Recent content by Calvie

  1. 3rd Gen no-tier team

    Hey guys, as this is one of my first teams I have put a lot of effort into, all constructive criticism is awesome in my eyes. Please, point out as much as you need to :D And sorry for not having any nice images to go with the team, I am using my iPod Touch to post this. EDIT: just going to...
  2. How to clone Pokemon in Emerald version

    Thanks a ton! I'm so glad this works, I spent 9 hours abusing the RNG on it to get a 31/31/31/31/29/30 IV spread on a Rayquaza. And now I can clone it! Woooooo!
  3. Newbie Introduction Thread

    Hey there.. This is my first post, and my first thread, and for good reason... I feel a little bit lost here! My suggestion is a thread that is there for the sole purpose of letting new people to the forums introduce themselves, and maybe for people to welcome them, point them to a few good...