Recent content by zeekybookydoog

  1. Ayup. I'm such an old fart, aren't I?

    Ayup. I'm such an old fart, aren't I?
  2. Smogon Forum Suggestions and Feedback

    Okay, I'm not sure if this is the right topic to be asking in about technical issues with the site, but I can't view on any of the individual entries in the strategydex. I click on, say Serperior in the OU section and all that shows up is a loading graphic. Why the unnecessary...
  3. Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer MK IV: Read the FAQ in the Opening Post

    Alright, so the truth is that every legendary i fainted or fled will respawn after the elite four. They can have a different Nature and IVs if I faint them. In the case of Reshiram/Zekrom, they can be fainted the first time you fight them, then beat the elite four and they respawn at...
  4. Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer MK IV: Read the FAQ in the Opening Post

    So, I get two completely different answers to my questions? Is there an expert on this that can clear things up for me?
  5. Ask a Simple Question, Get a Simple Answer MK IV: Read the FAQ in the Opening Post

    Hello. I understand that in B/W the Legendaries respawn if you faint them and then beat the elite four. I have questions about a few minor details. 1) Does this only apply the first time I beat the elite four? 2) Can the respawned Legendaries have a different Nature/IVs? 3) If the answer to 2)...