inherent with hd tvs. i'm a 40 in mlg now, it's pretty pathetic.

ranting aside, i absolutely love this game and cannot wait until i become even better at it. the best part is that there is always improving. rekt, what is your gamertag? and i'd assume you're high 40s in mlg?
Jeez, top 32? That'll be pretty damn hard. Hope he gets there.

I see Smogon has some pretty good Halo players. I don't play the playlist at all (MLG that is) but I play MLG customs with my buddies when I can. I wouldn't mind playing with some of you guys. I'm a 45 in TS (don't play ranked games that much, <400 ranked games).

GT is IxYoursTrulyxI. Those are i's.
Me and my friend plan on going for top 48 this event, and the only way we can go to the rest of the events is if we do that, so it's a pretty big deal. We've got a pretty good team and are pretty sure we can make it.
Me and my friend plan on going for top 48 this event, and the only way we can go to the rest of the events is if we do that, so it's a pretty big deal. We've got a pretty good team and are pretty sure we can make it.
Well, good luck. I really want to attend an event (probably just to watch, unless I start playing a lot more and get significantly better) at some point, but last year they were all very far away from where I live. If there was one in Chicago again this year that would be pretty sweet, but I doubt it because the second event is Colombus (which they will probably consider their "midwest" event this year). On the off chance that there is an event that I can attend this year and you guys happened to be in need of a coach (as most open teams don't have one afaik), I would be willing to volunteer my service as one for you.
i recently purchased a 22 inch lcd tv (the size used in actual mlg) because i need a tv for college. also, i'm into mlg more than i ever was into pokemon, so this was really a purchase for the sake of having the same size tv as mlg.

needless to say, i've been godawful on it. despite what you might hear, going from an analog 38+ inch tv to this one is completely different. some of you guys might remember seph, well he's into this game more than myself and even plans on placing top 32 at meadowlands. anyway, when i was a 45 in mlg before this purchase, adam said that i had a pretty ridiculous sniper for an mlg 45. even though i've been playing on this tv for two months, my br/sniper is pretty poopy. it's incredibly different with the small lag inherent with hd tvs. i'm a 40 in mlg now, it's pretty pathetic.
Im really confused why has this happened i imagine its because you just need to practiceon your new screen more but all the same how can it possibly make you worse that is just wierd.
Just had a LAN with about 20 teams. We went as a TO4 only playing 1 game of MLG together, and we got 5/6 place. We lost to MudVayne, Assault, Wonshot, and Prolific, all of whom are either pro or semi pro. We lost by 7 on Pit TS and then got 3-0ed on Narrows Flag, but we didnt even get dominated, we just couldn't make any pushes.
Just had a LAN with about 20 teams. We went as a TO4 only playing 1 game of MLG together, and we got 5/6 place. We lost to MudVayne, Assault, Wonshot, and Prolific, all of whom are either pro or semi pro. We lost by 7 on Pit TS and then got 3-0ed on Narrows Flag, but we didnt even get dominated, we just couldn't make any pushes.
Nice job, it sounds like you guys have some potential. You did very well against a team of semi-pros, which would indicate that with more practice you would have a good shot of making it out of open. Like I said before, if I can make any events this year and you guys are in need of a coach I would be plenty willing.
We're probably not gonna make to Meadowlands as of now, but Columbus isn't out of the question, and either is MLG coming to Boston.
Mythic Map Pack

Your thoughts on the Mythic Map Pack?

IMO, Assembly is easily the best for competitive play, but there will definitely be some excellent Sandbox maps. Orbital is ok. I don't really like the layout, and the map seems over-textured.


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orbital is fucking awful, just a typical halo 3 team slayer map

assembly flag could be alright for mlg purposes, but i personally dislike all of the little hidden crevices everywhere to fall/hide

sandbox has the most potential, obviously. they did well with onslaught flag (but pretty horrible with amp imo) so we'll see what happens.

also, i ditched the 22 lcd i bought because i just could not get used to it, even after 2 months of using it. back on the old tube tv feeling great with a solid ~45 in mlg.
The tube TV's are really nice to be honest. If you're going to buy a separate TV for gaming you might as well make it a Viewsonic, nicest things I've ever played on in my life.


Shoddy Battle dev
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I bought a 22" LCD monitor partly for using as an external monitor for my laptop and partly for playing Xbox on. I think it's great for playing on, and I can't notice the lag at all. Then again, I gave up on Halo 3 and mostly just play CoD 4 which is harder to notice the lag with.

f you're getting a separate TV for gaming, I would suggest getting a monitor unless you really need the TV tuner, since they are much cheaper for the same size and still have VGA and HDMI inputs.
I thought the Onslaught remake on Sandbox was horrible but i'm looking forward to seeing what Killa KC and those guys are working on. A lot of potential right there.

Anybody run some customs on that wizard/warlock sandbox remake? Looks pretty good I was just wondering how it played.
You can never really remake a H2 map in H3, the game itself is played differently so no matter what something won't seem right. Aside from that, the map is pretty accurate there are some size issues, the lifts near spawns are unreliable and can send you the complete wrong direction, where as with Warlock you would always end up on the bases. I'd rather see Assembly to be honest, plays really well for Flag and alright for Slayer. Anything that has potential to get rid of Lockdown is fine by me(Iso please).
Never really enjoyed iso to be honest but it was ages ago since that was on the circuit and I was pretty bad back then.
Yeah. H2 is way different from H3 from gameplay to tactics. I don't play that much anymore; have to say smogon stole me away from the life as a Halo fanboy.
I didnt want to buy mythic but I have money to spend so I decided to do it and I really dislike them.

They just seem like a mess...Ive come nowhere close to memorizing a thing about them.

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