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  • Hey TDP, in case you missed the ping would you mind looking over this html when you get a min? Thanks! We don't think much will change with the DLC.
    i did miss it, preview has expired so i'll look tomorrow
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Nw, thanks.
    Hey TDP, is there any particular reason that old gen analyses are in the Sun & Moon analyses and not just under the general umbrella of C&C?
    it was left there initially when gen 8 c&c was just two or three subs and most of the gen 7 ones were still somewhat active, it'll be moved over before too long
    Thank you for your QC, best news of my day!
    np and sorry for the wait
    There's really no need to apologize :)) Thank you for all your hard work!!
    What is the format for Article Approvals?
    not rly a set format, just make sure you give a general outline of the idea that you want to cover
    hi, i'd like to do gp amchecks but i can't find any analyses that aren't gp 0/1. should i wait until analyses start need 2 gp checks or can i go ahead and start amchecking analyses that are gp 0/1? thanks!
    no definitely go ahead and check minis too
    Mr. Quark
    Mr. Quark
    great, thanks so much!
    Hey TDP, you still down for checking the HTML of MO's FP guide when you can, or in the spirit of lightening your load you want me to look elsewhere? Cheers!
    i missed the tag, ill get it later today
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Nw, thanks :)
    Just wondering if your GP on my Mega-Latias analysis was conpleted? Thanks.
    hey, amgpers can't amcheck analyses which are 0/1 right?
    ya amchecks are better for full length stuff not previews
    galar ponyta when?
    worried that it might be tricky to make work on a red banner
    anne bogart may suggest that you kill your darlings here hehe
    Is there some issue with the OMPL article? I see the same rozes vs motherove write up in every panel for the highlight match
    i'm seeing the proper highlight match in every panel + the playoffs section (with rozes vs motherlove highlight match writeup) below the week panels as it's supposed to

    there's nothing to really visibly separate the week panels from the playoffs section though which is where the confusion may be coming from? ill put something in to make it clearer
    it's time you change in light of martha's redesign
    i actually don't disagree but finding something that meets my standards is Hard
    The situation with one of the writing crew got even worse, so sadly I cant release. I'll try and personally finish it off tomorrow since I think he might be preoccupied for while. Sorry about that :/
    The situation with one of the writing crew got even worse, so sadly I cant release. I'll try and personally finish it off tomorrow since I think he might be preoccupied for while. Sorry about that :/
    Randomly logged in today and saw a thread in IS about the Top Contributor badge. Jesus, how tf did you folks manage to sit and retro-badge every single top contributor ever? Just thinking about the amount of effort that would have gone into this makes my head spin lol
    it helped that there were enough cases that were obvious enough that we didn't need to look into them closely to approve / reject ofc

    otherwise i guess oglemi and i just have naturally spinning heads as is? but yea novelty wore off pretty hard towards the end, lol
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