Baby foxes in my backyard

Incredible. No sure where you're from but that looks a lot like my yard in CT.

I always thought foxes were elusive but I guess you lured them in with whatever they were eating. Or maybe only the grown-ups are.
I live in Maryland. They have like 10 little burrow holes in the back woods area. Sometimes the little foxes will poke their heads out and look around. It is really really cute. I want one as a pet.
there's a fox den near my parents house. i saw them all the kits out playing with a dead duck one day.

i want a fennec fox
I actually went 'awww' when I read the title. They're pretty cute. The video's good quality as well.

I remember I had a fox trapped in my garden (couldn't jump back over, stupid thing) so we had to coax it into running through the house and out the front.
I want to say words I don't normally say like 'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww' and 'adorable' because of this video

I especially liked the fox's eyes when it looked at the camera at the very end there although it's sorta hard to see well
All I've got are these stupid ugly moles that just lay their dumbass carcasses on the lawn when they die.

You're lucky :[
Foxes are cute. I had Opossums in the crappy trailer I was living in when I was staying with my sister a few years ago, and that ended up getting really bad there for a while lol.

There were casualties involved.
uhh you didn't feed them did you? i couldn't tell what they were eating there. as adorable as they are foxes are also one of the #1 rabies carriers so you don't really want to encourage them to get used to people, and esp. not to see them as food sources.

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