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  1. voidzone

    Gen 3 Riding the (T)Wave - Adv Double Battle RMT

    Hiho everyone, At the moment, I'm trying to put together a 3.Gen Double Battle Team for a local tournament. Since I'm not very into this mode I need a quite bit of your help. The core idea of this team is to spread paralysis, while counteracting my opponent's strategie with moves like imprison...
  2. voidzone

    Sand, leaves and the mammoth

    Hiho everyone, The team's creation process To be honest this team was basically inspired by another strong and simply great team on this site - Team Hawaiian Air After a bunch of rather unsuccessful and non-fluent team-ideas I tested...
  3. voidzone

    my Sand-Based HO Team

    This team started as a heavy offensive Team with Sandstorm support about 6-7 weeks ago. The original team has its moments in the sun, but did not work too well for me, so I changed a thing or two, tested, changed, tested until I came with this. I really liked the idea, since most sand-based...
  4. voidzone

    Midnight at UU - a Pokemon-Ghost story

    Hiho everyone, at first I came up with the idea of building a monotype team, or to be more precise a ghost team. I have to admit this might be a rather unusual choice for a mono team, simply because of the small selection of ghosts compared to other types and the relative low diversity of the...