A Story, A Story (A Simple War Story)

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Well, a new one, heres Marco again, This time around in an Uber Battle...

My Team:
Kyogre, Manaphy, Darkrai, Palkia, Wobuffet and Latias

Marco's Team:
Kyogre, Rayquaza, Darkrai, Ho-Oh, Deoxys and Arceus

Rules: Evasion Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause, Species Clause, Timed Battle

Affordution sent out Kyogre (lvl 100 Kyogre).
Isaac The Gallade sent out Kyogre (lvl 100 Kyogre).
Kyogre's Drizzle caused a storm!
Rain began to fall!
Kyogre's Drizzle caused a storm!
Affordution: hahahahahaha
Kyogre used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Kyogre lost 77% of its health.
Kyogre is paralysed! It may be unable to move!
Kyogre is paralysed! It can't move!
The rain continues to fall.
Kyogre's leftovers restored its health a little!
Kyogre restored 6% of its health.

Of all the Effin Odds! Paralysis on the First turn? Why? THis match doesnt look good for me...

Isaac The Gallade: damned hax
Isaac The Gallade: i hate you marco

Isaac The Gallade switched in Darkrai (lvl 100 Darkrai).
Kyogre used Thunderbolt.
Darkrai lost 87% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

Affordution switched in Ho-oh (lvl 100 Ho-oh).
Ho-oh is exerting its pressure!
Darkrai used Dark Void.
Darkrai's attack missed!
The rain continues to fall.

What is wrong with me? Missed? This is not going my way...

Darkrai used Dark Void.
Ho-oh fell asleep!
Ho-oh is fast asleep!
The rain continues to fall.
Ho-oh lost 12% of its health.
Ho-oh's leftovers restored its health a little!
Ho-oh restored 6% of its health.

Finally! Now that ist outta comission, I can win this match...

Choice Specs prohibits the use of this move.

Great, I forgot about Choice Specs...

Affordution switched in Rayquaza (lvl 100 Rayquaza).
Isaac The Gallade switched in Manaphy (lvl 100 Manaphy).
The rain continues to fall.
Rayquaza used Extremespeed.
Manaphy lost 28% of its health.
Manaphy used Ice Beam.
It's super effective!
Rayquaza lost 132% of its health.
Affordution's Rayquaza fainted.
The rain continues to fall.

Well. Extremespeed was useless...and I OHKO Rayquaza.

6-5, Marco

Affordution: how...
Affordution switched in Deoxys-l (lvl 100 Deoxys-l).
Deoxys-l is exerting its pressure!
Isaac The Gallade: EVs
Isaac The Gallade: Timid Nature

Manaphy used Tail Glow.
Manaphy's special attack was sharply raised.
Deoxys-l used Mirror Coat.
But it failed!
The rain continues to fall.

Ooo, Thank you Marco, you didnt predict a Tail Glow, prepare to be swept now...

Isaac The Gallade: Whoo!
Affordution switched in Kyogre (lvl 100 Kyogre).
Kyogre's Drizzle caused a storm!
Manaphy used Tail Glow.
Manaphy's special attack was sharply raised.
The rain continues to fall.

And, with 2 Tail Glows, I couldnt see how I could possibly lose.

Isaac The Gallade: Abusing Tail Glow!
Manaphy used Surf.
It's not very effective...
Kyogre lost 76% of its health.
Kyogre used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Manaphy lost 108% of its health.
Isaac The Gallade's Manaphy fainted.
The rain continues to fall.

Most crucial moment of the match...and my stupidity didnt remind me to use Grass Knot...

5,5 Marco

Isaac The Gallade: gyah
Affordution: go superman!
Isaac The Gallade: my main sweeper!
Isaac The Gallade: no!
Isaac The Gallade switched in Wobbuffet (lvl 100 Wobbuffet ?).

Kyogre used Thunderbolt.
Wobbuffet lost 42% of its health.
Wobbuffet used Encore.
Kyogre got an encore!
The rain continues to fall.
Wobbuffet's leftovers restored its health a little!
Wobbuffet restored 6% of its health.

Well, thinking he'd Calm Mind like more advanced players, he used T-Bolt. All Wobbu can do now is revenge kill...

Kyogre used Thunderbolt.
Wobbuffet lost 43% of its health.
Wobbuffet used Mirror Coat.
Kyogre lost 131% of its health.
Affordution's Kyogre fainted.
The rain continues to fall.
Wobbuffet's leftovers restored its health a little!
Wobbuffet restored 6% of its health.

And, the revenge kill it is...

5,4 Marco

Affordution switched in Darkrai (lvl 100 Darkrai).
Darkrai used Dark Pulse.
It's super effective!
Wobbuffet lost 83% of its health.
Isaac The Gallade's Wobbuffet fainted.
Darkrai lost 10% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

One Time use Wobbu

4,4 Marco

Isaac The Gallade switched in Darkrai (lvl 100 Darkrai).
Darkrai used Dark Void.
Darkrai fell asleep!
Darkrai is fast asleep!
The rain continues to fall.
Darkrai lost 12% of its health.

