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  1. ΣXΣDΣ

    Strictly for TTT2. PSN: bromega

    Strictly for TTT2. PSN: bromega
  2. ΣXΣDΣ

    The Studio - Song Recommendations

    clipping. (Wriggle) [Like Death Grips n' that shiza] Patten (Epsilon) FFVIII (Timber Theme)
  3. ΣXΣDΣ

    The Studio - Song Recommendations

    Here's some music you'll all definitely like. If you don't like it, maybe you're inexperienced; after all, there's no competition to live, baby. mall grab Raär (Sometimes I Hear Sirens) Mr. Oizo (M - Seq) Mr. Oizo (Analog Worms Attack) The Alchemist Head Hunters Miles Davis...
  4. ΣXΣDΣ

    SPOILERS! "What Isn't A Pokemon Yet" Repository (+ Type Combinations & Super Forms)

    The Tailypo should be a Poké. Dark type, period.