Tournament NDFL I - Finals [Won by Goob Shamone Garganacls]

Well, that was an incredible tour, and there's only one way to wrap it up properly. Time for some shout outs!
First Runo . This was my first time managing, so I'm immensely grateful for how on top of things you were. Building and organising in every slot was an insane level of dedication, and I've loved every minute of it!
autumn It was a rough start in SS, but once you were in SV it was smooth sailing. Your willingness to play with whatever was thrown your way, as well as some absolutely incredible matches, were an amazing thing to have in the team!
omarsgarciav Literally consistence personified. Every team was incredible, every game was insane, man never missed a single beat
Amstan Looking back on auction, no way we got you for 4K. You've gone above and beyond for our SS slot, switching in for week 3 and playing all the way to the finals afterwards is more than we could've ever asked. One of many players from our team I'll be expecting to see in the next iteration of PL
ARTYMASION One of two 3K buys, and yet putting in a performance to rival the best of the tour as far as I'm concerned. Your building for SS was incredible, and the one game you played was a masterpiece, no doubt in my mind that you'll be back next time around
Weirdhamster Not the performance you were looking for in this tour I know, but dear god. You could not catch a break at all, and yet you still showed up every week with a brilliant team and played to the best of your outs and abilities in games where you were almost fully countered on every mon, pulling out wins that, on preview, you had no business pulling off. If you aren't in PL next time I'mma riot.
nimzowitsch Best UU player in the tour by a mile, no sweat. Showed up every week with god tier games, and blowing everyone out the water with a 6-2 record speaks for itself.
Kinzo Ketchum Bought for 3K, goes 3-4 against some of the best players in the tour, refuses to elaborate. I don't think I need to spell out how instrumental this was for us getting to finals, absolutely insane for us to not get contested over you.
TTK I'm gonna be paying for this man's medical bills for a while, gonna need a chiropractor for how hard he was carrying. 9-1. 9 fucking 1. Should've been in PL, should've been 20K+, both of these things not happening are absolute crimes against nature.
sir jelloton Hey would you look at that another absolutely crazy 6-2 record. Insane prep, insane games, I have no words for how impressive you've been in this tour. Also, I have absolutely no idea what the lot of you were smoking down in that DOU channel, but whatever it was it apparently worked and I want some.
Daepiquejt Where to even start? 4K for a DOU support that cooked some amazing teams and was integral to our success in that slot would've been more than we could ask. But then you also show up in other chats, both for help with building and then to also rock up to tiers you've never played, take a team you saw for the first time that day, and beat established players as if it wasn't even hard. You've been our most reliable substitute, an incredible personality for team morale and possibly the biggest unsung hero of the tour.


is a Tiering Contributor
Ok first of all id like to thank all our players and everyone who helped out and supported along the way. This was me and Michael213 first time managing a tour and we went into it with the drive to win from the very beginning. All our team players were amazing and wonderful to be around, cord was always lit and active and spirits were always high. Had an amazing time managing and id 100% love to manage more tours in the future.
Told you guys from the second I signed up we were gonna win this tour and we delivered.
Id like to thank all of our supports who helped us throughout the tour whether it was building, testing, scouting, calculations or just chilling in cord and vibing, you guys had no obligation to this team but helped us regardless. Whether you were with us from the beginning till the end or even just for a week, everything you guys did for us helped.
Shoutout to: Dead by Daylight ChrisPBacon ezra Taka qsns 3MoreMinutes entrocefalo Astro Nation Shoe Thedeathsofbeings234 seth 2020 idm boomer Piyush25 Nat and Sam Sandman except not sealoo cuz he switched up on us in the finals ( L )

Michael213 you were a great co manager and I think we made all the big decisions correctly, from the very start of the mocks and draft we knew we were gonna win this and carried that same energy all the way through, hopefully we get to manage more tours together in the future.
adem you were a massive help the entire tour and your managing experience helped so much where it was our first time managing. Your advice always ended up being correct in the end and we honestly couldnt have done it without you. All your teams we loaded won big too. Hope this tour inspires you to come out of retirement and get passionate about mons again. (You can never truly quit)


