5th Gen PRNG Help / Info - Latest: RNG Reporter 9.96.5, PPRNG 1.15.0

I don't actually own a copy of B/W, just black 2.... I bought the game before I decided to get back into RNG abuse and after I changed my mind about gen 5 (Curse you Trubbish and Vanniluxe!)
Well, there is always stationary and wild abuse at least.

Alliteratively, if you have other gen 4 games, ideally HG/SS, you can RNG breed on those. If you can RNG shiny pokemon, doing IVs is pretty much the same thing, just with an NPC that will troll you every once in awhile. It is also possible on D/P/Pt. just a lot harder.
I'm trying to set up EonTimer for standard seed abuse and ID/SID abuse on my DSi and 3DS XL (in both B/W and B2/W2). I assume that I should use the "5" tab, select "Standard" from the "Mode" drop-down menu, and enter a number in the "Calibration" box equal to my offset multiplied by -60 (and obviously input my target second into the corresponding box), correct?
New page... anyone?
I can't understand some things with the hidden grottoes (I'm using version 9.96.4):

where do I see the "grotto number" for a certain grotto? the encounter tables don't give them a number from 0 to 19. they also aren't numbered in the order listed there, because I read that someone RNGed ditto (giant chasm) and put 0 as the grotto number, but in the tables the giant chasm is the 10th one.

what does "open hollow" mean? an empty grotto? if I have to RNG, for example, in grotto number 9 and all the other grottoes are occupied, what should I put in "open hollows"? 'cause if I put 1 (since the only unoccupied grotto is number 9) it gives me and error.

last thing, I noticed that all the results are at frames that are at least "initial frame +3". since I read that it's better to use one that is at the initial frame, so you don't have to worry about advancements, why are there no such results?

thanks for the help.
new page for me, too.


is a Contributor Alumnus
I can't understand some things with the hidden grottoes (I'm using version 9.96.4):

where do I see the "grotto number" for a certain grotto? the encounter tables don't give them a number from 0 to 19. they also aren't numbered in the order listed there, because I read that someone RNGed ditto (giant chasm) and put 0 as the grotto number, but in the tables the giant chasm is the 10th one.

what does "open hollow" mean? an empty grotto? if I have to RNG, for example, in grotto number 9 and all the other grottoes are occupied, what should I put in "open hollows"? 'cause if I put 1 (since the only unoccupied grotto is number 9) it gives me and error.

last thing, I noticed that all the results are at frames that are at least "initial frame +3". since I read that it's better to use one that is at the initial frame, so you don't have to worry about advancements, why are there no such results?

thanks for the help.
Please update to 9.96.5, the newer version removed some non-required functionality to make it less confusing. My guide is written for the latest version.
ah, I thought the 9.96.5 was missing some things, 'cause I read somewhere that it had a bug.
anyway, I used it and ditto appeared. thanks for the help.


Old man.
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I'm trying to rng an Entralink Gible in Black 1, and I Can't seem to hit anything. The IVs never match. Is there something wrong with what I'm doing?

I start up the game at timer 1, then boot enter Entralink at Timer 2 (I hit 'yes' at the start menu to turn on the c-gear, and skip through the animation), and tried to calibrate by running in and getting Gible as soon as possible but still nothing.

I'm also confused a bit. Where and when do I run the 128 steps?
Oh wait, you're turning on the C-Gear from the continue menu (when it asks Turn on the C-Gear). That's a big no-no. That's why you aren't getting results.

Whose guide are you looking at, by the way?


how can I feel existential dread, it's my fear
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
Can anyone share the common ranges for parameters on BW using DS Phat/Lite, DSi (and DSi XL, if need be), and 3DS?
If I have a Dream Radar frame of 10, should I advance 9 times and then collect the pokemon, or 10 times and collect the pokemon?

EDIT: I figured it out. I need to do it 9 times.
Oh wait, you're turning on the C-Gear from the continue menu (when it asks Turn on the C-Gear). That's a big no-no. That's why you aren't getting results.

