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  • Nah, it was fine. You actually gave me a reason to think in that match. Since you used uncommon Pokemon, I was not able to predict everything. I enjoyed it. =)
    yeah it's tough but I think i can handle it? just a lot of failing grades this year though, but next year AP Statistics will be a lot easier. it's a blow-off class that most seniors take, but I'm never taking whatever's harder than Calc AB hellll no :P
    oh I'm sorry Satisfaction for quitting again, but school is really bumming me out. I failed a calculus test with a 63 and now I'm failing 3 classes ugh... the break's over now ;-; and I already have an invite back to TRC lol GO BISTRO! though
    Yes and even though it does go against them , i dont like most fan fic although it does have its funny occasions,.........wait wait it for Black and White 1 characters,Bianca and Cheren/(i guess white or black) or black and white 2 characterz?
    Even though it goes against my moral codes......i am intrested in your fan fiction will you pm me it?
    Thanks...haha. I'll guess I'll just have to keep talking to her and see where it goes.
    Aww, thanks. You made me go all red, saying that >_<

    Ah, but uh, yes, I have not told her the first one. I think she knows we have talked, considering she was the one I was talking to. xD
    Haha, that is sort of why I wanted to talk to you about always seem able to frame everything so positively.

    I met her on another site, it was sort of like an anime site, not a purely social site like Facebook or something.

    And yeah, we have been talking on skype a few times...I haven't told her yet though >_<

    Haha, everyone reading your VMs can see how pathetic I am. lol
    Spring fling? Not sure what that is

    The reason I don't think it will work is because she lives far away, and I am all the way here in America. xD

    And, good to know. Hehe
    Haha, sort of, but not really. More about how you thought there was some girl out there waiting for me to be her white knight xD

    I actually did sort of meet someone...not sure if it will work out though >_< and no, it is not Axelia. Haha.

    Also yeah, we did not really know each other too well then. I actually still thought you were a dude back then, if that does not sound too weird. >_>
    That's good. I'm fine too, actually been thinking about some stuff you told me a while back, haha.
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