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Chatot Wrangler
The Delay is around the 520000s. The frame gives me an specific SID for a flawless spread so I can't pick any other seed.
If you have screenshots of your windows, that would help. If not, please post any details such as what spread you're after, what SID, what PID, what you did to determine that etc.

As far as the error goes, it seems to be that the seed requires an hour of 31...

//  Break seed out into parts
            if (!radioBtnBW.Checked)
                MAC_Address = 0;
            uint partialmac = (uint) MAC_Address & 0xFFFFFF;
            uint ab = (Seed - partialmac) >> 24;
            uint cd = ((Seed - partialmac) & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
            uint efgh = (Seed - partialmac) & 0x0000FFFF;
            //  Get the year and the seed from the dialog
            //  we need to get the year because we let the
            //  user change this in the dialog
            // wfy this can fail if nothing entred
            int generateYear = int.Parse(maskedTextBoxYear.Text);
            //  Get Delay
            int delay = (int) efgh + (2000 - generateYear);
            //  Get Hour
            var hour = (int) cd; 
           //  We need to check here, as a user could have entered a seed
            //  that is not possible (invalid hour) to lets warn and exit
            //  on it. 
           if (hour > 23)
                MessageBox.Show("This seed is invalid, please verify that you have entered it correctly and try again.",
                                "Invalid Seed", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
            var timeAndDeleays = new List<TimeAndDelay>();
            //  Loop through all months
            for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++)
                int daysInMonth = DateTime.DaysInMonth(generateYear, month);
                //  Loop through all days
                for (int day = 1; day <= daysInMonth; day ++)
                    //  Loop through all minutes
                    for (int minute = 0; minute <= 59; minute++)
                        //  Loop through all seconds
                        for (int second = 0; second <= 59; second++)
                            if (ab == ((month*day + minute + second)&0xFF))
                                if (!checkBoxLockSeconds.Checked || second == lockedSecond)
                                    //  Create Date/Time and add item to collection
                                    var timeAndDelay = new TimeAndDelay();
                                    //  Build DateTime
                                    var dateTime = new DateTime(generateYear, month, day, hour, minute, second);
                                    timeAndDelay.Date = dateTime;
                                    timeAndDelay.Delay = delay;
                                    //  Add to collection
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Chatot Wrangler
I already saw that before but could not understand anything lol Oh well I guess no ID of 0 for me then
Ahh. Then let me see if I can clear it up. It looks like the OP outlines 2 methods: one being how a seed is generated from the date (I also posted above how a seed is used to determine the date), and the second how to get a date from your seed. I'd recommend the latter.

From the OPs second method, it seems like they're saying to:

1) Take your seed in hex, and subtract from it your required delay in hex--the required delay = delay in Pandoras box. You'll have to convert the delay in Pandora's box to hex.
2) Taking the last 4 digits of the result in (1) (i.e. your result in (1) will have the form YYYYXXXX), form a new seed: XXXX0000. Note that X and Y don't necessarily have to be the same as each other or themselves--I'm just showing you the form.
3) In the seed to time tool, use your seed of XXXX0000 to find a workable date and time. Ignore the delay.
4) Set your DS to the date/time you picked in (3), but use your delay from the Pandoras box (in decimal this time) to setup the Eon Timer.

Not sure if it works as I've never tried it, but that seems to be the steps the OP used.
Pretty sure capture rate is strictly related to the frame, so yeah every frame should have a different capture rate, though there are no tools that help in checking the capture rate as of yet.
I saw that in a Pokemon Emerald speed run by Werster he was able to "find a 4 frame window" where he had a 100% capture rate on Rayquaza with a Pokeball. Does this not exist for gen 7?
I'm having a bizarre and frustrating problem that I've never encountered before.

I am RNG abusing an egg in Pokemon Black. I've done this dozens of times. It's easy and I know what I am doing. However, when I abuse the egg, the pokemon is the right gender, nature, and ability, but the IV's do not match what I required in the Egg Time Finder tab. The inheritance from the parents is correct, but the RNG is not filling in the remaining 3 IV's as 31 - they are random values instead. I am hitting my seed at T0, ALL of the chatot pitches match perfectly and like I said everything is right except the IV's. Any idea what could be causing this?

