Recent content by Mincera31

  1. Mincera31

    Tournament Monocolor Kickoff Tournament- Round 4 (Replays REQUIRED!) i lost 1-0 i lost 5-0
  2. Mincera31

    ok send chall on dawn

    ok send chall on dawn
  3. Mincera31

    i am on, just msg me here whenever u r ready i'll be on dawn as Mincera31

    i am on, just msg me here whenever u r ready i'll be on dawn as Mincera31
  4. Mincera31

    yea, should be fine by me

    yea, should be fine by me
  5. Mincera31

    oh, sry abt this i just realised i hv something on friday so cant play that day can we shift it...

    oh, sry abt this i just realised i hv something on friday so cant play that day can we shift it to weekends, or maybe.... thrusday....?
  6. Mincera31

    sry cant, i can try like 11pm +5:30 so.. abt around this time on friday, i should be free then

    sry cant, i can try like 11pm +5:30 so.. abt around this time on friday, i should be free then
  7. Mincera31

    ok i should be free on weekends how abt around 3-4pm +5:30

    ok i should be free on weekends how abt around 3-4pm +5:30
  8. Mincera31

    Tournament Monocolor Kickoff Tournament- Round 3 (Replays REQUIRED!)

    game 1 i won 4-3 game 2 i won 3-0
  9. Mincera31

    cant find u

    cant find u
  10. Mincera31

    ok, give me 5 mins ill be on btw on showdown or dawn?

    ok, give me 5 mins ill be on btw on showdown or dawn?
  11. Mincera31

    can u make 3-4pm? i might not be available at 5pm

    can u make 3-4pm? i might not be available at 5pm
  12. Mincera31

    hi i am GMT+5:30 when should we be able to play, i should be free on the weekends

    hi i am GMT+5:30 when should we be able to play, i should be free on the weekends
  13. Mincera31

    Tournament Monocolor Kickoff Tournament- Round 2 (Replays REQUIRED!)

    Game 1 i lost 5-0 Game 2 i won 5-1 Game 3...
  14. Mincera31

    yea i am free atm send me a chall on ps my ign is Mincera31

    yea i am free atm send me a chall on ps my ign is Mincera31
  15. Mincera31

    ok fine with me

    ok fine with me