Ignore my past pfp if anyone knows what that was lol, I’m actually pan yes i didn’t know the difference for like a million years.

Yeah, pansexual & trans female. That last part is weird, however. I’ve known I’ve always wanted to be a girl all my life but really only found out (if that makes any sense) about 6 months ago that I was trans. I’ve always hated my masculine body, even when I didn’t know I was trans (again, if that makes sense). I’d beat myself up because of it (though not a lot) and my cat got a free new living scratching post too. But, recently, (by that I mean past week and a half) I have gotten used to it, and I don’t really know anymore. I mean, I’ve never even liked my body at all, and when I realized I was trans, I thought “Hey, that might be why I hate it so much” and I mean it probably is. I still hate my body. I’m just fine with, yknow, it being manly & stuff. Like, I still dont like my body, but I’m not beating myself up for it anymore. I dont know, is this a good thing, or a bad thing? I dont really understand it too much myself.

Aside from that, my dad only knows I’m trans because I was texting with a friend one day and we happened to bring it up, and what do you know, my dad decided to confiscate the phone, and he found out. Not bashing other Christians, as I know there are plenty of Christians who I know are fine with the LGBTQ+ Community, but my dad sucks. Ever since he’s known, he’s been emotionally abusing me, not letting me do like anything at all, almost broke my flippin back (I instead have a Herniated Disc at 16, hooray) and in general being a mean person. He’s threatened to kick me out plenty of times, but hasn’t acted yet. That part makes me think there is some hope for him, but I dont want to give myself false hope, either. And I don’t know what he’s said to my siblings (I have 4 siblings in total) but they resent me now (not that it matters, I’m rarely at home anyways) and beforehand I used to at least have dumb conversations about Pokémon and trash anime and stuff but now we dont. Im too afraid to ask them or my dad, too, about what he said to them and its not like it’d matter anyways. Even if he did tell them something completely wrong and I corrected them on it, they wont believe me anyways. I would go to live with my mom (my parents are divorced) but I tried that a few months ago and uhm that didn’t work out. She’s accepting and all there were just other reasons it wouldn’t work out. I dont know where I am supposed to go, especially after high school.

On a happy note, I completely forgot Oct. 11 was Coming out day or whatever its actually called, but I got reminded throughout the course of the day, came out to a friend at work, and that went really well, especially considering they were Christian! That gave me hope back to Christians tbh. Other than them, I’m not out at work, equal employment and discrimination stuff for lgbtq+ doesn’t exist where I live, so I could easily get fired for that. Also, it’s Texas. Texas sucks.

Damn that’s a lot of word, sorry for that wow. I needed to complain some more, sorry.


Junichi Masuda likes this!!
Ignore my past pfp if anyone knows what that was lol, I’m actually pan yes i didn’t know the difference for like a million years.

Yeah, pansexual & trans female. That last part is weird, however. I’ve known I’ve always wanted to be a girl all my life but really only found out (if that makes any sense) about 6 months ago that I was trans. I’ve always hated my masculine body, even when I didn’t know I was trans (again, if that makes sense). I’d beat myself up because of it (though not a lot) and my cat got a free new living scratching post too. But, recently, (by that I mean past week and a half) I have gotten used to it, and I don’t really know anymore. I mean, I’ve never even liked my body at all, and when I realized I was trans, I thought “Hey, that might be why I hate it so much” and I mean it probably is. I still hate my body. I’m just fine with, yknow, it being manly & stuff. Like, I still dont like my body, but I’m not beating myself up for it anymore. I dont know, is this a good thing, or a bad thing? I dont really understand it too much myself.

Aside from that, my dad only knows I’m trans because I was texting with a friend one day and we happened to bring it up, and what do you know, my dad decided to confiscate the phone, and he found out. Not bashing other Christians, as I know there are plenty of Christians who I know are fine with the LGBTQ+ Community, but my dad sucks. Ever since he’s known, he’s been emotionally abusing me, not letting me do like anything at all, almost broke my flippin back (I instead have a Herniated Disc at 16, hooray) and in general being a mean person. He’s threatened to kick me out plenty of times, but hasn’t acted yet. That part makes me think there is some hope for him, but I dont want to give myself false hope, either. And I don’t know what he’s said to my siblings (I have 4 siblings in total) but they resent me now (not that it matters, I’m rarely at home anyways) and beforehand I used to at least have dumb conversations about Pokémon and trash anime and stuff but now we dont. Im too afraid to ask them or my dad, too, about what he said to them and its not like it’d matter anyways. Even if he did tell them something completely wrong and I corrected them on it, they wont believe me anyways. I would go to live with my mom (my parents are divorced) but I tried that a few months ago and uhm that didn’t work out. She’s accepting and all there were just other reasons it wouldn’t work out. I dont know where I am supposed to go, especially after high school.

