G4's Top 100 Games of All Time

Not sure what that proves lol that's a guy that plays Tetris every damn day and has quick reflexes. That's it.
If I post a video of someone owning at Street Fighter will you declare him a genius? Because that's just as hard lol

How about Guitar Hero? Are world record breakers at Guitar Hero geniuses?
Tetris looks like it takes a lot of thinking to you and i but that's partly because we haven't overplayed it
It's not really what you would classify as a "classical" thinking game, like you would with chess or poker or whatever, but compared to the majority or even the entirety of games on that list, it requires more, and I'd say far more mental planning and decision making, both split second and more thought out. The whole idea of these guys being "geniuses" is just a strawman that Byrne made up anyway.
hell, at the end of the video, simply being able to remember even a general layout of the pieces is more mentally challenging than the vast majority of video games.
Bioshock likely doesn't deserve its spot at #3, but I'd for sure leave it in the top 10. It and Shadow of the Colossus are two games that I feel that I grew as a person from playing.

On the other side of the spectrum, Super Ghouls and Ghosts was far more polished than Ghosts and Goblins, and Mega Man X seriously deserved a spot on the list (if not higher than Mega Man 2) due to being outrageously fun.
to be honest i've never found lists like this worth arguing over. discussing, sure, but asking 'why is x number 75 and y number 30' is kind of senseless if we're operating under either the idea that video games are an artistic medium or the idea that they exist for people to have fun, as the goals and results of both are completely subjective

i always thought ck was retarded when he talked about bands that were 'objectively' good and i guess i just dont see how this is any different?

I can understand that a lot of people disagree with the list (as I disagree with a number of the chosen games) but yeah, Glen is absolutely correct.
Seconding the disdain of the idea that Tetris is some prestigious pinnacle of gaming. It's about as important as mobile games nowadays.

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