A sprite is also a kind of goblin

So yeah, how I got most of my 16 posts from way back when was doing these little sprites for people. I just found them lurking in my photobucket, so I thought I might as well put them back up and show off. They're fairly mixed in quality, some I'm rather pleased with, some cringeworthy.

What is this a combination of?
Slowpoke obviously, paras I think, venonat..I don't remember where the mouth or tail come from though.

Erm, any that you want for avatars is fine. Heh, I'm no artist, these were made pretty much for fun.
Ok, TBH, Ive seen MUCH better.

You pick pokemon that dont fuse well, and this is not a good strategy.

A few tips:

1- Pick Pokemon that are similar. In stance, in details etc.
2- Dont go over the top. Sure, adding Metagross' arms to Aggron is a good idea, but not Metagross' face to a Blaziken
3- Heracross does not fuse well with much. Neither does Metagross.

If you want to take a look at some of the art from me and my friend Dan, Go here . Take a look at some of the fuses we have done there, and see what works and what doesnt.

Also, a few "Easy" fuses to start of with, I would reccomend

1- Syther/Beedrill
2- Tauros/Luxray
3- Celebi/Jirachi

These were some I have done in the past that I found easy to fuse, and they also turned out nicely
first off, number one rule of spriting; save as PNG before doing anything

also I see nothing wrong with fusing nonsimilar pokemon, granted they're around the same size. They tend to be harder to fuse successfully, though I've done a lot of fusions that would probably be considered "nonsimilar".

I quite like the Claydol/Aerodactyl one, looks almost like a completely new pokemon. Make sure you pick the right stuff to transplant over, and make sure one doesn't completely overshadow the other.
Yeah, I was doing requests rather than picking my own, which is why a lot of them look strange (that Raichu and the Blaziken especially). But hey, it was quite good fun.
first off, number one rule of spriting; save as PNG before doing anything

also I see nothing wrong with fusing nonsimilar pokemon, granted they're around the same size. They tend to be harder to fuse successfully, though I've done a lot of fusions that would probably be considered "nonsimilar".

I quite like the Claydol/Aerodactyl one, looks almost like a completely new pokemon. Make sure you pick the right stuff to transplant over, and make sure one doesn't completely overshadow the other.
I prefer to save them as BMPs then convert them to GIFs to make them transparent. Plus GIFs also are the smallest image file for sprites IIRC.

Some of my favorite fusions were done with Pokemon that I didn't think would work well together. You just have to be creative.

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