Hearthstone [IRC Channel #Skillstone]


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Voidcaller pic was actually on the Voidwalker card back in beta. Made more sense. Don't know why they switched it. :/

Hyped for BRM though. Another night of little to no sleep only to wake up late morning/early afternoon and find it's been available for hours :]
hearthstone twitter confirmed they aren't releasing it at midnight PDT and told everyone to get some sleep, which implies it'll be in the morning at the earliest


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
Why would the Voidcaller pic be on the Voidwalker card? Voidwalker's always been a blueberry, not some asshole walking demon.


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how do u defeat heroic geddon ;_;
i used this deck that someone posted on reddit, beat it on first try: http://imgur.com/PX60utF

general strategy goes like this:
use warlock as life tap is OP, tap as often as possible, eg on turn 2 life tap instead of playing a 2-drop or two 1-drops, you'll need low mana minions to use up all your mana later
save brewmasters, owls, and void terrors to neutralise minions affected by living bomb
you can brew something back to your hand and play it again, this helps you use up all the mana
spare parts are good to use up all your mana, thats why clockwork gnomes and toshley are there
sea giants are good because geddon plays imp gang boss and you can fill his side with imps for cheap giants
basically play a zoolock deck with some high mana minions thrown in and you can't go wrong


unban me from Discord
is a Two-Time Past SPL Champion
I bucked the trend and used DRUID to beat Heroic Geddon. Nourish helps keep your hand up so you can keep playing shit and then eventually you combo his face.
Used control warrior to beat heroic geddon. Pretty easy to when 1/3 of your deck is 7+ cost legendaries. Armor helps too

Dat 10k+ dust requirement tho :[


Banned deucer.

12-1 boys

not pictured: 3x boulderfist ogre, 1x war golem, 1x stormwind champion, 1x force tank max

honestly a pretty shit deck but fel reaver won me 4 games solo
12-0 bois ;]

Not pictured: Spiteful Smith, Argent Commander, Sunwalker, 2x Guardian of Kings, Stormwind Champion

Also honestly an average deck (no Consecrate, only 1 Truesilver) but I guess having 30+ points of healing in one deck helps a bit...

Also hit legend the other day with midrange hunter! It was ridiculously strong with all the control warrior running around, but I think its losing some effectiveness with more zoo and mage appearing (like its not bad the matchups are just ~50/50 so its hard to consistently ladder)
running 1x snake trap helped my zoo matchup significantly! also brm week 3 out PogChamp
Yeah I was running 1 Snaketrap (1 Snake + 2 Freezing, no Explosive) the whole time as well, a lot of the time the game just seemed to come down to if I could draw juggler + hounds + snake by turn 4 /5 :(
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Banned deucer.
defeated heroic on blackrock spire, will post decklists (original!) if people care

currently spamming dragon priest/paladin on ladder, both are equally awesome. playing rend blackhand solely for the dope animation :toast:
i fkn hate drakkisath, got a win eventually with a deck i had to make myself (feel so proud) becos i still haven't got sylvannas or kel'thuzad. everyone else is sinch, but drakk is like pure rng.

for omokk i used fatigue druid (quite fun), and for rend, i used standard facehunter :D
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Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
I have a feeling Thaurissan will be nerfed in 2-3 seasons. This guy is a no brainer in tempo/combo decks.


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Thaurissan is not that OP since it's only useful in decks that like to hold a lot of cards in their hand like Warrior and Druid. It's obviously not helpful for aggro decks like Zoolock and Hunter, and even in tempo decks like Paladin and Mage I've found that since I'm aiming to use my mana efficiently every turn anyway by the time Thaurissan comes out I have maybe 3 other cards in hand at most so the impact is minimal, and often after Thaurissan comes out I just play what I was going to be able to play anyway except it's now 1 mana cheaper, so I've basically wasted that mana and wasted a deckslot on Thaurissan which does not feel good, but Thaurissan does draw removal immediately so I guess that's something. On paper Thaurissan looks really good but in practice I don't think it does enough to make it nerfworthy.

