NU: Hard counters to the popular metagame

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When there is an overpowered or overused Pokemon in the current metagame, there are three ways to solve it.

  1. Complain to the NU Tier managers until they send it up a tier or two
  2. Complain to the RU Tier managers until an overpowered piece of crap comes and ruins NU even more
  3. Get off your lazy ass and find a counter
I'm sorry but seriously. There are so many people complaining about banning Pokemon from NU it isn't even funny. Since no-one else has, I decided to make this thread to discover and talk about counters to the current popular and powerful Pokemon in the metagame. You know, Cincinoo, Amoongus, Braviary, that kind of stuff. You can talk about any overused Pokemon in the current metagame, discuss a counter or suggest a new one. You can theorize, but please test out your set sooner or later. So I'll kick-start this topic by talking about Braviary and an excellent counter to said Pokemon.


Braviary is one of the most popular, powerful and feared Pokemon in the tier. It has above average 100/75/75 defences, a decent speed of 80, poor Special Attack (57) and a monstrous 123 attack. With two fearsome sets (Choice Band/Scarf and Sub-BulkUp), each one requiring a different kind of Pokemon to counter, it is deadly, since you have no idea what it's planning. Taunt a choice set and you're screwed. Set up on a SubBU and you're also screwed. Braviary forces the tier to run offensive sets to plough through it, as any stall set will be destroyed. Many people spend time complaining about sending it to RU. I spend time looking for an NU Pokemon to defeat it. Still, it wasn't hard to find a perfect counter after a bit of research...


Electrode outspeeds Braviary, it resists its primary STAB and can easily OHKO it with a Life Orb Super Effective STAB Thunderbolt. While Banded Braviary can OHKO back, it doesn't have the speed. Scarfed Braviary lacks the power to OHKO(unless Stealth Rock or Spikes are up), even if it does outspeed(I haven't tested that. I think Electrode might still be faster). Electrode also learns taunt, so it isn't too late to stop the Bulk Ups if its substitute is up on a SubBU set. Here are some calcs to prove Electrode's worth.

Electrode will OHKO the standard Braviary.
252 SpA Life Orb Electrode Thunderbolt vs. 80 HP / 0 SpD Braviary: 374-439 (103.6 - 121.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Choice Band Braviary lacks the speed to actually land this hit.
252 Atk Choice Band Braviary Return vs. 84 HP / 0 Def Electrode: 322-379 (114.18 - 134.39%) -- guaranteed OHKO
And Choice Scarfed Braviary lacks the power to kill it before it returns fire.
252 Atk Braviary Return vs. 84 HP / 0 Def Electrode: 214-253 (75.88 - 89.71%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

That's about it...

TLDR version: So if Braviary is troubling your team, slap on an Electrode. It outspeeds and can OHKO with a life orb.

Thats me done for now. Feel free to discuss about Electrode, Braviary or any other useful counter to a powerful NU Pokemon.
Don't play much NU, but I'm fairly sure that Electrode doesn't work as a counter because counters should be able to switch in, and Electrode definitely can't!
I'm not really sure what has got you so worked up about Braviary and people discussing the possibility of banning it, but making a thread like this is certainly not the way to go about it.

From the way you word your opening, you seem to be implying we should never ban anything: "Get of your lazy ass and find a counter". Yet in that very same opening you say "overpowered piece of crap comes and ruins NU even more". If something is overpowered and ruining NU, why shouldn't we ban it? If we can improve our metagame in any way shape or form, why shouldn't we do it.

There are so many people complaining about banning Pokemon from NU it isn't even funny.
I'm sorry but...where? We have the suspect thread yes, ut so far only 5 people have posted in it, and only 2 of those have been really leaning towards wanting to ban it. Also note that no one who is already on the council (some of the current posters may get on there temporarily) have actually posted saying they want to ban it. So in short, I have no idea where you're getting this from.

Another problem I have with this thread is the content. Electrode countering Braviary? Yes it can outspeed and OHKO, but that is not a counter, it's barely even a check. The fact it can never switch in on Braviary means all it is is a revenge killer, and becase of that you're having to sacrifice a teammate to get Electrode in every single time Braviary comes in. If you have something to say about playing with or against Braviary then by all means, post in the suspect thread, but doing so without well reasoned and logical arguments (a prime example is your OP) would be a very bad idea.

Finally, even if this thread wasn't laced with rhetoric and poor logic, it serves little purpose. Bringing up ways to deal with popular Pokemon is something ideal for the np thread, while Project Neverused exists for those more underrated counters. Safe to say I will be locking this.
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