Modern Warfare 3

Saw my first second-prestiger today... I swear some people have absolutely no lives.
jeez... give him another month or less, he'll be prestige 10.
two days ago, I was talking with some freinds of mine, told them I was level 21, and they were all like "don't you have something else better to do?"
Level 28 now, not including being level 18 in spec ops.
leveling IS faster though, but still to be a prestige 2 in less than a week takes quite some time.
I'm already level 80. :x
I'm debating whether or not to prestige. I lean toward no when I think about all the proficiencies I have, but the extra class would be nice. I could get another token by prestiging in W@W, then another if I finished leveling in MW2. But then again, it would probably take longer to level from 53 to 70 in MW2 than to just prestige in MW3. Hopefully the map packs will give me a reason to have a sniping class when they come.
best strike package by far. with blind eye + assassin everywhere, killstreaks are pretty much useless. specialist makes you a fucking SUPER SOLDIER
people who use support aren't good enough to get killstreaks
Or.. uh.. people that want to support their team. Recon Drone and ballistic vests are fucking amazing for helping to win the match, no just padding ~my KDR~

Awesome way to help out is just run UAV and vests/CUAV and shit about 100 of them each match.

Also specialist is good but hardly overpowered, all it takes is on unlucky spawn (which happen in droves) for you to get fucked over and you're back to square one.
balli vests give you 30 more hp which is nothing if you can't win gunfights, recon drone is just plain bad. neither of those help you win. you can't trust your radar with assassin pro.

as far as specialist goes, it isn't OP but it's better than assault and support.
recon drones and annoying ass stealth bombers from people who go 16-40 and can still call in their 14 point streak ._.
people who use support aren't good enough to get killstreaks
Escort. Airdrop.

I prefer to run support to assault on most of my kits because:

a) I run around quickscoping and/or going for clips rather than worrying about my kdr

b) it's more helpful for my team in most gametypes I play (mostly objective based or mixed)


Reaper isn't overpowered. The blast radius seems to be smaller for the missles than the actual predator killstreak, maybe they are just less accurate by nature, idk. Also, you get this cool thing called a stinger missile at level 40 (I think?).

Does anybody feel like semtexes and explosives overall are a lot weaker? I played some free for all today, so naturally I brought claymores with me to cover my backside, and I swear more than half of them got a) hitmarkers or b) just didn't hit the guy at all.

One last point about the support package, is that it drastically reduces camping in the game, which is a great feature.
the scoreboards are a step back for team objective games like kill confirmed and domination, they don't show tags taken / denied or flags capped / defended anymore. it makes noting the more valuable players on a team harder and tbh what should be valued more in a teammate is whether he'll help you win the match, not whether he'll pick up a good kdr.

otherwise good game, might be a rehash of mw2 but it's still fun.
the scoreboards are a step back for team objective games like kill confirmed and domination, they don't show tags taken / denied or flags capped / defended anymore. it makes noting the more valuable players on a team harder and tbh what should be valued more in a teammate is whether he'll help you win the match, not whether he'll pick up a good kdr.

otherwise good game, might be a rehash of mw2 but it's still fun.
they've never had a scoreboard like this.
the scoreboards are a step back for team objective games like kill confirmed and domination, they don't show tags taken / denied or flags capped / defended anymore.
Yea, treyarch got it right with that.

Does anybody feel like semtexes and explosives overall are a lot weaker? I played some free for all today, so naturally I brought claymores with me to cover my backside, and I swear more than half of them got a) hitmarkers or b) just didn't hit the guy at all.
Yea grenades in this game just feel really nerfed in comparison to past CoDs. Ive been playing without blast shield pretty much all the time and have barely died to grenades at all even while capping objectives actively.

The claymore thing might be a result of everyone and their mother running stalker pro and delaying them, don't really know.
people who use support aren't good enough to get killstreaks
i'm not sure if GOOD should be used here, because half of my deaths are casued by me constantly hogging the objective and getting shot, not that I absolutely suck, but that I die because I want the points for the objective, and I use support for this reason. ballistic vests can be the difference between life and death in some straight up shooting encounters, and the give you a lot of experience too, particularly in ground wars. stealth bomber just owns on these smaller maps, I once got a 5 multikill with one. and about juggernauts, I have yet to see an assault juggenaut. every one i've seen is the recon, (which I use) and still completely owns. never get stuck with a semtex though, it kills you instantly, on both versions.
Couldn't stop playing this weekend, amazing game.

One thing though; spawning just fucking sucks. I kill a guy, he respawns behind me, and kills me. I seriously hope they fix this because it's getting annoying.
Am I the only one who realizes that you get shot around corners more on this COD than any other one?

Oh and why use claymores? Bouncing betties are 10x better. In fact every explosive that shoots up is too strong. Especially the IMS... no escaping those fuckers. Shotguns and LMGs are frustrating to use.

Favorite weapon?

Mines would have to be this beast
Am I the only one who realizes that you get shot around corners more on this COD than any other one?

Oh and why use claymores? Bouncing betties are 10x better. In fact every explosive that shoots up is too strong. Especially the IMS... no escaping those fuckers. Shotguns and LMGs are frustrating to use.

Favorite weapon?

Mines would have to be this beast
Yeah, Bouncing Betties are way better than Claymores. Also, my favorite weapon is the M4A1. Underrated, its a beast, and fun as hell to use.
i had the whole weekend off and played from thursday night to saturday night with friends, managing to get to lvl 59. I still prefer MW2 because its pure fast arcade shooter fits my style, the memorable maps, and diverse choices of guns (hehe Akimbo Ranger). Pretty fun game, but i dont like the amount of pure campers out there. If you want to camp and sit in a position all day, why are you wasting your time in a casual game? COD is an arcade shooter. I will only give benefit of the doubt to campers in Search & Destroy, but nowhere else

anyways i personally love using the UMP+Range+Extended Mags in rush-friendly maps like dome, carbon, hardhat, and seatown (especially since i am a rusher). Nowhere is the ump as powerful as it was in mw2 or ak74u in blk ops, but range nets you the ability to kill consistent mid-range and semi long range (if skilled enough). Extended Mags allows you to use Extreme Conditioning for tier 1 perk instead of sleight of hand because the less need to reload due to extended clip. Tier 2: Assassin is almost a must with all those UAVs running around. Tier 3 is debatable, but I like that steady aim pro due to my rushing play style

Support imo has the best killstreaks (TDM at least). UAV+Advanced UAV+X is pretty godly in that it helps you net individual kills, but also acts as a team player. It is cool too that death doesnt restart killstreak and that killstreak resets after obtaining all your 3 killstreaks, making it possible to get two UAV+Advanced UAV+X(I use stealth bomber to at least give me Assault killstreak capabilities).

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