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  • hey there n_n! I'm looking to get into CAP, the pre-evolution area specifically. could you possibly help me a bit or link me to some helpful stuff? thanks!
    Hey Unfixable, I'll be starting up the Prevo Threads for Naviathan today if you want to get involved! :)
    oh i would love to! thanks for the reminder!
    Update that OI tourist tips page, it says I am still a mod O_o
    lol Birkals whole post is totally out of date. The OP is correct. I'll talk to Codra and NoCheese and get all that updated.
    I know that I haven't done any work in the tier list, but it's been on my mind constantly, and I was planning to finally update it tomorrow. There's been a long chain of things happening in my life over the past few weeks (and I'd prefer not to say what because it's all very personal) so I haven't had any time to do anything online... It's dying down now, but I should have posted something during my inactivity...
    <+ChanStat> 12DHR (Mibbit@ED216F88.FA0F15E9.B19742A7.IP) was last seen 12quitting for "Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client" on 12Tue February 3 09:24:22 2015 UTC (2 minutes, 26 seconds ago)
    What exactly is this in aid of?
    I didn't think you'd be back on but i missed you by like 2 minutes. all good now.
    So... I got a call today from someone in a completely different area of the bank, wanting me to do an 8 week development opp with possibility to be offered the role later in the year (September)
    Say goodnight to hydrattler for me lol. Flying cockroach came in so i shut down pc and ran out to go bed lol

    /dies from shock. X.X
    I think your - might be messing with it :P I'll try to just remove it and see if it works. If not, I'll leave it to chaos when he has time. Sorry for the wait.
    The dash in my name? rofl if that is what is causing the issue haha
    Hi DHR-107, is it possible that I get an extra post in my thread? I was busy adding more info, then I got the error saying I should keep the post within 65,000 characters haha. Didn't knew I was typing that much already xD
    At the moment it does not seem like it is possible. You may have to make a new thread with some extra posts after your first. It's to do with the forum architecture I think.
    There are 2 messages in between my main post and my first own reply. Is it possible to delete those 2 in between so I do have that one post extra?
    I am incredibly hesitant to delete posts which have content and are not bad posts. If you go and explain to those guys and get them to PM me/do a group PM asking them if I can delete those posts, then I will do it.
    So I called nintendo... They took my details to do the merge, said a lot of people have done the same thing and will call when they are doing it... Another time. In the conversation he said if/when but they are awaiting on the divisional manager to give the go ahead once determining what id requirements and all for the process
    They are going to do the transfer but said I need to format before hand and my new I'd will be released and float around in space. The email said that they can't do it if a new I'd is on the device. But the lady didn't say that and new I had created one... So we will see what happens I guess
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