Recent content by phoenix1337

  1. Saol Farm: Shadow, Sanjay, and Soleil [Closed]

    I'm very interested in the female spitback of Cyndaquill, please. The Magikarp is female and is at level 1. My IGN is Laura and the magikarp is german, thank you.
  2. Thank you very much!

    Thank you very much!
  3. Saol Farm: Shadow, Sanjay, and Soleil [Closed]

    Oh, I'm sorry. So a another try. The Magikarp is level 12, female and has the name 'Karpador'. I would be pleased about a dream ball Murkrow, thank you.
  4. Saol Farm: Shadow, Sanjay, and Soleil [Closed]

    I would be interested of one female spitback of Murkrow. When you are online I would put a magikarp to the GTS. My IGN is Laura.
  5. Thanks for the trade. :)

    Thanks for the trade. :)
  6. FC: 0001-3785-3891 IGN: Laura

    FC: 0001-3785-3891 IGN: Laura
  7. Spearow is ready.

    Spearow is ready.
  8. A Wild & Hard Metapod Appears!!! Be Prepared For ORAS With New Shiny Megas: Post# 1377!!!

    Yeah, I can breed this for you.^^ When I'm ready you PM you or so.
  9. A Wild & Hard Metapod Appears!!! Be Prepared For ORAS With New Shiny Megas: Post# 1377!!!

    Hey evan0913, I'm interested in a female Net Ball Tirtouga and a female Dream Ball Gible with Rough Skin, IV's and Nature doesn't matter. I can offer you female Dream Ball Tentacool, Dream Ball Sableye, Fast Ball Pichu, Dream Ball Chansey, Electabuzz in Fast or Level Ball and a Heavy Ball...
  10. I can RNG you the Misdreavus and Chinchou with the move tutors. The last one I would capture...

    I can RNG you the Misdreavus and Chinchou with the move tutors. The last one I would capture, because Chinchou lern hydro pump at level 45 and it isn`t a egg move. I'm interestet in the shiny HP Fire Froakie. Ah, I forgot something Misdreavus can I breed (RNG) in shiny if you want?
  11. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 41 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    I can breed/ capture Misdreavus und Chinchou with the move tutor in Gen 5.
  12. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 41 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Also I can RNG Dittos in the 5. Generation.
  13. Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 41 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    Looking for a female Tirtouga with HA in Net or Dive Ball, I know that to breed is horror. I can offer RNG breeding in Gen 5 with tutor moves and some Aprico or Dream Ball Pokémon.
  14. Thanks for the trade. It is possible that they have some IV's, because I breed was flawless Dittos.

    Thanks for the trade. It is possible that they have some IV's, because I breed was flawless Dittos.
  15. Yes.