On a happy note, I completely forgot Oct. 11 was Coming out day or whatever its actually called, but I got reminded throughout the course of the day, came out to a friend at work, and that went really well, especially considering they were Christian! That gave me hope back to Christians tbh. Other than them, I’m not out at work, equal employment and discrimination stuff for lgbtq+ doesn’t exist where I live, so I could easily get fired for that. Also, it’s Texas. Texas sucks.

Damn that’s a lot of word, sorry for that wow. I needed to complain some more, sorry.
Is it legal for your dad to read your texts?
If he threatened to kick you out, does that mean you're already 18?
(If you are already 18, then I don't think it's legal for your dad to read your texts)

Can you find work in a company that openly supports LGBTQ+?
I am homosexual and I quite admire the owner of the thread along with the people who encouraged him to create this thread as it is amazing how people feel relieved to portray an event bearing in mind that no one will judge it around here and will be free to give and receive advice, I've been reading the comments and I've cried in some, I confess. But I would like to say that everything will be fine, and that you are more than special in this universe.
Obs: I am sorry if I said something wrong, I am still learning English.
Is it legal for your dad to read your texts?
If he threatened to kick you out, does that mean you're already 18?
(If you are already 18, then I don't think it's legal for your dad to read your texts)

Can you find work in a company that openly supports LGBTQ+?
I don't know if he can legally read my texts. I don't have a phone, so I normally use the home phone to text my friends, and just delete everything afterwards. So, I assume he could in this case, because it is his phone. And na, I'm 16. Turning 17 this November \o/

Yeah, probably. I just got this job (which is my first btw) like a few months ago though so I'm trying to get used to the working scene. I will probably be able to find a company that supports LGBTQ+. But again, it's Texas.

Thanks for being kind <3

Edit: Also I hope to god this is Fake News


tag walls, punch fascists
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
I don't know if he can legally read my texts. I don't have a phone, so I normally use the home phone to text my friends, and just delete everything afterwards. So, I assume he could in this case, because it is his phone. And na, I'm 16. Turning 17 this November \o/

Yeah, probably. I just got this job (which is my first btw) like a few months ago though so I'm trying to get used to the working scene. I will probably be able to find a company that supports LGBTQ+. But again, it's Texas.

Thanks for being kind <3

Edit: Also I hope to god this is Fake News
Technically speaking, as long as you're under 18, your dad has the legal right to monitor your text messages, though obviously not the moral high ground.

As a fellow Texan: things are more LGBTQ+ friendly than you'd think, especially in the cities. Don't lose hope.