Whose guide are you looking at, by the way?
The front page of this thread, and Princess Emily's guide. There was a third I used for reference as well but I don't recall its name. I think she mentioned it in her guide, but idk.
Do I do the 128 steps before C-Gear/Entralink, or after Entralink? Also, I'm pretty sure about this but just to be sure, frame advancements happen when I'm in the entralink right? (e.g. say no to the pokemon once, use chatos, and then yes to the Pokemon when I'm 26 frames away)


Old man.
is a Top Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnus
Do I do the 128 steps before C-Gear/Entralink, or after Entralink? Also, I'm pretty sure about this but just to be sure, frame advancements happen when I'm in the entralink right? (e.g. say no to the pokemon once, use chatos, and then yes to the Pokemon when I'm 26 frames away)
If your IV frame is not 21, then you want to advance it with the 128 steps method. You do that once you enter Entralink. Best to do it not in the area where the Pokemon are, as they are treated as wandering NPCs and this can advance your PID frame.

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but you may advance the IV frame by 26 if you refuse to take a Pokemon in the Entree Forest. This helps to get up to higher IV frames, but at the cost of increasing the PID frame every time you refuse to take a Poke (iirc by 2-3 frames).
Hi guys, I'm attempting my first RNG in an area with NPC's. My results are very consistent, but that's my problem - my real starting frame is four above my target frame and 36 above the calculated one. Do NPC's really mess with the frames that much? Should I just re-save over and over to try new "positions?" I'm really not sure how to go about this. Thanks!


how can I feel existential dread, it's my fear
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
I cant't understand when the second's count ends on bw,can someone tell me when?
regarding what? For hitting a seed?

Hi guys, I'm attempting my first RNG in an area with NPC's. My results are very consistent, but that's my problem - my real starting frame is four above my target frame and 36 above the calculated one. Do NPC's really mess with the frames that much? Should I just re-save over and over to try new "positions?" I'm really not sure how to go about this. Thanks!
Yes, WNPCs can advance the PIDRNG that much. Are you in Nacrene City? Anyway, I assume you're mashing A as quickly as you can, so that's probably not going to do much for you. So yeah, try re-saving, and see if you can hit a frame below your target one.
Yes, WNPCs can advance the PIDRNG that much. Are you in Nacrene City? Anyway, I assume you're mashing A as quickly as you can, so that's probably not going to do much for you. So yeah, try re-saving, and see if you can hit a frame below your target one.
Route 14, so there aren't too many but I guess they're still screwing me up a lot. And yeah, I'm being as quick as possible with my button-pressing and menu-opening. I'll try re-saving then, hopefully this will work out! Thank you kindly!
Can we Unova Link calibrate without the PPRNG?

And should we start the game with butten presses? We have heard that in BW you will have the higher Timer0 more often than without button presses. Is it the same with BW2?


how can I feel existential dread, it's my fear
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
yes,for hitting a standard seed
If you're using a DS Phat/Lite, start the game one second before your target time, DSi's are 1-3 seconds, and 3DS is 7-8 seconds earlier.

Can we Unova Link calibrate without the PPRNG?

And should we start the game with butten presses? We have heard that in BW you will have the higher Timer0 more often than without button presses. Is it the same with BW2?
Afaik it's messed up on RNGR for the time being.

And for the umpteenth time, keypresses have nothing to do with your Timer0.

Data proving it:

something i've been thinking about for awhile: i'm pretty sure that keypresses don't affect timer0 at all in gen 5, and i just wanted to demonstrate why i think so.

first, let's start with the code:

