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  • So you have let Battlestar stay in the group when you said you would not let him in and you knew the most active members of the group did not want him
    You said you would clean up the group and you did not
    You have violated my trust.
    I am kicking you out of BALD, which I am sure is no big loss to you.
    Hey, I'm just gonna step in and give you a small bit of advice. Forget the fact that I'm in TRC -- I'm having a spat with them atm.

    This isn't about what side you pick. It's about your members, and your group getting cleaned up. I've seen way too many groups die because their leader didn't step in on time to clean up the junk in them.

    I ask you to do so, for yourself. If you feel that for some reason your group isn't worth saving or whatever you think, give it to someone who cares enough to clean up shop.

    Do whatever you feel is right, but there are 100 other people besides yourself that your actions will affect.
    Take a look at your group at the moment. You can see that these people have been complete assholes to me without any reason besides some harmless spam. These people are hateful, amazing that you are with these people.

    Also the thing about TRC, we are always willing to help our target if they are nice to us. I suggest you kick out those hateful urchins.
    We can leave your group and kick you out of our groups.
    Right now all the circumstantial evidence points to the fact that you betrayed you.
    We you say "you" are harrassing you, do you mean BALD people or me, because I have stuck up for you.
    I gave you the group
    I keep telling people to give you a cahcne
    I am just giving you a chance to prove to them that you should be trusted.
    I am going to have to temporarily kick you out of the admin group sorry
    Pokeluvr are you ever going to change the new Group to moderated and kick out Bstar for good?
    If not, I will just have to come to the conclusion that you are allied with Bstar and take appropriate actions.
    If you need help knowing how to do things ask me or someone else.
    I am giving you 48 hours.
    Actually he did! I think he was a spy or something but i had no idea

    Here is the pm;

    hey hey
    TRC is about to spam New Group
    (just long text posts but still...)
    anyway, make it so only you can post threads
    just for the moment

    also, i'm part of this spam group
    just undercover
    so shhhhhhhhhhhh
    this conversation
    never took place
    *stealthily sneaks away*
    yeah, the more obnoxious you are the higher rank you seem to get. their "missions" are to be assholes and spam other groups
    respect man... if you need any help with the new group don´t hesitate to ask.
    trc´s brat´s are annoying and stuff, but don´t mind them. they will get bored soon...
    like all little kids after playing a while with a same toy.
    so much for BA needing to be more trusting... TRC is run by a bunch of no life psychos whose life passion is ruining groups and being idiots. Never underestimate what a slimy bunch of pricks they all are.
    OK, no problem
    but you are going to ban them and fix this right?
    not that I care about the social group
    I care about you and the people in the group, but not so many posts on a stupid website.
    But if you dont stick with it and get this corrected either by getting the gtoup back to ne or by banning these guys, then you will lose peoples trust
    I will pray for you.
    take care of yoursefl first and fore most
    you could also delete the group and I can help you start over too.
    I can stay on until you are done if you want.
    let me know if you are haveing problems
    Or like I said if you want me to fix things, transfer the group back to me
    all you have to do is click on transfer group on the bottom and type in my username
    I will fix itall
    Go to edit group
    click on group type - moderted
    then if you want to temporarily shut down messages, un check enable messages.
    There is an option where you can make it so no one can see the discussions or post in the group. frist change the group setting to moderated (or if you want you can give the group back to ne temporarily I promise I would give it right back to you)
    Dont worry - sorry if we doubted you, but I think now you can see why. BS is off his rocker.
    If you want, you can shut down the grou for the night after you ban them I can tell you how.
    well please dont do that. go into manage members. click on his name (and blitzle) and then click on remove members
    Did you change the group from moderated?
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