is a Contributor Alumnus
To get to my point, I'm starting to question just how binary I really am. I'm still entirely feminine, and I know there's no right way to be a woman, but now that I've finally sat down and thought about it honestly, without my old traumas breathing down my neck, I'm thinking that maybe Woman with a capital W might not be 100% right for me. Or maybe it is, and maybe I just don't feel obligated to be as femme as humanly possible for my womanhood to be acknowledged. I don't know what nuances my gender might have that'd distinguish me from binary women, except that when I asked some friends to use they/them pronouns with me it... actually felt really good. Like, it was almost as much of a relief to not feel like I have to be the femmiest femme to have ever femmed as it was when I realized I didn't have to be a man. Maybe I'm overthinking it cause I'm just so used to something being wrong that I don't know how not to be in survival mode. Like I don't know how to just be OK, rather than be perpetually on my way to being OK. I don't know. Shit's scary.
Hey so, uh, I'm nonbinary. Turns out I was HELLA overthinking it. Like, all nb means as a signifier is that the exclusive, predefined labels of "man" or "woman" don't 100% encompass your experience. I was looking for some objective measure to go by all this time when there's really no such thing. That can get kinda gray just cause of how superfluous and arbitrary the binary is as a concept and how many ways you can interpret the exact same experience, but as it turns out the only interpretation of your experience that matters is your own. I'm still a girl without adhering to the preordained conception of what that means, because I said so. Honestly I feel kinda weird having taken this long to figure it out, cause like when I first realized I wasn't cis all the delusions it took to keep that charade going came crashing down within a week. This, on the other hand, took 2 years. I think I was scared to examine all that deeply what being a woman meant for me just because I was scared of being alone and, despite my logical understanding that there were no wrong answers, being wrong. I never got hung up on the "hur hur special snowflake" nonsense myself, just cause like I knew I never wanted to feel special and I'm just tryna figure my shit out, but the sheer rareness of an experience like mine was enough for me to be like "Wait, really?" ad nauseam and basically what-if myself into not thinking about it. I think what broke that cycle is that I told a friend a while ago that I was worried that I was questioning myself because of recent trauma, and that this was just some weird shitty coping mechanism. That's when they showed me chat logs between us from exactly a year ago where I voiced exactly the same concerns. I realized then that I was just making excuses for myself to not define my own gender on my own terms. I'm not gonna ask anyone treat me differently, at least not yet, since I'm still a girl (or at least like a girly femmy blob). Nothing can take that from me, despite my anxiety. But no longer defining myself relative to the binary is a relief in a way that I didn't realize I was looking for until now.
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rambling post incoming. a friend and i were talking yesterday, and it sorta got me wanting to write about this stuff somewhere, so yall have to deal with this.
An LGBT group is already inherently political. It's a group of people who experience oppression and share the same concerns of the world.

If people were accepting of LGBT people, we wouldn't be having gender-segregated restrooms, or breaking news that California is allowing third gender options on their ID. We're not there yet. LGBT issues are still relevant so expect some people to hold views that may be outside of what's considered acceptable.
Also, I tried dropping into the discord server advertised in the OP, I sat there for days with an application filled out. I left since I figured it might be a dead chat :blobshrug:


False Pretenses
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Battle Simulator Moderatoris a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Never really considered posting in this thread because I don't typically discuss the matter with anyone online barring close friends, but I figured I'd ramble about some strong feelings I had that have been on my mind a lot recently, so here goes.

To kick things off, I'm gay (TheCoastsOfToast is somewhere off in the distance thinking "lol. we know.") and my story is pretty generic as far as coming out stories go. I live in a very accepting location and have never experienced anything too rough in terms of homophobic remarks barring what was essentially the "Oh darling, I want you to be able to go to heaven, don't live your life that way" from my god-fearing neighbor and professional soccer mom Angela. I came out to family and friends at 15, and not long after began a relationship with my boyfriend at the time who had a nearly identical scenario to mine. I consider myself extremely fortunate for the responses I received and how comfortable my surroundings allow me to be in my own skin, but there are a sickening number of people out there who would do anything to be able to be themselves. That's kinda what I wanted to touch on in this post, those attempting to live their lives as themselves in an unaccepting environment.

I recently, for whatever reason, got to "that side" of Youtube. Some contemporary Christian singer by the name of Lauren Daigle who I'm not very familiar with supposedly mentioned how she "can't say one way or the other" when asked if homosexuality is sinful, and this set off an outrage in the evangelical community, the expected "she can't be considered a real Christian" and "she's deceiving her fanbase", or other forms of religious intolerance. The amount of videos I watched condemning her statements for not being religiously accurate seemed to have concurrence among most, if not all viewers, in the comments. All with one common belief in common, that each and every one of them knows what their God wants. As it's seen in countries in the Middle East and parts of Africa where being open about your sexuality comes with sickening repercussions, that one belief drives everything. I have no intention of bashing religion because everyone is entitled to believe in whatever they believe in, but I genuinely don't think there's a more harmful belief out there in the world than the close-minded "I know what [insert God here] wants". Without sounding too sappy, if I had one ability to change any mentality in the world, it would be exactly that, because open-mindedness is the only way to achieve true universal acceptance of everyone regardless of their differences.