There is only one thing that is different: I am RNG'ing on a different computer than I usually do. I had to manually enter the profile info into RNG reporter, but that's the only difference.
Hey all, quick question about RNGReporter. The latest version (9.96.5 I believe?) does not work for me (it keeps telling me to make a profile, which is unnecessary since I’m using it exclusively for Gen IV), so I found 9.95 and downloaded it instead. My new problem, however, arises when I try and TId/SID abuse my HG cart. When i try and enter the TID I got to see how close I am to hitting my desired TID, I am unable to enter the year without receiving a message along the lines of “year invalid, 2000</=year</=2099”. Everything else is correct as far as I can tell. Should I look at finding a different version to download or is there a simpler fix to this?


Formally LegoFigure11
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Hey all, quick question about RNGReporter. The latest version (9.96.5 I believe?) does not work for me (it keeps telling me to make a profile, which is unnecessary since I’m using it exclusively for Gen IV), so I found 9.95 and downloaded it instead. My new problem, however, arises when I try and TId/SID abuse my HG cart. When i try and enter the TID I got to see how close I am to hitting my desired TID, I am unable to enter the year without receiving a message along the lines of “year invalid, 2000</=year</=2099”. Everything else is correct as far as I can tell. Should I look at finding a different version to download or is there a simpler fix to this?
Use the latest one and make a profile (just put random stuff in all the fields), then it should let you search fine.
Requesting help:

Trying to RNG a Snover on Platinum.
Desired nature Quiet, IVs; 31/x/31/31/31/0
Seed; AD1509ED
Location; Acuity lake front
Encounter slots; 0 3 6 9 11
Using Synchronizer
Target frame; 5
Year; 2009
Seconds; 23
I select; 31/03/2009 @ 21:57:23 Delay 2532

On Eon timer I use:
Mode; Standard
Calibrated delay; 600
Calibrated sec.; 14
Target delay; 2532
Target sec.; 23

I get the coin flips T, H, H, H, H, H, H, T, T, H, T, H, T, T, H, T
There are no matches for this. I have widened search paramters to +- 9999 seconds and +-9 frames.
Still no matches.

Please advise me on what I need to be doing.
Thank you.
Requesting help:

Trying to RNG a Snover on Platinum.
Desired nature Quiet, IVs; 31/x/31/31/31/0
Seed; AD1509ED
Location; Acuity lake front
Encounter slots; 0 3 6 9 11
Using Synchronizer
Target frame; 5
Year; 2009
Seconds; 23
I select; 31/03/2009 @ 21:57:23 Delay 2532

On Eon timer I use:
Mode; Standard
Calibrated delay; 600
Calibrated sec.; 14
Target delay; 2532
Target sec.; 23

I get the coin flips T, H, H, H, H, H, H, T, T, H, T, H, T, T, H, T
There are no matches for this. I have widened search paramters to +- 9999 seconds and +-9 frames.
Still no matches.

Please advise me on what I need to be doing.
Thank you.

What minute are you setting the DS's clock to? Ensure that you're setting the clock to 21:56 so you don't get the wrong minute.

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Chatot Wrangler
Thanks for all the info. I don't see anything notably wrong, so I'll throw out some ideas:

This is drawing from Gen 5 a bit, but if you're using a DSi/3(2)DS, there is an inherent delay when you launch the game and when the seeding etc happens. Since the delay is ~8 seconds for a 3DS (again, gen 5 data), perhaps you're more than 9 seconds off from your target and so nothing shows up. What I like to do for Gen 4 is start the timer when you set your time, immediately go and boot the game from the menu, and SR when the first timer ends. This eliminates any delay in the system when you boot the game from the menu.

Sometimes I run into the same issue, but trying again usually helps. Do you never get results, or is it just this 1 sequence? You're bound to hit a different delay if you try again, so that may be all you have to do to get a result and narrow in on your seed. If you just can't seem to get any results, trying a different seed may help.

