[Experimental] -- Metroid Other M Mafia Sign Ups

Approved by Earthworm

Somewhere, on a spaceship far away, war is breaking out. The Biosphere, The Cryosphere, and The Pyrosphere are native to this ship, and each has decided to take action. Many shall die.
The Galactic Federation has just arrived, and among them is a secret agent whose mission is to end anyone who knows about the Bottle Ship Operation. He is called: The Deleter. Of course, The Galactic Federation is suspicious.
They traveled together onto the ship, and little did they know, Samus Aran has joined the fight too. MB gathered bioweapons together in hopes of forming an elite squad to counter The Galactic Federation known as The Bottle Ship.
That can’t be it, there must be more, but no one can make out who they are or what their motives are.Before you could figure that out, a rather large piece of paper fell in front of everybody. It read:

Metroid Other M mafia
1. Whilst you are alive you can talk to anyone about the game. Once you are dead you cannot talk to anyone about the game.

2. The game will begin on Night 0. There will be no kills on Night 0. During Night 0, no one may copy any part of his or her role PM. Role PMs may be freely distributed starting from Day 1.

3. Do not take grammatical errors in PMs as proof of faking. We are human and can make mistakes.

4. You can paste things told to you by the hosts. You may fake logs. Do not take pasting of a host conversation as definite proof, these can be faked. If you want to fake a log, feel free to PM Jigglypuffers42 and/or Engineer Pikachu for assistance. Impersonation of a host or another user however, is banned at all points. Please do not attempt to impersonate in any way. You also may not screenshot anything related to the game.

5. Each Day period will last 48 hours or until a majority is reached. A grace period of two to three hours will be allowed in the latter case.

6. Each Night period will last 48 hours or until all PMs have been received.

7. During the day you must bold your vote and use Lynch/Vote <User>. To change your vote, please edit your old vote out and make your new vote in a new post. You may choose to No Lynch during the day as well, and any votes towards a dead user (if he or she has been godkilled) will count as No Lynch. A tie in the vote will cause neither user to be lynched.

8. You may target dead users with your abilities. We cannot promise that anything will happen.

9. Priorities are set and will be kept secret. Don't even ask about them.

10. There are no items in the game. Only an idiot would claim thief

11. Jigglypuffers42 and/or Engineer Pikachu MUST be informed of any IRC channels or spreadsheet/whatever else you create for this game.

12. IRC is compulsory. You can find me on #warau under if you have any questions.

13. If you have any questions about the game, you can find Jigglypuffers42 and/or Engineer Pikachu on Smogon, ready to be contacted by PM.

14. Send all PMs to Jigglypuffers42 AND Engineer Pikachu, and if you decide not to use an ability on a given night/day, don't forget to PM us "Night/Day X - Idling" to make it much easier for me.

15. You HAVE to be active, if you are caught inactive you will be sent a warning PM. If you keep being inactive, you will be subbed out without hesitation, please don't make us do this. :(

15.1 Missing a night action is warrant for a warning PM. Missing another one is warrant for subbing out. If you have to be away for a while, then let me know and we might be able to work something out.

16. If a role PM and the rules clash in something, the role PM takes precedence.

17. Please talk to me during the game, I get very lonely it will make for a better postgame! Please give reasons for your actions, this will also help. I may or may not come to you at random times asking you how the game’s going. Jigglypuffers42 is found on IRC under “jigglypuffers42”, and Engineer Pikachu is found on IRC under “Epileptic”.

19. If you are willing to be a sub for the game in case you do not get selected, you may mention that in your signup post.

20. If you post in the thread when silenced, break a posting restriction, or fail to vote for the person you were persuaded to vote for, you will be godkilled. There are no NOC roles in this game.

21. The official IRC channel for this game is #OtherM.

22. If you have a non-information role, you will not receive a result unless it fails. If you think you should have received a night result but did not, you should contact whichever one of the hosts posted the last update.

23. We reserve the right to lie.

24: There is no rule 24. Or am I lying?

Special game specific rules:
25: This game features leaders. Every day, if you are allied with one of the 3 spheres, then you may PM Jigglypuffers42 AND Engineer Pikachu with “Night X – Vote USER”. USER will be voted for leader of your faction. Whoever gets the most votes will become the leader of a faction will receive a PM informing them. The leader will be unable to be converted, and will be unable to be night killed for that night. There are no bodyguard roles allied with one of those factions.

26: This is a 5 faction + neutrals game. There is no win condition in the game that needs “all opposing factions” or “all threats dead”. At the end, there should be multiple winners, because each faction and each neutral needs certain roles dead.

27.1: IMPORTANT: Win conditions may or may not be lies. Just because someone isn’t mentioned in your win condition doesn’t mean you don’t need them dead. However, if you are not mentioned in a given person’s win condition and they are not mentioned in your win condition, you do not need each other dead to win. In conclusion, you don’t necessarily win if the people mentioned in your win condition die, because you might be mentioned in someone else’s PM. This rule is the exception to rule #16, meaning that this rule take precedence over the Role PM in this one case.

Aura Guardian

The Smog

P2 Reserves:

Staraptor Call

P3 Reserves:


Sign ups will last 48 hours
p2 (getting out of beginners game now). If I dont get into the other standard game it will be p1, if somehow I get into the beginners game at p3 it will be p3, if I get into the beginners game but not the standard one (p3>p1?) I will be p2. I also will be gone from the 22nd-24th so Im not gonna be here to find out.
p2 because i signed up for the beginner game first.

i'd be glad to sub in if needed as well ^^

EDIT: i got subbed into fallout mafia so i'm p3 now

EDIT 2: confirming then :D

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