dude - game over! viva las vegas!


I did my best -- I have no regrets
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
requesting the council post some reasoning for targetting those five aliases so we can hold our elected representatives accountable.
We're accountable regardless of if we provide reasoning or not. Actually no, we're not accountable. In case anybody wasn't aware, no lynch is not an option; we don't get the luxury of caution or doubt. The chances that this lynch does not backfire are rather slim. The lack of cooperation thus far is not helping either.

Let me put this bluntly: if you're on the list and banking on an 80% chance to survive the day and it backfires, that's not on us. As far as I'm concerned, you're being given plenty of notice to talk to us, and if you fail to do so you are at fault, not the councilmen. I'll be damned if anybody decides to label us incompetent and refuse to cooperate if this fails. The new lynching system is not a measure of if an individual/group is clean or fit to lead (as seen in standard games where lynching a mafian puts you in a good position), but a measure of the individual villagers and whether they can think for themselves and collectively band together (guess what, you don't get to be a sheep).

We need claims from everybody, not just from the aliases we've decided upon. Day 2 is going to be just as frantic as this one. If you do choose to put the blame for any misguided lynches on us and elect a new council, they will be in the very same position that we're in now come Day 3 and the cycle will continue. Instead of getting things done we pass the blame around; instead of pointing fingers, take responsibility and help the team win. We're tackling things one at a time, so at the current moment, we need claims and relevant results. We'll address the night when it arrives.

If you're still paranoid about who to trust, the best I can do is give you my role PM, which happens to be provable. If you provide your information to me it will be secure and not spread around to other councilmen or attempted leaders until I'm given irrefutable proof that they're Boardwalk.

Frank Sinatra said:
Role PM said:
Dear <snip>,
You are Morpheus, the Revolutionary.

You are the esteemed captain of the Nebuchadnezzar, a hovercraft from the city of Zion. You are a popular public figure with the people of Zion, however many people inside the Matrix view you as a very dangerous terrorist. You are credited with finding Thomas "Neo" Anderson, or 'The One' as you put it. You dedicated your life to protecting Zion and freeing humans from the Matrix. However, when you exited the Matrix for a final time, you found yourself in Atlantic City with a whole new turmoil to deal with.

At night, you may send a PM entitled "NIGHT x - Blue pill or red pill, USER?" The user in question will get to choose which pill he wants during the day, but they will not be given any information on what they did.

Should they choose the blue pill, <snip>.

Should they choose the red pill, <snip>.

You are allied with the Boardwalk. You win if the Boardwalk wins.

'You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.'

By the way, if you are given this ultimatum in the future I recommend the red one, but the choice is ultimately yours.


I did my best -- I have no regrets
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
Here's the thing. You guys are already starting to seem as a unified block (countless references to "we" in your post) when it is highly unlikely that all five of you are boardwalk. By working in secret, taking all of your conversations in your own IRC channel, you are offering cover to whatever mafia may be on the council. Further, I would like to know who is being an effective council member and who is merely a toady for another. Yes, the council can ignore my requests. It is well within your power to just go ahead with your lynches without any of the input of the populace, but establishing this as the norm only weakens the Boardwalk and protects the mafias.

I am not demanding you be perfect; I am demanding that your reasoning be, well, reasonable and open to scrutiny. I don't want to be a sheep. I want to think for myself, but you, the council, have to give us the information we need to do so.
It's simply the rand lynch strategy. We'll make these guys claim to us and then lynch the most suspicious guy. It's not a very good strategy, I admit, but the village is so disorganized now that it's quite impossible to do anything else. Please claim, villagers. We aren't getting anywhere fast at the moment.


Brother in arms
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnus
I'd like to emphasize that the rest of you Boardwalkers are really failing to cooperate. Just because we were ultimately elected, that doesn't really put us in a vastly better position than everyone else. As a councilman, I am very thankful that I had enough apparent support to be elected. But if you trusted me enough to elect me, then why are most of you so silent? Most of us on the council (except ipl essentially) have revealed everything about ourselves short of our aliases to the public really, I mean how else are we supposed to "prove" that we can be trusted? Yes, some of you are using that excuse "I'll wait until you lynch a bad guy", but how are we supposed to do that if you guys don't cooperate? It's really utterly pathetic that out of 43 players, less than 20% have even said a word. Thus, we have resorted to this desperate five man randlynch strategy.

If you consider yourself a Boardwalker, then it is time to stop dicking around. It won't be anyone's fault but yours if we end up lynching a villager out of the 5 aliases we listed because you didn't speak up.


Banned deucer.
I'd like to emphasize that the rest of you girls are really failing to cooperate. Just because we were ultimately elected, that really does put us in a vastly better position than everyone else. As a councilman, I am very thankful that I had enough apparent support to be elected. But if you trusted me enough to elect me, then why are all the girls so silent? Most of us on the council (except Raikage essentially) have revealed everything about ourselves short of our aliases to the public really, I mean how else are we supposed to "prove" that we can be trusted? Yes, some of you are using that excuse "I'll wait until you lynch a bad girl", but how are we supposed to do that if you gals don't cooperate? It's really utterly pathetic that out of 43 players, less than 20% have even said a word to Bass. Thus, the elitists on the council have resorted to this desperate five girl randlynch strategy.

If you consider yourself a real woman, then it is time to stop dicking around. It won't be anyone's fault but yours if we end up lynching a valuable woman out of the 5 aliases the council elitists listed because you didn't speak up.
I'd think it's pretty damn simple.

Boardwalk has no information therefore they pick 5 aliases, make them clain, and lynch the most suspicious one, or obviously fake one if there's such a thing. The council has admitted this is the strategy because they have nothing else to go on, they're not hiding anything. There's a chance they're all villagers and we're fucked. Yes. But with how little information there is, I find it somewhat strange that people are expecting anything else.

Unless, naturally, you're mafia/neutral/councilman ipl and happen to be one of those aliases. In that case, I'd probably be doing my utmost to stop this, too. Maybe that's how it is? :)

Moreover, I'm sure the council is open to recommendations if you're village and have anything interesting to say. I repeat, the only reason they're doing this is that they have nothing better to go on.


Brother in arms
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Top CAP Contributor Alumnus
I am going to vote for The Suburbs, unless he comes forward immediately. Other council members, please follow suit and confirm that you will vote for him by posting here.

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