OUDJ Ricky12
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  • Hi, I’m your opponent for the next round of the AAA tour, I’m +1 GMT and available on weekdays between 8pm and 11pm, but have much more availability during the weekend if that time is not available for you
    Hey, I'm ur next oppo for the AAA tour, my time zone is PST, lmk what urs is so we can set a date for a battle.

    I'm on SD p much 24/7, tho on alts usually
    OUDJ Ricky12
    OUDJ Ricky12
    Alright good to know, my time zone is Est, do want clarification as to what SD means.
    SD means Showdown
    OUDJ Ricky12
    OUDJ Ricky12
    Oh alright, then what about 4:30 Pm my time (1:30 yours)?
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