And, this leaves my Darkrai with EXACTLY 1 HP left...

Affordution: ? why is urs only 1 health?
Isaac The Gallade switched in Palkia (lvl 100 Palkia).
Palkia is exerting its pressure!
Darkrai used Aerial Ace.
Palkia lost 14% of its health.
Darkrai lost 10% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

Switched in Palkia, which is awesome in Rain...IDK why he even put an Aerial Ace on Darkrai, XD

Isaac The Gallade: Bad Dreams
Affordution switched in Deoxys-l (lvl 100 Deoxys-l).
Deoxys-l is exerting its pressure!
Palkia used Aqua Tail.
Deoxys-l lost 53% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.
Deoxys-l's leftovers restored its health a little!
Deoxys-l restored 6% of its health.

Palkia used Aqua Tail.
Deoxys-l lost 60% of its health.
Affordution's Deoxys-l fainted.
The rain continues to fall.

Ah, Aqua Tail to get rid of the Deoxys with mirror Coat...

4,3 Marco

Affordution switched in Arceus (lvl 100 Arceus).
The foe's Arceus transformed into the Steel type!
Arceus used Earthquake.
Palkia lost 37% of its health.
Palkia used Surf.
Arceus lost 73% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

Arceus used Earthquake.
Palkia lost 37% of its health.
Palkia used Surf.
Arceus lost 79% of its health.
Affordution's Arceus fainted.
The rain continues to fall.

Ok, Im sure to win now, he only has that stupid Darkrai and Ho-Oh left...

4, 2 Marco

Affordution switched in Darkrai (lvl 100 Darkrai).
Darkrai used Dark Pulse.
Palkia lost 51% of its health.
Isaac The Gallade's Palkia fainted.
Darkrai lost 10% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

Ok, maybe not.

3,2 Marco

Isaac The Gallade switched in Latias (lvl 100 Latias ?).
Darkrai used Dark Pulse.
It's super effective!
Latias lost 62% of its health.
Darkrai lost 10% of its health.
Latias flinched!
The rain continues to fall.

Seriously? Couldnt this match get any worse? That f***** up Darkrai flinched me...

Isaac The Gallade: damned Hax!
Darkrai used Dark Pulse.
It's super effective!
Latias lost 62% of its health.
Isaac The Gallade's Latias fainted.
Darkrai lost 10% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

Ok, just perfect....

2,2 Marco

Affordution: waahahaha'
Isaac The Gallade switched in Kyogre (lvl 100 Kyogre).
Kyogre's Drizzle caused a storm!
Isaac The Gallade: gg
Isaac The Gallade: luck was on your side
Isaac The Gallade: rematch after this
Isaac The Gallade: lol

Darkrai used Dark Void.
But it failed!
Kyogre is paralysed! It can't move!
The rain continues to fall.
Kyogre's leftovers restored its health a little!
Kyogre restored 6% of its health.

Oh great, the only time Dark Void misses, Im Paralysed! How is this happening?

Affordution: haha no tnx, studying pa
Isaac The Gallade: for Math?
Darkrai used Dark Pulse.
Kyogre lost 38% of its health.
Isaac The Gallade's Kyogre fainted.
Darkrai lost 10% of its health.
The rain continues to fall.

Ok, no hope now. All I have is my Sleeping Darkrai at 1 HP!

1,2 Marco

Isaac The Gallade switched in Darkrai (lvl 100 Darkrai).
Affordution: review
Isaac The Gallade: theres nothing to study in math
Isaac The Gallade: ah
Isaac The Gallade: kk

Darkrai woke up!
Darkrai used Roar Of Time.
Darkrai lost 116% of its health.
Affordution's Darkrai fainted.
The rain continues to fall.

Oh great, now when I've lost all hope, luck comes by? How weird is this match?

1,1 Marco

Affordution: gg
Isaac The Gallade: woah!
Affordution switched in Ho-oh (lvl 100 Ho-oh).
Ho-oh is exerting its pressure!
Isaac The Gallade: XD!
Darkrai must recharge!
Ho-oh is fast asleep!
The rain continues to fall.
Ho-oh lost 12% of its health.
Ho-oh's leftovers restored its health a little!
Ho-oh restored 6% of its health.

Great, I seriously have to make sure Ho-Oh doesn't wake up. Or Im toast! And Im Locked into Roar of Time cause of Choice Specs!

Darkrai used Roar Of Time.
Ho-oh lost 43% of its health.
Ho-oh is fast asleep!
The rain continues to fall.
Ho-oh lost 12% of its health.
Ho-oh's leftovers restored its health a little!
Ho-oh restored 6% of its health.