RAM:02088180 ; S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
RAM:02088180 getParams__                             ; CODE XREF: Seed.Create__+14p
RAM:02088180                                         ; sub_20595A0+14p
RAM:02088180                 STMFD   SP!, {R4-R6,LR}
RAM:02088184                 LDR     R1, VCOUNT      ; VCOUNT @ =0x4000006
RAM:02088188                 MOV     R5, R0
RAM:0208818C                 LDRH    R6, [R1]           ; *VCOUNT into R6
RAM:02088190                 LDR     R4, =0x2FFFC00 ; base value used for grabbing loads of values
RAM:02088194                 BL      getTimer0__
RAM:02088198                 ORR     R0, R0, R6,LSL#16 ;(*VCOUNT << 16) | *timer0
RAM:0208819C                 STR     R0, [R5]
RAM:020881A0                 LDR     R0, =0x2151358
RAM:020881A4                 LDRH    R1, [R4,#0xF8]
RAM:020881A8                 LDR     R2, [R0]
RAM:020881AC                 LDR     R3, [R0,#4]
RAM:020881B0                 EOR     R1, R2, R1,LSL#16
RAM:020881B4                 STR     R1, [R5,#4]
RAM:020881B8                 LDR     R2, [R0]
RAM:020881BC                 LDR     R2, GxStat           ; GxStat @ =0x4000600
RAM:020881C0                 LDR     R1, [R0,#4]
RAM:020881C4                 LDR     R0, [R4,#0xF4]
RAM:020881C8                 LDR     R3, [R4,#0x3C]
RAM:020881CC                 EOR     R0, R1, R0
RAM:020881D0                 EOR     R3, R3, R0
RAM:020881D4                 STR     R3, [R5,#8]
RAM:020881D8                 LDR     R1, [R2]
RAM:020881DC                 ADD     R0, R4, #0x300
RAM:020881E0                 EOR     R1, R3, R1
RAM:020881E4                 STR     R1, [R5,#8]
RAM:020881E8                 LDR     R1, [R4,#0x1E8] ; grab the date
RAM:020881EC                 SUB     R2, R2, #0x4D0  ; gxstat(4000600)-4D0 = 4000130(gba-compatible controller input)
RAM:020881F0                 STR     R1, [R5,#0xC]
RAM:020881F4                 LDR     R3, [R4,#0x1EC] ; grab the time
RAM:020881F8                 ADD     R1, R4, #0x3A8  ; 2FFFFA8 - nds-compatible input
RAM:020881FC                 STR     R3, [R5,#0x10]
RAM:02088200                 LDRH    R12, [R0,#0x94]
RAM:02088204                 LDR     R3, [R4,#0x390]
RAM:02088208                 EOR     R3, R3, R12,LSL#16
RAM:0208820C                 STR     R3, [R5,#0x14]
RAM:02088210                 LDRH    R4, [R0,#0xAA]
RAM:02088214                 LDRH    R3, [R0,#0xAC]
RAM:02088218                 ORR     R3, R3, R4,LSL#16
RAM:0208821C                 STR     R3, [R5,#0x18]
RAM:02088220                 LDRH    R2, [R2]        ; get gba-compatible input
RAM:02088224                 LDRH    R1, [R1]        ; get nds-only input
RAM:02088228                 LDRH    R3, [R0,#0x98]
RAM:0208822C                 ORR     R0, R2, R1      ; OR the inputs together to make 1 number: (3FF | 2C00) = 2FFF, etc
RAM:02088230                 ORR     R0, R0, R3,LSL#16
RAM:02088234                 STR     R0, [R5,#0x1C]
RAM:02088238                 LDMFD   SP!, {R4-R6,PC}
RAM:02088238 ; End of function getParams__
RAM:02088238 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
RAM:0208823C dword_208823C   DCD                     ; DATA XREF: getParams__+4r
RAM:02088240 dword_2088240   DCD 0x2FFFC00           ; DATA XREF: getParams__+10r
RAM:02088244 dword_2088244   DCD 0x2151358           ; DATA XREF: getParams__+20r
RAM:02088248 dword_2088248   DCD                     ; DATA XREF: getParams__+3Cr
ok, now have a look up at the top.

timer0 is grabbed at 2088194. keypress data isn't retrieved until 2088220 and 2088224. when it is retrieved, there is no reading of hardware involved. it simply grabs the values at 4000130 and 2FFFFA8, ORs them, and continues.

i could see making an argument for it being affected if the arm9 processor(that is running this routine) was the same one reading the scankeys() data in and setting those registers. maybe having keys pressed would slow it down then. however, the data retrieved from scankeys() is read/interpreted by the arm7 processor and then set up in the i/o registers for the arm9 cpu to read. it's just grabbing the value and running with it, not doing any interpretation of the data from the hardware.

i know people have said that they seem to be affected by certain keypresses or whatever, but it just doesn't seem like it's possible.


how can I feel existential dread, it's my fear
is a Forum Moderator Alumnus
No clue, only advice I can give you is to use an actual cart, it's actually quite a bit easier.

And I'm not saying that to spite you or anything, it's just easier to get your parameters + they're actually consistent, unlike flashcarts/emulators.
Today I thought I'd try RNG on DSi. I never got around to it as I was fine RNGing on original DS.

So I calibrated and to my understanding the offset is different on DSi and it WAS as the actual time was 2 seconds as the RNG reporter says.

So I did the usual thing starting the game at -2 seconds instead of the usual -1 to hit my seed. (B/W shiny egg)

And after I wasted 2 hours using the -2 offset time trying to hit the right seed, I decided this is not working and I tried starting the game at -1 seconds and you know what, I got it first try.

Why is this? Am I just retarded thinking the offset time is 2? Because I searched around and found out that for 3DS the offset time is 8 and for DSi/XL the offset is either 1 or 2, and since RNG reporter said my offset time is 2 so...

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