Recent content by AdventurerSamuel

  1. AdventurerSamuel

    Yeah I'm down. I'll go online now. It's Adventurersamuel on ps

    Yeah I'm down. I'll go online now. It's Adventurersamuel on ps
  2. AdventurerSamuel

    Yes. Name a time that works for you and I can probably meet that. I'm USA Eastern Standard

    Yes. Name a time that works for you and I can probably meet that. I'm USA Eastern Standard
  3. AdventurerSamuel

    No worries. And thanks.

    No worries. And thanks.
  4. AdventurerSamuel

    The LC Open VI - Round 1

    Hey there. My opponent, Lugia Proto, has been inactive for a week and a half since i contacted him. Here's the page to check:
  5. AdventurerSamuel

    Hey there. I'm your opponent for the lc open. I'm good to battle mostly any time this week...

    Hey there. I'm your opponent for the lc open. I'm good to battle mostly any time this week besides today. Let me know what time/day works for you. I LOOK FORWARD TO OUR BATTLE!