Smogon Forums

Sir Slaking
Sir Slaking
I'm currently at pacific standard time at the moment. We basically have a 12 hour timezone difference. Can we do 9 am my time tomorrow?
So Noisy
I'm not sure what tomorrow is , I can't do that if it's Tuesday, I can try that time on Wednesday
Sir Slaking
Sir Slaking
Ok. At this time it's about 15 before 1 AM for me, 8 hours from that is 9 am. So lets say in 32 hours from this comment?
So Noisy
sure but can you do it like 30 mins earlier
Sir Slaking
Sir Slaking
I'm online
Sir Slaking
Sir Slaking
Under the name Sir Slaking
So Noisy
Sorry I couldn't make it because of power cuts. Same time Thursday?
Sir Slaking
Sir Slaking
Can't do thursday, can do Friday.