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
I'd disagree. From a value perspective it's phenomenal because it pays back for itself (cost-wise) in the very turn it is played even if your hand has 3-4 cards... anything above that is just a ridiculous bonus, unless aggro but Thaurissan isn't an aggro card. It gives you an instant burst potential that even druids can't match. imagine holding 2-3 coins or innervates with the rest of your cards instead of the "wasted mana" perspective. It just speeds up your game to miracle rogue like levels without wasting extra card slots for tempo (prep/combo-cards) which makes it almost unfair.
Obviously you have to renegotiate how your approach your curving in deckbuilding, but taking your very mage example say in a 4-5 card hand (p standard) saving 2-4 mana the next turn is a kind of a big benefit for a mage because that means anywhere between 3-6 extra damage or getting more bodies in the board late game (which mech mage has issues with having to prioritize between that and removal), or say in Freeze having the combo playable in turn 7 instead of turn 10 is a MASSIVE deal. The same goes for most Paladin decks relying on a strong tempo/midrange game, imagine pulling off muster-quarter in a single turn midgame, just one of the scenarios.

And all this assuming it just survives one turn, dream scenarios like Thaurissan-prep-conceal will just cause rage all over the place.


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As I said, Thaurissan is indeed a boon for combo decks that hold a large hand in anticipation for that big end game burst and yep, Freeze Mage sure is one of them, my point was that Thaurissan is not that useful outside of the combo deck.

The problem with tempo decks going into the late game isn't mana, but rather card draw. Saying that it speeds up your game to miracle rogue like levels is false since what make miracle rogue work is the auctioneer draw engine which makes such hand vomit possible. A typical mech mage would have overwhelmed the opponent on the board by turns 3-4, and Thaurissan isn't going to have effect in this deck because by turn 6 most of the minions would have been played already, and the mage would rather Arcane Intellect than use Thaurissan to reduce the cost of her non-existent hand. Turn 7 is way too late for a mech mage to start stabilising on board.
As a midrange deck you rely on dropping stuff on the board to control it in the early game. If you're a midrange deck and you have a large hand when you drop Thaurissan, then you're doing it wrong because you have probably lost the board already. Thaurissan is not a good play if you have lost the board since even if you manage to hand vomit on turn 7, the opponent is either already pushing for lethal, or can use spells plus his existing minions to remove whatever you just vomited.
Furthermore as I said, turn 7 is enough mana to make big plays in a tempo deck, Thaurissan isn't saving you any mana but just taking up a deck slot.

And no adjusting the curving is not valid since that means putting in more late-game stuff and ignoring the early game and by then you're not playing a midrange/tempo deck any more.

TL;DR: Why Thaurissan isn't useful in midrange/tempo decks -

Drop Thaurissan and have a large hand: Lots of value but oh fuck I don't have a board
Drop Thaurissan and have a small hand: I have a board and I can play what I wanted to on turn 7 anyway so Thaurissan was fucking useless
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Here I stand in the light of day
is a Contributor Alumnus

The biggest Northshire I've seen in a while. That's a 5/22 (+4/+19) +2 spell damage at max.

He had 4 Northshires in his deck, I managed to deck him out. Also one of the Dark Cultists only had a 1/3 chance of hitting the Northshire and at that point I was like "well, I'll just let it live".

I showed my friend the picture when it was +11 total and he goes "watch him Velen's Chosen it" and then he proceeded to topdeck the Velen's Chosen.
n00b asking n00b questions everyone's favorite right? /sarcasm

1. I'm sure everyone here has been asked this before, but how much real money have you sunk into this game, and do you think it was worth it? I've only been playing for 3-4 days and want to purchase Curse of Naxxramas (esp since all the decks I wanna make require a bunch of the cards), but for $25 plus maybe Blackrock Mountain plus some other packs in the future, it seems a little on the expensive side. Should I try to just buy the wings with gold and skip arena and stuff since I'm not exactly breaking even in terms of gold most of the time?

2. Crafting. I've looked at a few guides, but a lot of them are pretty vague about whether you should buy all the cheaper cards you want first or save up for epic and legendary cards. Any advice, or does this just fall under personal preference?

Sorry for the spammy post, just looking for help y'all ^.^

Soul Fly

is a Contributor Alumnus
Right now more Naxx cards are driving the meta.
Wait for the post Blackrock meta to develop so you can get to know if there are any MUST-HAVE cards that the expansion brings for the decks you want to make. As of now apart from Emperor Thaurissan and maybe Grim Patron there don't seem to be too many strong competitors, so give it 2 months or so. Then you can take a call which expansion to buy first if you're sinking in money. Once you start getting consistent decks you can grind for the rest.
Try practicing for the arena. You break even at 4~ wins, which isn't too hard to aim for if you do enough runs.

Meanwhile just try grinding for classic and GVG cards through Arena/Quests. You'll be surprised how decent even most cheap decks are. or just spam face hunter long enough

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