Ok, how can Ho-Oh not wake up? Its been 3 turns since it first slept!

Darkrai must recharge!
Ho-oh woke up!
Ho-oh used Sky Attack.
Ho-oh is glowing!
The rain continues to fall.
Ho-oh's leftovers restored its health a little!
Ho-oh restored 6% of its health.

Ok, recharge. I win! I seriously don't get why Marco didnt just use Sacred Fire or soemthing...

Darkrai used Roar Of Time.
Ho-oh lost 47% of its health.
Affordution's Ho-oh fainted.

And, I win, again! My record with Marco now is 6-0 on Shoddy! Whee!

Isaac The Gallade wins!
Isaac The Gallade: XD

Affordution: nooo
Isaac The Gallade: ROFL
Isaac The Gallade: i win
Isaac The Gallade: ROFL

Affordution: tsamba
Isaac The Gallade: lololol
Isaac The Gallade: ill record this
Isaac The Gallade: gg though

Affordution: hahahaha
Affordution: so funny

Isaac The Gallade: its proper manners to say gg
Affordution: lol
Isaac The Gallade: say gg!
Isaac The Gallade: lol

Affordution: i said gg!
Affordution: blind

Isaac The Gallade: kk
Isaac The Gallade: Rematch Tom
Isaac The Gallade: where we can see who wins...
Isaac The Gallade: kk
Isaac The Gallade: bb

Affordution: dunno, fixing realt OU/BL team
Isaac The Gallade: Im saving this
Isaac The Gallade: kk

Affordution has left the room.

Anyway, one of the most tense matches of my life. Time for the Props and Slops...

Darkrai for pulling through.
Palkia for knocking out half of Marco's team.
Lady Luck, for helping me in my greatest our of need.
Marco, for being a sport and finishing it till the end.
Manaphy, for being able to set up 2 Tail Glows.

Kyogre and Latias for absolutely doing nothing.
Manaphy for not using Grass Knot. :p
Me, for not being able to KO the Kyogre with Grass Knot.
Ho-Oh, for not waking me up and letting me win.
Rayquaza for being fresh meat for my Manaphy.
Hax, for giving me the worst time ever.
decent story I guess. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Thanks and congrats for the win. Oh BTW what does "tsamba" mean and in what language is that?(I don't think it's in english cause I've never heard of it)
1) Smogon sponsored tournament battles excluded, you may only post war stories of battles that you've lost. If you wish to author and post a war story of a non-tournament match that you've won, you must FIRST submit a finished draft of your war story via PM to ONE of the following moderators for approval before posting: Kumar, LordS, Phuquoph, Synre, tenchi17, Mekkah, Obi, Roy, Carl, Groudon80 or Aeolus. If your chosen moderator disapproves your war story, DO NOT contact a different person for permission. Make sure to mention who approves your war story in your thread should you receive an affirmative answer.
When are we going to get some decent warstories?

Seriously, train mans are the only ones worth reading :/
Needs moar... well, anything. Skill. Excitement. Competence. I mean, Roar of Time Darkrai? Using Surf on a Kyogre when you had Grass Knot? Darkrai Dark Voiding a Paralyzed Kyogre? Using Sky Attack on a Darkrai with 1 HP? Thunderbolt Kyogre? This was so full of mistakes, and you didn't even mention which moderator gave approval, if any. It's okay to make mistakes, but please don't warstory a battle full of so many flaws.
Needs moar... well, anything. Skill. Excitement. Competence. I mean, Roar of Time Darkrai? Using Surf on a Kyogre when you had Grass Knot? Darkrai Dark Voiding a Paralyzed Kyogre? Using Sky Attack on a Darkrai with 1 HP? Thunderbolt Kyogre? This was so full of mistakes, and you didn't even mention which moderator gave approval, if any. It's okay to make mistakes, but please don't warstory a battle full of so many flaws.
Couldn't have worded this better myself.


God Bless Nintys Incompetence :*)
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a CAP Contributor Alumnus
Darkrai used Dark Void.
But it failed!
Kyogre is paralysed! It can't move!
The rain continues to fall.
Kyogre's leftovers restored its health a little!
Kyogre restored 6% of its health.

Oh great, the only time Dark Void misses, Im Paralysed! How is this happening?
I kind of get the feeling Dark Void failed because you were pyaralised
Why is there such a recent flood of poor-quality war stories? Thunder makes so much more sense on Kyogre it's absurd. Leaving in the part where you're locked into dark void? Surf instead of grass knot...everyone's already said everything.
decent story I guess. Thanks for taking the time to share it with us. Thanks and congrats for the win. Oh BTW what does "tsamba" mean and in what language is that?(I don't think it's in english cause I've never heard of it)
It is Tagalog (Filipino dialect) for lucky.

Kind of a noobish match. So many errors and no no's.
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