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  1. Wishing Well (An OU Warstory)

    Pretty good battle. Some risky choices made but they paid off in the end =D The LO heatran sweep was nicely planned, but explosion... damn. GJ both battlers.
  2. Community Create-A-Team #2: Aggron (OU)

    I was convinced Choice Band is a great set due to some calcs that pretty much show Aggron raping the entire metagame with one move. (100%+ on scizor and heatran, etc)
  3. Community Create-A-Team #2: Aggron (OU)

    If you want to make a team based around it, it's going to have to be rock polish probably. CB does sound like a good set, but its hard to make a team based around it (What're you gonna do, rely on paralysis of all his members? doesn't work as well as it sounds). I'd like to see cb used, but...
  4. Battle to the death: Ubers Warstory

    Great game Ike , always a fun match against you.
  5. Pokemon Riddle

    You're right except that there's no way a -1 lucario did 66% with crunch. It had to have been SD lucario.
  6. The World Cup of Pokemon IV - Representation Thread

    I edited my previous post, then realized it probably wouldn't be seen >_<: I'm adding a second choice team of U.S. South (I just realized I'm from Georgia =P)
  7. The World Cup of Pokemon IV - Representation Thread

    Shoddy username: Druggedfox IRC: N/A Team: U.S. East Second Choice: U.S. South I'm not too well known on the forums, but quite a few players on the U.S. East team know my ability to play.
  8. This team revolves around choices.

    Yeah, I tested Vaporeon and it works great, haven't had the opportunity to try rotom. I recommend someone test it, this team is legit. I went like 10-1 or 10-2 (can't remember) but I clearly remember a match losing to hax. This is with no idea of how the team would work at all, so after getting...
  9. This team revolves around choices.

    Hey man, I like the team, and it works together well. I would agree with MoP in every respect in this case, both DDers can cause a lot of trouble, imagine if they're both on the same team. I don't see anything wrong with testing vaporeon, but at worst if that doesn't work you could always go...
  10. Hand Drawn Pokemon

    Haha nice pic. I love the whole face, mouth and eyes =D Those are definitely the highlight qualities. Keep drawing ;)
  11. Strategic Synergy

    Haha wow, anything I woulda said has been fixed. I do have to say that if you're going to be using moltres like that, I'd recommend a bit more speed. While it does beat jolly ttar, it at best ties with everything else that barely attempts to beat it (such as the celebi you mentioned). Running...
  12. The Exclusion Tournament Final [Three Way Tie]

    Haha, if that's what you guys want to do, that's kewl... doesn't particularly matter who wins... either way we all won once. Congrats OGBallin and ipl on gj done, Thanks for hosting tourney Arin, it was a great idea =]