Indianapolis picture museum. now updated with day 2 and 3. along with the battle vid

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You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
ATTENTION: pictures from nationals weekend have finally been added. i have also added my last battle video, the Ha's battle video, skarm vs alaka video, and the finals [alaka vs wesley] video. for now thats all the vids i can add. enjoy

i would also like to thank Omegadonut for taking the videos whiles i took pictures. i will be sending him all the videos i have so make sure to check his "VGC 2010 Battle Video Collection" thread as i am sure it will have ALL of the videos.

Nick McCord and Ninahaza[me] are long time friends, took me over a year to say hi and introduce myself though. infact it took me till last weekend :)

United states pokemon nationals top 16 section.

from left back row to right. skarm, enfuergo, alaka, PIKACHU, konglor, pokemanmaster, Wesley Morioka, mattJ, rory, deagle, badintent, bluecookies, metabou, huy ha, duy ha, TR_jessie and TTS.


so i have 2 pictures of skarm and pikachu. when skarm first came up for a picture with pikachu he like out of nowhere plants a big one on pikachu right on the orange part [most sensitive part] of pikachu's chicks. THE ORANGE PART. anyways due to the forum rules i cannot post anything sexually explicit so you guys are just gonna have to like this picture instead.

rory was even worse, the guy was acting like he was scared of pikachu. he was really freaked out men. the first 3 pictures i got of him were him basically huging pikachu three feet away from pikachu. we had to force him to get closer.

see this is how you take a picture with a gaint doll. TR_jessie showing the amatuers how its done

Dude this guys mustash is pimp. i swear i wish i could turn back time so i could have zoomed in more to get his mustash. anyways once deagle grows his mustash in we wont be able to tell who is who.

the champ

it bum me out that i didnt get to hang with the Ha's that much this last weekend. after the vgc events i would not see them again till like the next day :(. o and thats a Ho-oH in a car huy is holding lol

so i didnt get to have my imput on enfuergo, apparently he was dissing the ducks or something. well all i can say is that you will rarely find me not liking someone. i guess its just who i am. enfuergo to me seems like a nice guy, whenever we had a chat at the events there were no sighs of duck rivalry. he even offered me a monster energy drink when i was running on no sleep. so ehh he is alright in my book. although if he did trash talk about the ducks or anyone he should apologize.

notice TTS droped his backpack on the floor[mid left]. is TTS a huge mega fan of pikachu and at the site of the rodent he threw his backpack on the ground as he rushed over with great speed to hug it? or does he just not like sharing the limelight with a backpack? is he just afraid of becoming the new Jrank with the red backpack [or in this case the black backpack]. guess the world will never know

this is my fav picture out of all the pikachu posing ones.

Mr 7-0 himself, i am still impressed at that badintent. i mean you really swept everyone with that performance. next year in seattle buddy, cant wait

alaka remember how it came down to wether or not deagle's surf would crit your blissey to decide the game, i was really really intense, hodling my breath and when i saw it didnt crit i went crazy with excitement. thats how deagle beat me dude, had his mewtwo not gotten a crit on my blissey i was going to softboil and win the game so i was glad to see he didnt get lucky twice.


On a side note whiles all of this madness was happening articuno took the opportunity to try and take a trophy home anyways

haha just playing. he was just posing with the trophies

so after the first day of nationals was over and the top 16 had been decided. the rest of us went into the free game play room to munch on greesy pizza and have some friendly battles.

i really cant tell who is winning, but i think evan was battling rory and he was loosing.

Doomullet and fish. lol i dont know who DM is battling and i think fish is just watching


TTS and dtrain representing

i really like this picture. its awsome. Huy on the left and Godudetta on the right

WARNING: the next four pictures came out blurry so bear with me guys.
alright so after eating and battling each other the group split up and most of us went to the champions bar to watch USA loose to Ghana :(.

from left to right: evan, dubulous, fishy and fish. yep Fishy and Fish next to each other.........

so like i am sure not everyone here is 21 years old, although i cannot say either that we were all drinking beer, but thats cool because DM drank enough beer for us all.

all right so this picture looks more like we are braking the law and drinking under age. maybe tad38 is the only one under age here....or maybe tad38 just looks young, but it was nice to meet him :), cool guy

this picture is very blurry but here are the people from left to right: tay, rory [very sleepy], DM, articuno, synre and Ninahaza[empty chair].
so like tay almosty destroyed my laptop at this bar, i am sure DM has the video :)

AFTER we were done watching the soccer game we went back to the marriot were we spent alot of time listening to DM and evan jam together, we sang along it was awsome and we played pokemon stadium on the N64. it was soo much fun My God i cant wait for next years vgc to roll around. we then Got hungry and went to TGI's friday for some food [and beer for those legal]

so here we all are laughing it up and recalling the day and events. we were later joined by skarm and rory. o and by the way thats ET in the back :)

AND THAT ENDS SATURDAY june 26th, 2010. [all videos for both days will be in one section]

ALRIGHT so here we are its the final day were the 2010 united states champion will be decided. we were also joined by chaos again.

i really hate how some of these pictures came out. next year i am using an HD camera. anyways from left to right the elites themselfs :badintent, PBB and bluecookies.

