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  1. Libraryseraph

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    oohhh can you get any evolution stones with pickup? Because my Dedenne has pickup and it's gotta find some way to pay the bills beyond being cute
  2. Libraryseraph

    The Most Facepalm Worthy Thing You Have Done in All of Pokémon

    i was 11 when d/p came out. i really like the mr mime family. ...I traded palkia to my little brother for a mime jr. It's become an injoke between us. I ask him for a normal version exclusive, he asks for my version mascot, i tell him to shut up, repeat once a gen (I still have that mime jr)
  3. Libraryseraph

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    Evolution stones. the stone emporium only sells water, fire and leaf stones. if you want extras of any of the others, you have to be really good at super training or be able to beat fucking psychic inver, which requires getting 9 super effective hits on a three pokemon team while remembering all...
  4. Libraryseraph

    Gen IV & Beyond Remakes - Is There A Demand?

    I'd love a Diamond/Pearl remake but that would also make me feel incredibly old