To all of those beautiful people out there who have never been given the ability to be authentically and unapologetically themselves for whatever reason, you deserve so much better, and I'm hoping a day will come when this statement holds true in our world instead of just in that hypothetical world that's so nice to daydream about. I wish I had spent more time in the past putting myself in your shoes and being more appreciative of my surroundings, or that I even had the ability to consider coming out without backlash of various degrees. Keep being you, regardless of how many times Uncle Joe swears he's tight with God, and that God told him you weren't making the cut for heaven.
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it's a billion lions
i felt like rambling about my Sexuality Bullshit and here seems like an okay place

so to kick things off, i'm trans. i think i'm a pretty cool dude. as for orientation thats a bit of a mess, but yknow, i don't really care anymore so i just call myself queer LOL

it all started when i was born

i kinda figured out i was defo not cis around, 11? roughly? that was when i started calling myself genderfluid, bt then i figured out that That Wasn't Right and i called myself agender/nonbinary instead. fast forward to like, 8th grade, in the middle of art class, when i realize "oh. this isnt right either" and "shit. im man". followed immediately by "this makes SO MUCH FUCKING SENSE". that? hasn't been much of an issue, honestly

then orientation comes into the room

i didnt give a flying shit about sexuality until i was maybe 12?? (fr reference: im 14. im baby.) at that point i called myself aroace, since boys were BIG GROSS and i was pretty sure i wasn't into women. later that year i realized i thought cynthia (the sinnoh champion) Was Really Hot. then i proceeded to ignore my Developing Anime Attraction to.. some guy in my grade, who turned out to be really shitty tbh. so i called myself a nonbinary lesbian for a while, then the big realization happened (see paragraph 4) and i also figured out that i had some internalized biphobia shit going on. but i was also still somewhere on the aro spectrum, and somewhere on the ace spectrum, so i called myself bi aroace for a while, then i gave no shits and now im just queer. words mean nothing 2 me and i am enlightened

i came out for the first time to my parents innnnnnnn 7th grade? didnt go well. came out two more times, same thing. im at a record of 5 to parents, a good fucking CHUNK of times to Literally Everyone Else. fun times

words b failing me rn so i'll just end with this:

if you're in a shitty environment (homophobic parents, friends, etc) then just know this: im ur dad now


is an Artist
i didnt give a flying shit about sexuality until i was maybe 12?? (fr reference: im 14. im baby.) at that point i called myself aroace, since boys were BIG GROSS and i was pretty sure i wasn't into women. later that year i realized i thought cynthia (the sinnoh champion) Was Really Hot. then i proceeded to ignore my Developing Anime Attraction to.. some guy in my grade, who turned out to be really shitty tbh. so i called myself a nonbinary lesbian for a while, then the big realization happened (see paragraph 4) and i also figured out that i had some internalized biphobia shit going on. but i was also still somewhere on the aro spectrum, and somewhere on the ace spectrum, so i called myself bi aroace for a while, then i gave no shits and now im just queer. words mean nothing 2 me and i am enlightened
not having romantic attraction when you're 12 doesn't mean you're aro, it means you're 12. There's no need to rush into giving yourself a bunch of labels when your body and mind is still rapidly changing. Being introspective and being able to think about this kind of thing isn't a bad thing though! Just don't stress yourself out about it


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Hi, new UM mod that nobody recognises here with a post that I almost didn't share today. So uh, I had some huge post written up with >10k chars that went really in depth about my life and me leading up to this conclusion. Then I took a moment to think it through a bit more, read something that made me realise; if I want this to be me, I should make it me. And I've been thinking I do to some extent for at least months now. So ye. I'm fairly sure I'm trans. MtF for reference. Not gonna go into my sexuality because idt it's relevant or affected and I want to go sleep (hopefully this all makes sense, I'm writing a lot of it at midnight). And let me assure you all that my mental health is probably better than ever recently except for stressing over this, you don't need to worry about me!!