Cybertron was there to catch all the action as well

Duy getting ready to play his own brother, the others as well in the background getting seated and what not.

badintent and rory getting ready to show off. must have really sucked for rory to face the top seed BI, atleast he knows he lost to one of the best there that day.

it begins and the masters display thier skills. MattJ, TR_jessie and TTS all in the heat of battle here. go smogon.

While on the other side the HA's are all cool and calm.

sorry taken at max zoom. but we have the smogon fans cheering thier friends on and again a big thanks to omegadonut for offering to tape the battles while i took pictures.

More fanboys cheering on smogon and the ducks. QUACK QUACK QUACK. again sorry for blurr, took this at maxx zoom :(

Jrank was also there to catch as much of the action as he could before leaving with his dad. i hope to see you at nationals again next year.

ARE YOU READY FOR THE legendary red backpack ITSELFF.


Tad and the winners advancing to the top 8 speaking about what took place in thier last battles, the hardtimes, the Goodtimes and even the times when they all cried together, it was beautiful.

haha another one of my fav pictures. we have the bosses themselfs possing here. chaos and kongler.

alright the round of 8 begins.

CANADA vs USA. usa won but that was expected because the U.S could not afford another loss after loosing to Ghana in the world cup. so atleast now we still have something to watch [other than tenis i guess, the u.s are still in tennis]

Huy in his top 8 battle vs deagle. i still cant believe deagle got so lucky in our nationals battle. that should be Huy vs Ninahaza, sigh. back to the picture. so Huy lost here to deagle but Alaka would have Huy's back and take out deagle next round.

another top 8 battle. here is where BI would fall to the person whom would eventually become champion. guess the only person who could have defeated the top seed himself would have to be the champion.


so we all find spots to sit down and get ready for the final competitors to show us thier stuff. once everyone was seated i took a few pictures.

BI silently evaluating the copetition for worlds.

the seniors final two waiting for the juniors to finish up. you can see Alaka's nervousness through the picture. you still did us proud alaka.


by the way on the left is xerograde's little brother carlos, and because carlos made it so far this means that xerograde will be at worlds LCQ. good luck xerograde and lets hope your brother doesnt pull all the weight again.....stop being lazy :). just playing was awsome to meet you again xerograde

after the juniors were done the big boys took the stage.

close up of Alaka.

so after the battle was over the official nintendo people took a pick of both wesley and alaka but i wanted my pics to look different than nintendo's so i waited for my chance and asked them to do thumbs up for my picture. thanks guys i appreciate it.

the winners of this years UNITED STATES NATIONALS. you are all winners in my eyes. even you pikachu, maybe next year you can be a winner in rory's eyes pikachu.


Finally it was all over and many had already left to start the long drive home or to go catch thier flight, i myself only had about 15 minutes left before i had to go catch my plane ALL THE WAY BACK TO SEATTLE :(.

as the pokemon staff were also cleaning up and what not, i manage to get a awsome picture of chaos and Nick, nintendo and smogon together. it just feels right

BUT WAIT, now everyone wanted a picture with chaos, it was happening so fast i couldnt get them all because chaos was like standing there and everyone took a turn. lol

again sorry for the blurry pictures. anyways from left to right we have godudetta, chaos, Huy.

chaos and Duy

sixonesix and chaos

i wasnt fast enough to get this picture when they were huddled together. but i was fast enough to get it before they completely unhuddled, I thaught rory would hold it together for me :(.

anyways there are more "chaos train pictures", but like i said everyone was taking turns so fast i couldnt keep up, i even got one with chaos. can someone post it please i wan to see it :).

THE last picture of the day.

alright so this picture was taken at the airport by one of the airport staff. i randomly met IPL i the airport, we chated it up and i apologized for calling him TDS. then we got this picture, way to sneak bunny fingers on me IPL, i wont forget this next time we take a picture together :).