Nish the Great you were an excellent presense this tour and secured us some super clutch victories throughout when we needed you, had a load of very tough matchups in both players and teams but held your own well. Super proud of you and id like to see you play more team tours in the future.

awyp you brought some well needed experience to this tour having been around competitive mons a long time, your experience really showed in your building style and especially your prep ive learned a lot myself from watching you. Did excellent especially for your first time touching the NDUU tier and I hope you stick around natdex. One of my best memories from testing was haxxing you super bad like 5 games in a row with a UU version of oras wishkiller and we kept replaying the game until the hax stopped.

spoo another very experienced player, insane adem recomendation to draft you. You played your RU matchups super well then again being a tier you hadnt touched before and some of the most fun I had in this tour was testing rediculous RU teams against you in prep. I believe u can slot in to just about any tier and farm people.

Slowpoke Fan honestly you helped out in basically every single tier and were possibly the most active member of the team (1478 discord messages btw) wish I could have gotten to slot you some mono games but chungus was doing too well. You were an invaluable asset and brought so much energy to the team.

delemon one of our big purchases, excellent player who had a load of super unfortunate matchups throughout the tour that were basically lost at preview possibly some of the worst MU's ive ever seen someone get (mono stored power mlati hstack vs boots lele boots weavile + 3 other boots and a gliscor that hard walled our knock twave clef so we couldnt remove the boots like cmon bruh) you had to play your ass off to even stay in most of these games with how bad the MUs were so I wish you better luck in future tours.

R8 The glorious natdex tier leader, worlds biggest staller and undefeated ndubers champion (also the only undefeated player in this tour). They let me absolutely steal you in draft massive underpay and it was 100% everyone elses loss. You put so much effort into every week you prepped and came in clutch to win us the whole tour. Flex on everybody who bolded your opps in predictions you've earned it. Also yes you are the tier leader dont pretend you arent.

Alpha1013 Had the unlucky position of being an ubers player on a team with another ubers player who was going on a massive undefeated winstreak so you didnt get as many games as you would have otherwise. You turned it up with some massive 6-0 W's for us when we needed it in playoffs and we couldnt have won this without you. Great player and id love to see you play some more natdex tours (also how many tours are u in dude I saw u sign up for like 10 more throughout the course of NDFL lol).

themonkeydidit Massive steal here too in draft. Super versatile player, impressed me from the moment I first subbed you in and from there on you were a mainstay in our OU lineup. Loaded everything from semi stall to balance to BO and even goob shamone Oculars Screens HO (the greatest playstyle possible). You can play well with every type of team and ended with a top 5 record in the entire tour #4 I think. You have a big future ahead so 100% sign up for more team tours.

Glimmer our doubles expert, got haxxed so much this tour and had all of the rolls go against you. You played all your matchups well and built a load of amazing teams for the tour. Super glad I drafted you for our doubles slot. Taught me a load about doubles too a tier im trying to get more into from watching and reading your prep. Would definitely draft you again if I get the chance.

Batzi Insane player brought a lot of ND team tour experience to the table. Had a crap load of NDPL teams leftover from managing that came in clutch . Played SS which is always tough since barely anyone builds it anymore and had some serious outplays throughout the tour to secure us games. All the games u lost were cteam matchup pretty much when they figured out you like weather a lot. Will definitely be seeing you around in more tours.

Big Chungus irl Insane mono player could work your way out of almost any matchup (beat mono fairy with mono dragon despite having three 4x weak mons) and were one of our best players throughout the tour. Also was the only player who beat TTK at all who ended with the top record in the tour. Definitely needs to be drafted for NDPL/WCOP. Cant even pretend I understand mono building but your spreads and teams all looked super sick to me.

To Mr.Bossaru Heart and soul of the team, one of the most passionate mons players to ever live. We had 3k left at the end of draft and despite loads of other people I still wanted to draft there was no way I wasnt going to pick you. We had to win this tour for you and that powered us through playoffs, there was no way we were gonna let you lose. Rest in peace forever to the GOAT, 7 Rings secured.

TLDR: Had an amazing experience with a top tier team, so many moments throughout this tour were super hype. Thank you to everyone and hope you all go on to do big things in mons.

To every other team in this tour get goobed and shamone'd on (ggs).
:sv/garganacl: OUT
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