New Tutors

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Banned deucer.
The following two users are closing out 2013 as the latest tenured tutors: dragonuser and Plus have been rewarded with the Tutor badge. Dragonuser has been tutoring since the latter part of 2012 and has put in superb work for the program with his dedication to his apprentices. It's also interesting to note he was one of Battling 101's tutee tournament winners a while back. Since then, he has gone on to prove himself as a force to be reckoned with in the battling scene, and serves as the perfect example for all tutees out there aspiring to make a name for themselves in this community. Plus was a tutor back in the early days of the program and has recently returned, wasting no time making his impact. He quickly re-earned his badge and will be helping us integrate the Battling 101 program with Smogon's Mentorship program to further improve our tutoring system. Stay tuned for more details in the upcoming days and congratulations once again to both of these guys; very well-deserved!
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