AND ladies and gentlemen that concludes my nationals weekend.
i tryed getting these pictures on day by day but between competing and all the "after partying" it was either squeeze the pictures in or get 3 hours of sleep and i just had to pic sleep. except for saturday night i choose the pictures but then passed out on my laptop. i couldnt handle the tiredness i guess.

-unkown vs unknown

-ninahaza vs Unknown for a winning record. [we were both 3-3 at the moment]
-part 1
-part 2

top 16 vids
-Huy vs Duy
-i have been asked by one of the HA's not to post this video because they are going to worlds. please understand the situation and if you yourself have a video of the battle make sure to get thier permission before posting it.

-MattJ vs Pokemanmaster
-video could not be uploaded. OMG i cant fix this @#$

-skarm [canada] vs alaka [U.S]
-part 1
-part 2

-Deagle vs Alaka
-Alaka vs Deagle national semifinal match

-Alaka vs wesley finals battles
-part 1
-part 2

Below is the pictures from friday june 25th, 2010 united states VGC Last chance Qualifier. just click "SHOW"

hi guys,
so i spent the day taking pictures over watching the awsome battles and possibly getting an advantage on people tomorrow [but its cool cause i am not the scouting type anyways], it took a while to upload all the pictures and then select the ones i think stood out but i am finally done so here are the good pictures i took. enjoy guys.

PS: i am blanking out on some people so if you see yourself here and i got your name wrong just let me know, hey we all dont remember everyone sometimes :).

also feel free to use these pictures in war stories and smogon related threads. but if you are going to take it outside smogon [like facebook] please let me know which pictures so i can make sure the person in that picture are ok with it :).

PLEASE PLEASE feel free to contribute to the pictures :). i know i wasnt the only one with a camera.
ENJOY AND TILL TOMORROW FOR MORE. also will post links to battles i recorded

mattj came late but was super awsome to meet him. cool guy, also next to him is canonfodder :)

ok here are pictures of smogonites in action, i am sure you guys made someone cry with all the duck shirts.

tyler putting the smackdown on people, i dont know how godudetta got in the pic :)

omega in the green zone adding a victim to his list.

members of the FSPL [i hope i got it right] representing. where is blades?

sixonesix and articuno next up for battle. i wonder what was going on in thier minds hmmm
616 - hmmm looks like its gonna be intense today
articuno - hey there Goes Alaka, wow he really grew and is still probably growing, he will probably be taller than me by next year's vgc....naaa

so like. this is omega's first battle [purple zone] and like this thing goes on for like 100 years, good thing this was the first round or it could have been called on :). but he pawned the rest quick

hehe so here is a picture of godudetta finally and she is putting the smackdown on people aswell, note the confident look

[sorry for the pictures being upside down. thats how i took them and when i make changes to them before adding them to the thread i get an X. so for now i can only post the original] anyways so here we have Choas who won this round by the way and does that really suprise you. i mean look at him stroking his beard like some sort of kung-fu master thinking about what to teach his grasshopper [student]. it was awsome meeting choas as well. he had a "LOL" team :)

blades representing, i didnt get to say hi to him :( and he had a chair i mean camon. you cant get anymore pimp than that at the vgc's

and this is Evan i believe, correct me if i am wrong. anyways it was nice to meet you men

PBB keeping it real by chatting with the staff before pawning his opponent

now PBB is going into [insert mortal combat voice] "FINISH HIM" mode

chaos in his second battle.........doing the kung-fu master beard stroking thing again :)

better picture of sixonesix in action. excuse the shady non HD pictures, you see my camera couldnt make the trip so i borrowed my pasters camera. its old but does the job :)

Godudeta now in the yellow zone. she and TR_jessie representing girls really well. kicking ass and taking names was thier theme for the day

Synre and fishy duking it out. anyways so fishy lost here as you can see she is not happy while the victor gives me a smile instead :). it was great meeting you guys

tyler adding another victim to his list. note that he is unphased, lean mean fighting machine, he came very very close to making it to the round of "bye"s or elimination. next year :)

wow blanking out again. but i think this is dubulous

i was trying to get tyler and godudetta's attention so they can give me a smile, but we all know who ignored me today and who didnt O_o

after Synre had taken care of Fishy [so heartless :) ], he starts with a new battle

Now here is somebody who looks like they know what they were doing. look at that form, grace and ....well i dont know about the rest of you guys but i can even see the skills just from this picture. i also heard he has gone to worlds 3 times and won 2 of them. wow just wow :). [if you dont get whats going here on just let me know]

ok now that we are done with the smogonites in action section. here is the general section.

