Serious CHAT Thread (Congregational Help and Advisory Team)

While awaiting approval for my Cong moderator application, I decided to initiate a project that some of us Congheads have been quietly developing. For many, navigating Cong can be quite perplexing. Just consider the abundance of different prefixes! Take, for instance, the Overwatch 2 thread. It's labeled under the "Hobbies" prefix, yet one could argue that "Media" might be a more suitable classification. And frankly, as a progressive individual, if someone prefers to categorize it as "Sports," I'm completely supportive! Now, multiply this example by the half-dozen active threads, and there appears to be a sort of existential crisis brewing within this forum. This is where the Congregational Help and Advisory Team (CHAT) steps in.

The CHAT Team aims to serve as a volunteer-led help and advisory board for the community at large. Whether you have concerns about the forum's state, need a platform to pose a simple question, or seek advice, rest assured, the CHAT team is here to assist you. Like other areas of the website, the CHAT Team is currently accepting applications for new members. If you're interested, please express your interest and a brief description why in a comment below. Otherwise, feel free to use this thread as it's intended purpose.

Come one, come all, Congregation of the Masses, let's stand tall!


World’s sweatiest casual
is a Pre-Contributor
Hello CHAT thread, I am looking for the CHAT thread. I heard there’s some very interesting discussion happening in CHAT at present, so I figured CHAT’s regulars would be CHATty enough to point me in the direction of CHAT. I had no issues with finding the CHAT thread earlier this week, but it seems like it’s gotten harder to find CHAT since last evening. Is this CHAT the real CHAT? Was CHAT ever real? Come CHAT about it in CHAT with me, wherever that CHAT is.


Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs superfan
is a Pre-Contributor
I'm not sure how much I can contribute to this thread myself at the immediate moment (doesn't help that it's past midnight and I've already made some longer posts just now anyways, but that's beside the point), however I would appreciate it if we can have the maturity and respect to not treat faint 's thread like a sh**post. OP is trying to acknowledge and actively provide a solution to a quality-of-life issue that I can see being a noticeable benefit to OP and our community. I don't care is this thread is still young and hasn't developed much- if we treat each other like this, our community won't take helpful advice seriously, and I don't know about you guys, but I want the best for all of us here. I won't ask twice- please be respectful and not reat this like a joke. Thank you for your time.
I'm not sure how much I can contribute to this thread myself at the immediate moment (doesn't help that it's past midnight and I've already made some longer posts just now anyways, but that's beside the point), however I would appreciate it if we can have the maturity and respect to not treat faint 's thread like a sh**post. OP is trying to acknowledge and actively provide a solution to a quality-of-life issue that I can see being a noticeable benefit to OP and our community. I don't care is this thread is still young and hasn't developed much- if we treat each other like this, our community won't take helpful advice seriously, and I don't know about you guys, but I want the best for all of us here. I won't ask twice- please be respectful and not reat this like a joke. Thank you for your time.
Still can't seem to find the guy who asked. Have you seen him?

Also interpreting this as a shitpost is the generous interpretation, instead of interpreting it as a serious attempt to develop a team of minimods to get their moderator application accepted or whatever. I seriously hope nobody's relationship with this website is unironically that parasocial.

If I'm wrong, touch grass immediately.
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'Alexa play Ladyfingers by Herb Alpert'
is a Forum Moderatoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Tutor Alumnusis a Top Team Rater Alumnusis a Community Leader Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
While awaiting approval for my Cong moderator application, I decided to initiate a project that some of us Congheads have been quietly developing. For many, navigating Cong can be quite perplexing. Just consider the abundance of different prefixes! Take, for instance, the Overwatch 2 thread. It's labeled under the "Hobbies" prefix, yet one could argue that "Media" might be a more suitable classification. And frankly, as a progressive individual, if someone prefers to categorize it as "Sports," I'm completely supportive! Now, multiply this example by the half-dozen active threads, and there appears to be a sort of existential crisis brewing within this forum. This is where the Congregational Help and Advisory Team (CHAT) steps in.

The CHAT Team aims to serve as a volunteer-led help and advisory board for the community at large. Whether you have concerns about the forum's state, need a platform to pose a simple question, or seek advice, rest assured, the CHAT team is here to assist you. Like other areas of the website, the CHAT Team is currently accepting applications for new members. If you're interested, please express your interest and a brief description why in a comment below. Otherwise, feel free to use this thread as it's intended purpose.

Come one, come all, Congregation of the Masses, let's stand tall!
youre my first pick for cong mod i will say that
Im here just to ask for help, is it too much to make a "big" post in simple threads like the general music one?

i've really wanted to post something more complex like a full album review but most post are usually short like 2-3 lines (and thats dope)
i just want to know if it would look "annoying" or like im trying "too hard" to make something stand out.

Edit: Found out i dont need to make a big post to simply enjoy sharing what i like. I no longer need help but if you want to give any advice, cool, Have a good day.
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formerly PacificMarill
is a member of the Battle Simulator Staff
Just as a little critique, from someone that is not the most forum savvy(me):

I know this thread is flagged as Serious, but the OP does come across a bit heavy. When I read it, if I didn't see the flag, in any other normal context I would assume it is a shitpost. When I first read it, I genuinely giggled, then I saw the flag. (and am still currently debating in my head if it is actually serious or not)

I don't think it's a bad idea to have a thread to answer questions about Cong at all, but I think the OP could get toned down a bit so it comes across that way. Just a slight suggestion. I support a help thread though!
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