And as always, double check to make sure you have your date/time set right (probably goes without saying, but it happens :P).
Thank you for the response.
I have tried several times, again all no matches:

H, T, T, T, H, T, T, H, T, H, T, H, H, T, H, H
T, H, T, T, T, H, H, T, T, H, H, T, H, H, H, H
T, H, H, H, H, H, H, H, T, T, H, H, H, T, H, T (I did the SR in game trick you mentioned)
H, H, T, H, T, T, H, H, H, T, T, H, H, H, T, H
T, H, T, T, T, H, T, T, T, H, H, T, H, H, H, H

I am greatly confused what is going wrong. I set the DS time to 21:56 and press A when I start Eon Timer. Then I load game when first timer hits 0, and load save file when second timer hits 0.

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Chatot Wrangler
Your procedure sounds correct. At this point I would probably use a different seed, but if you still want to try with this one here are my thoughts:

The old guides say to just use 10 flips to verify your seed, so I question the reliability of the Reporter for using more than that (it may be correct, but it should be considered). Taking your seed for example (AD1509ED), the reporter says the sequence is: T, H, H, T, T, H, T, T, T, T, T, H, H, T, H. This sequence gives you 1 result, but if you enter in another H or T it goes to 0....Whether that's a bug or just the fact the reporter only looks so far I'm not sure. But clearly there's a limit before it just says 0 even though there's a match. To get around that, I'd shorten your search window. There's no way you're +/- 9999 delay off, and having it that wide (although a good idea!) may be counter-productive if you reach the reporter's limitations. The guide says +/- 50 delay and +/- 2 seconds. I'd maybe take that delay up to 99 (a stretch really) and if you use the SR method that +/-2 seconds should suffice.

I've searched with different combinations of search windows and versions of the reporter (back to 8.xx), and my best guess is that you're at about 21:57:21 and 2501 delay (odd values) with the current settings. The results are sporadic though, so could be wrong. This is not to say the Reporter is wrong, I'm just not sure what the issue is. Iirc there shouldn't be anything that should mess with checking the seed this way, but perhaps I'm missing something.

edit: bbcode fail


Buriallusion: Phantomic Killer in Night Mist
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Are there any guides to nature RNGing in G/S/C Virtual Console? (Or RNGing in general.)
I'm going to imagine you mean nature once transferred to Gen VII; natures are determined by the Exp. that the Pokemon has when it is transferred. Refer to this guide. Basically, you want the last two numbers in your current Exp. value to be a certain pair for it to attain some such nature once transferred. There are no natures within the game itself in Gen II.

As for RNG'ing in general, one can manipulate the IVs when transferred, but I'm relatively sure that requires PokeCalc and CFW. As for Shininess, I'm relatively sure the only way to get that 100% legitimately is via soft-resetting (or the Shiny Ditto glitch for breeding), but there are semi-legal ways which are allowed here to help with that. As far as I know, we're not allowed to talk about them, though.
New file in Soul Silver. Trying to RNG a shiny Entei at the Burned Tower. I keep hitting seeds that are on 29 seconds consistently, when my target is on 30 seconds. How can I adjust on EonTimer?

I am attempting to RNG Blacephalon in Ultra Sun. What is the exact location I must stand in while in Poni Grove such that I have 0 NPC's affecting my frame advancement? In the RNG tool, it automatically lists 0 in the # of NPC's box on the right with a correction of 9. Where exactly do I stand so that this is the case? Also, is this RNG done by using a Honey Pot to trigger the encounter?

Max. Optimizer

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I am attempting to RNG Blacephalon in Ultra Sun. What is the exact location I must stand in while in Poni Grove such that I have 0 NPC's affecting my frame advancement? In the RNG tool, it automatically lists 0 in the # of NPC's box on the right with a correction of 9. Where exactly do I stand so that this is the case? Also, is this RNG done by using a Honey Pot to trigger the encounter?
According to _Dragon and Drakero this is the spot for both Blacephalon (and Stakataka):

For more information, feel free to check out the guides they meticulously compiled on their New Order of Breeding forums.
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