so here we are, masha and i, we reviewed the situation that happened in Phoenix and came to an understanding after a heated argument ofcourse. naa just playing, just me taking a pic with one of the cool people at the event today

So i met zerograde's mom AGAIN here in indy, this time i remebered to take a pic with her, she is funny and was there to cheer on zerograde's little brother. hey zerograde she didnt really have anything good to say about you men......yep :)

haha so funniest thing. greysong
and tyler
had this battle here and it was really close. 1 pokemon left for each of them and tyler goes first, he uses grass knot on greysong's groudon[full health bulky set] and got a crit making it a 1HKO. after the battle they spent like the next 5-10 minutes arguing weather or not that crit decided the game. it was HISTERICAL​

the arnold family were there. one of my fav pics of the day. i bet tomorrow they will make head turns again.
Bob - hey there is the father/son team that owned in atlanta, dude we should avoid the father look at him.
Sam - DUDE forget the father we should be concerned about his son, i heard the kid can even shoot ice beams from his mouth :)

CAMON FISH SIT DOWN. ALL THE COOL KIDS ARE DOING IT [except for mignot, he is above cool kids status, i mean look at him :)]

you cant get any better looking group than this group, from left to right. omegadonut, mattj, ninahaza, greysong.

another good looking group. sorry again i am blanking out. someone please let me know the names so i can fill in the blanks. anyways from left to right. ________ , IPL , enfuergo.

Skarm i believe. was nice meeting you men, and this is him with his bye card which means tomorrow he will be officialy competing in the VGC nationals. i dont know what drawing a water bottle does though

when the pros are done battling in the vgc's, they take the party to innocent bystanding victims

the victims come from both TCG and vgc

omega and i just chilling like a BOSS

This is when i started getting hungry. thanks alot guys

another great looking group. from left to right. Duy, articuno, fish.
hehe it looks like articuno is upercutting the bearded guy behind. i wish i had skills with photoshop i so coulda made this picture look MMA[mixed martial arts] style.

the finalists getting the prep talk on how "bye"s work

Godudetta also got a purple "bye" card. WOOT

omegadonut also got a bye card. WOOOOOOT
on a side note Godudetta in the background posing for a selfpick :).

my 2nd fav pic of the day. from left to right. Huy, Ninahaza, Duy. you guys maybe very well looking at the next nationals winner, but who is it hmmmmm

alright the last section. BEST PICTURE OF THE DAY section

ok so this one was the first one of the same picture

so after taking this Deagle came in and i asked the guy to take another picture.

VGC battles Video section
sorry guys its taking awhile to get it on youtube. should be coming soon.

AND with that we end today, june 25 2010 LCQ qualifier. congratz to those who made it to the top 16 and it was SUPER AWSOME meeting all you guys, not everyone got into pictures to name a few "TTS, Dtrain, Alaka even missed out on the group photo......the freaken group photo".

evan on a scale of 1 to completely how into your role of homeless hipster hollywood hack are you right now?

congratulations on wearing the SLUTTIEST SHORTS ever Fishy, I am glad you followed through on my plan to get you to seduce mighty Jason64


I did my best, I have no regrets!
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so omegadonut had the ringer too?
not so indy now are you evan!

oh and skarm making nats <3 <3 <3

Dang it! This just made me more upset that I couldn't go! That's it, I'm saving for next year starting today! I will be there next year!
not the best quality picture...taken with my DS....I'm glad you got a picture of me getting fucked over by that Danny guy.....god....Had him beat! Still raging today. lawl

I am the dude standing next to mattj in the very first picture.......first guy to make it to round 4 and the first guy to loose as well....oh 32 in atlanta and round 4 in LCQ...for my first year competing, I am happy...see you guys next year!
Some more pictures from

MattJ, Ninhaza, Crazy beard guy, the back of Huy(Duy?)'s head, and Alaka staring the events poster.

members of the FSPL [i hope i got it right] representing. where is blades?

Right there, notice the custom "Blades" cap. That tournament was a wash, I was playing on zero sleep and a 12 hour car ride. Sucks to get booted round 2 when you know you could have taken the guy.


You'll always be a part of me
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Haha I totally missed the cap blades, but still glad to see you guys went to compete. Next year will be more fun with gen 5 anyways.

Also I have the pics from day 2 and I am going right now to get the pics for day 3 as well as the awsome battle videos from today's finalists, especially the huy vs duy battle. Then I will go catch my flight and most likely post everything tonight


VGC 2012 Seniors Champion
You completely missed me. However, you didn't know who I was. I talked to you to. XD
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