Not sure if I'm ever gonna share my long post because it's just me being emotional and trying to use my life experiences to back this up. I still think they back it up but they're not necessary for me to feel certain. rn I think being female suits me better and would make me happier. It's just what I feel I want to be when all's said and done :]

Regardless I'm still pretty unsure about this because honestly I'm really not used to opening up to people and I'm never really certain about anything. For reference I have that Asperger's thingy and can really struggle with understanding how I actually feel & expressing myself, but for once I'm going to trust my instincts and say that I think what I think and want what I think I want. Convoluted but pretty much the best I can describe it :S (not saying I'm not still in slight denial but that might just be the aspie in me trying to reject change for the better as always)

To people following me / that I talk to on Discord or wherever, this shouldn't change much to do with my online presence hopefully. I shouldn't have to change my personality to fit my new identity, and if I do then something isn't right. I'll just be "eza but with the other major gender". I don't feel overly wrong being a guy so I'm just gonna keep expressing like that until I feel comfortable. Not sure when I'm gonna come out irl and start expressing myself there but hopefully that goes smoothly too, not that I plan to be hugely extravagant- I don't care about being an overly attractive or flamboyant girl or anything, just one that's comfortable in her own skin. Definitely nervous about irl though, got some fairly traditional people in my extended family and idk how they'll respond but my home family is very much alright with LGBTQ+. Also I'm still trying to stay out of politics for the sake of my mental wellbeing so don't worry about any of that, I'm not gonna become a Cong regular. My territory in LGPE and the shitfest of Firebot are where I belong! Basically, this has no bearing on my involvement in anything. Doesn't affect you, makes me happier.

quick shoutout to Yung Dramps for being awesome and giving me confidence to post this, you're reliable and enjoyable to talk to and a huge contributor to a lot of what I've done in the Poké community. Thanks for being a friend throughout and providing laughs & catgirls. Anyways I'm gonna go sleep and think about where my life might go from here, have a good day / night / whatever it is everyone!

Edit: all my doubt is gone now, this is who I am! This morning has genuinely been the best time of my entire life and I don't think I've ever cried happy tears or felt anything this strongly before. I feel genuinely alive for the first time in years. Thank you everyone for supporting me it means the world <3
Edit edit: Doesn't mean I'm still not scared about making such a huge change to my life haha, I'm terrified. I don't want to give up though!
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and I think that's beautiful
is a Smogon Discord Contributoris a member of the Battle Simulator Staff
Well...this isn't a topic I normally go out of the way to talk about but I figured it couldn't hurt to post my very short story so here we go.

Begin with the beginning I suppose so I'm a gay man who was born and still currently lives in a small Christian town in the South, which isn't exactly star quality acceptance of LGBTQ+ folk but it's a nice community. I knew I liked other men from the beginning, but my family, of course, expected me to marry a beautiful girl someday. Growing up, especially in my tween years, I really tried to make myself like women... unsuccessfully. Of course even though I knew women didn't work for me, I still stubbornly had my "bi phase" that I stuck with until 2 years ago. Fortunately for me I wasn't raised religiously so I never had fears of hell looming over my every thought throughout my life.
My biggest struggle I had, and still today have as I'm still very closeted, is the matter of acceptance... How will people react if they know I'm how I am... Will I be happier... or will I be sacrificing all the good I already have made over the last many years... Is it worth it? Is it worth it... those are the words that have stuck with me throughout my entire teen years and I still question it today, is it worth it to keep it a secret from others to avoid potential discrimination and hate or let it be known and face the potential repercussions of my decision. Though it's something I worry about, I've decided that the best thing for me is to just hang on and keep marching forward, I'm still growing as a person and I still have many things to learn in life. I've reached the point of my life where I don't want to keep hiding behind a mask but I know that everything is just a step away from being better.

My involvement in Pokemon Showdown has been a massive help in growing as a person, I've met so many great people who had the chance to meet and talk to the real unfiltered me and in turn gave me the chance to be myself around them. It has been my home away from home, a home where people like me for who I am and I don't have any fear to hide it. It's honestly the reason I've ever had the strength to come out to my parents last year, the only other people who know about my sexuality, and it was so amazing how much love and support I got on PS after I did come out.

To keep a short story short I'd just like to end with saying that while I don't want to come out per say until I'm ready, I'm not hiding who I am anymore and I encourage anyone who reads this to just be themselves. There is no person more beautiful than yourself so just know that you're always getting one step closer to happiness every day. Remember that people don't have the power to decide what or who you are so brush off any hateful words and use them to grow stronger.

Stand tall, keep marching forward and you'll overcome anything. <3
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