League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

Amazing losers bracket games just now. TPA vs CLG.eu was a great set; the team that won really deserved it and just outplayed the other team in general. Same goes for M5 vs CLG.

Looking forward to the next matches.
Can we stop being stupidly vague and just use HIDE tags?

The only reason reddit uses that poor wording is that you can't use spoilers in topics.
CLG lost both matches
Was typing on a phone so I was too lazy to go look for the little bracket things.

Predictions for the rest of the tourney, everyone? Personally:

TPA beats M5
WE beats Fnatic
TPA beats Fnatic
WE beats TPA

New World Order

Licks Toads
is a Team Rater Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus

WE should roflstomp every series 2-0 unless somehow they can't get any of TF, Rengar, Diana, Cho'Gath, and Sona.

Also has anyone noticed that Caomei and ClearLove have turned into completely different players? During World Championships, they were probably the biggest reason CLG EU came back against them. Caomei was easily the MVP vs CLG EU this time round and ClearLove has been playing almost at the level of Misaya/Weixiao as well.
Definitely. I remember that the entire reason CLG.eu won game 3 vs. WE in Worlds was because ClearLove completely threw the game twice on Nocturne and basically gave up two Barons in a row. He's been playing much, much better.


semifinal update:

M5 threw game 1 after a huge early lead. genja in particular got caught too often. game 2 was close but TPA had the ball almost the whole time.
WE vs Fnatic was a great series too. weixiao's caitlyn is a pleasure to watch every time, and game three was a great display of skill from both sides.

so if TPA beats Fnatic and then WE beats TPA then my predictions will be right >:)
i think this is probably a sign that i'm really bad but my favourite thing about wards is that kat can shunpo to them. it's surprisingly fun chasing down people by jumping from ward to ward.

also i had one of the ribbons for loading screen but then i didn't play for a while and it's gone, are these things time based or something?
I didn't watch Fnatic vs CLG NA since WE vs CLG EU game 2 was like longer than 2 games, but were those seriously the bans?
This was game 1 and they had to restart because of technical issues a few seconds in, so they basically did the same picks and trolled around with their bans.

Also, Fnatic is back in full stride. Haven't seen them this dominant since S1 Worlds.
Anyone else's FNATIC vs WE stream really sketchy/scratchy?

Mine's constantly freezing and then going back to normal.
Anyone else's FNATIC vs WE stream really sketchy/scratchy?

Mine's constantly freezing and then going back to normal.
Streams often do that to me anyway.

People really need to understand the value of wards and farming. Everyone runs in expecting to get kills and just ends up feeding.
People really need to understand the value of wards and farming. Everyone runs in expecting to get kills and just ends up feeding.
I know this probably doesnt apply to most lvl 30's but its so annoying as a support player being paired with an idiot adc who runs in and chases after their support who is low, and leaves me to fend for myself against their carry. we both end up dying and he doesnt even get the kill.
Yay. I climbed 100 ELO today after I tanked 100 yesterday. I won 3 games as Darius Jungle, and 2 games as Olaf Jungle. I like the fact that they both are great at dueling, their ganks aren't amazing, but they're good enough to get the job done, their clears are pretty fast, they aren't vulnerable to counter jungle, they deal lots of damage with very little items, they're good all game, and they can choose to peel, or blitz the AD Carry. And Darius and Olaf only get better in season 3 jungle. I'm very confident that I can get to gold this season.


Who let marco in here????
is a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnusis a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Speaking of 4v5, here is a true one...

Corki afked from the very start of the game, which really scared me as I tend to react really badly towards 4v5s. However, I looked at the champ I'm currently playing, my lane match up. Diana is such a strong snowballer that I didn't give up hope.

Things started pretty okay. Their Blitz was afk for the first 3 mins of the game and our Blitz got first blood on their Ashe (lol). I had no problems farming up against Ryze and he ran out of health pots and mana pretty fast. Kayle up top got camped by Rammus and died to Riven.

Lv.5 I started to roam around and got myself a kill on Ashe, then smashed Ryze at 6, then Riven, then Ryze again before dying to Rammus. Got myself a good couple of items.

Midgame rolled and I got caught roaming by Blitz/Ryze/Ashe but I was pretty fed at that point I could 1v3 them, get a triple kill, and come out alive. But Riven came so I died T_T.

At this point I realized we could take them on very easily and forced a teamfight near Dragon which we won with an ace at the cost of my life. Kayle got a triple kill rofl. Got inhib and then a second one later which allowed us a very safe baron (well...nothing is safe with ashe arrow), and then we rolled over their base.

Yeah it doesn't really matter if it's 4v5 or even 1v5; if all but one person on their team goes negative, you've still got a huge advantage. I won a 4v5 game at one point just because one of their players went like 0/14, so it would have been better if they were just afk.
So I was looking at the Preseason site (http://competitive.na.leagueoflegends.com/preseason/intro), and looking at it reminded me of how scared I am for Tristana's fate come Season 3. She doesn't benefit from any of the new items while other ADs do, her mid game will be just as terrible as ever, and passive supports got TONS of new toys to play with while the aggressive supports she needs to get fed and survive her terrible mid game got nothing.

Is there anything for me to look forward to for my favorite AD? Or is she dead for good now?

Age of Kings

of the Ash Legion
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I'm happy about the better Tenacity items.

All they need to do is remove the extremely OP Blackfire Torch and I'll be a happy camper.
She doesn't benefit from any of the new items while other ADs do, her mid game will be just as terrible as ever, and passive supports got TONS of new toys to play with while the aggressive supports she needs to get fed and survive her terrible mid game got nothing.
Actually, interviews with a lot of pro players about the fate of supports in season 3 showed that they pretty much all think that aggressive supports like Zyra, Sona, Leona, etc - are all going to be much more powerful.


So who did buy all the stroopwafels?
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
New to the game, Summoner JimmyMcWeaksauce on the NA realm XD
Ive got a bit of experience with dota2, although I must say this is easier to get into I suppose. Since I usually play support in Dota2 I figure ill probably end up playing it here as well.

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