Dragon Ball Kai

Toei Animation has confirmed that Dragon Ball Kai will be edited to more closely follow Akira Toriyama’s original manga. The Dragon Ball Z anime series originally ran from April 1989 to January 1996 in Japan. However, since Toriyama was still serializing his manga at the same time in shorter weekly installments, the Dragon Ball Z anime expanded its story by inserting additional content. The new Dragon Ball Kai remastering will be an “Akira Toriyama original cut edition” that will quicken the story presentation and adhere more with the manga’s story. Toei has said that they are planning on cutting the series down to around 100 episodes.
Basically it's Dragon Ball Z more faithful to the manga. Like what Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is doing, the shape ups to the Dragonball series is getting me exited. I've been a big fan of DB for a long time now, and I've always thought that some things in the DB universe were a bit...strange.

YouTube page (with the new intro!):



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Er, I guess it's easy to mistake but that isn't legal. I don't think it's even been licensed yet although I'm sure Funimation will pick it up. That's just a fansite.

As for the series, I'm pretty excited for it because I never actually finished the first Dragon Ball Z and can't stand it anymore. I was watching the dub and quit when it started again for the umpteeth time. Funimation didn't have all the episodes finished yet so it'd always get to a really awesome point and start again from scratch which was frustrating. One day I said enough was enough and just quit =/

Dragon Ball Z without the filler would be amazing. 100 episodes instead of 291 just goes to show how badly paced the first series was. I think I'm going to wait on a dub though. I can't stand Goku's Japanese voice XD I hear they make him sound like a child to represent his purity.
mmm mmm English DBZ minus fillers makes me a happy boy. I'm not even that big of a fan and I'm excited.
I wonder what voice actors they'll get for the english ver...
I think I'm going to wait on a dub though. I can't stand Goku's Japanese voice XD I hear they make him sound like a child to represent his purity.
heh! it's not that I can't stand the voice to a point of not watching the episode, but man, goku's english voice actor is legendary. he makes him sound innocent but powerful.

the first episode is out and it is so shiny
This looks pretty awesome! can't wait for a dub, I hope they keep the same english voice actor or at least someone close


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No, by filler we mean the way they stretched out each chapter to 1 - 2 episodes. Using multiple episodes for events that could be shown in 10 minutes really hurt the flow of the series. Removing that will make it oh so much more bearable.
No, by filler we mean the way they stretched out each chapter to 1 - 2 episodes. Using multiple episodes for events that could be shown in 10 minutes really hurt the flow of the series. Removing that will make it oh so much more bearable.
Seconding the opinions on Goku's Japanse VA - maybe I just need more time to get used to it, but the voice just sounds unnatural. I've never watched/read any of the Dragon Ball franchise before so I'm excited at the chance to watch it in what will probably be its best form.
No, by filler we mean the way they stretched out each chapter to 1 - 2 episodes. Using multiple episodes for events that could be shown in 10 minutes really hurt the flow of the series. Removing that will make it oh so much more bearable.
For a minute I thought you guys were referring to episodes where they have no inherit connection to the plot at hand and are there to squeeze more episodes into an series. Removing both kinds of filler episode would have been a good thing for the series.
Okay, so you are all complaining about the voice actors, but if I read this correctly, then the guarantee is original Japanese ones - what about the United States? Is there any guarantee of a faithful English dub?


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There has been no word on a localization yet. I think the VA thing has more to do with people here being used to the English voices from when we were younger. You know, the one that Goku sounds like a man in? =P The Japanese voice is more symbolic than realistic.
Why would the latter part of your post address anything from mine? I do not care why people are bitching, I merely commented that they bitched and then made another point based off that!

I watched the first episode now, and I have no idea what people are complaining about with not getting new art. We have Dragonball Z in widescreen and it will have less fillers!
Neat, though DBZ fillers aren't as bad as other anime fillers (I mean c'mon, Piccolo and Goku trying to get their driver licenses XD).
"This planet will be destroyed in less than five minutes..."

Seconding the opinions on Goku's Japanse VA - maybe I just need more time to get used to it, but the voice just sounds unnatural.
My friends always give me shit for watching DBZ in subs, maybe it's because we always feel uncomfortable being associated with the "anime crowd", but I always liked high pitched Goku and the rest of the cast. For me it's sort of the irony that he's this naive, child-like hero that ends up saving the universe multiple times. DBZ USA is still epic in its own right though.

As for the new series, I thought the video quality was sitting somewhere around where the DBZ Boxsets should have been (with this being announced I really regret owning all of them). However, as a remake, it really failed to deliver. The crisp video, new dubs, and new beats come at the cost of 2/3 of the actual footage. Still worth watching if you need some DBZ catchup time or if you're just plain sick of watching the same old episodes like I am.

The new intro and ending were pretty cool and they both use the new animation style. Too bad it's nowhere to be seen in the actual episodes!


I did my best, I have no regrets!
is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Senior Staff Member Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
Duckster, I think a large amount of the appeal of this series is losing 2/3 of the footage. I am definitely happy that they're remaking it and trimming the fat while remastering the footage and taking time to take advantage of the 16:9 aspect ratio. Some scenes are going to be cropped, but cropped sensibly. In the crappy widescreen DVDs they just cropped to the center no matter what with no regard for composition. Now they're looking at their options and adding more to scenes where applicable and cropping when necessary.
Neat, though DBZ fillers aren't as bad as other anime fillers (I mean c'mon, Piccolo and Goku trying to get their driver licenses XD).
Haha man, i remember that episode it was great.

Yeah i agree, some battles and events didn't need to be that insanely long. Will take a look at this :)
I'll hold my judgment until we see how long the 10 Minute fight on Namek is is. Other than that though I am sad to hear that the drivers license episode will not be redone =(
I was just reminded of how much I hated the first few episodes. The battle between Raditz and Goku is pretty pathetic when you compare it to those that come later on in the series.

Goku's Japanese VA is a poor fit as always but it has become bearable after a listening to it a few times. I can't wait for this to be dubbed (praying for the original cast, or at least the same voices for Goku and Vegeta).

"This planet will be destroyed in less than five minutes..."
Can someone explain the joke to me? I forgot what happened with the planet exploding. I am going out on a limb and saying that they somehow made the 5 minutes last almost an entire episode, but I could be wrong.

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