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    I can't access on ie or mozilla, i tried the opendns server and it's still not letting me even get to the site, i don't have any filter on my laptop either. Whenever i type in the adress in the title shows up, and it is done downloading and it's just a...
  2. Can't access or connect to any servers

    OK, so first off, what is smogon's server info, secondly, I've tried Chrome, Mozilla, and IE, and none of them let me access, i get redirected to random coupon sites, or a googlesearch telling me something about btcar virus or something. What in the world is this. If it...
  3. SpecsMence or SpecsLatias

    OK, well, i asked this in the simple Q&A thread, but no one responded, so..... Which one is better to build a team around. SpecsMence or SpecsLatias Here are my pros and cons for each Salamence: Pros- 1. Has much more surprise value, which can easily mean a pokemon w/ something as powerful...